August 6, 2015

Dear Students and Parents:

Welcome to my 8thgrade ELA class! This year will befantastic!As you complete your last year of junior high school, you will be presented many opportunities that will both challenge and prepare you for high school and beyond. I am excited to be a part of the team that will get you ready for whatever future adventures your life may hold.What do you really want to do in life?Now is the time to consider the possibilities.What you do today matters and will shape the choices you have tomorrow.

Our work in this class will be rigorous and rewarding, and yes, we will even have fun!Success in this classroom is attainable forALLstudents, and I pledge to do whatever it takes to ensure you are given the opportunity to attain academic success.I also promise that I will not ask you to do anything that you are not capable of doing.

My number one goal is your child's success.If we work together, we can make a significant difference in their ability to understand and apply language arts skills.Gaining useful English Language Arts skills will yield genuine self-esteem in your child and build confidence for high achievement in his or her future endeavors. I have heard it said that knowledge is power, but without the ability to clearly communicate, all the knowledge in the world is useless.Using language effectively to communicate while speaking, writing, reading, and listening is real power and what we will strive towards this year.

I believe students who attain a high level of skill in the areas of reading and writing are successful with all curriculum and gain confidence to tenaciously pursue their dreams!

We will follow the 8thgrade Common Core State Standards for college and career readiness. All school and district policies will be followedin my classroom. I have attached my assertive discipline plan for your review. I believe in positive behavior support; furthermore, I facilitate an uplifting, promising environment that is conducive to learning in the classroom.

Your involvement in our class is appreciated and encouraged.Feel free to call, email, or schedule a meeting with me at any time.I look forward to getting to know you and your child throughout the remainder of the year.


Stacey Butera

8th Grade ELA Teacher

Biloxi Junior High School