Information Visualization
Demos and tools (updated May-11, 2009)
Lifelines / Maryland, Web Applet / Uses individual timelines to display medical conditions or legal cases.Fisheye Menus / Maryland, Web Applet[ 1] / An Example of Focus + Context display.
Piccolo (formerly known as Jazz (Pad++ descendent)/ Originally in Maryland, Web Applets / Infinitely zoomable 2-D surface. The site contains many tools, such as:
- Fisheye Calendar
- Graph Editor
- Presentation Tool
Bifocal display / Maryland / Uses the concept of focus+context.
Visible Human Explorer / Maryland, Unix executable / Assists in browsing and retrieving images from the visible human.Visible Human Project / The National Library of Medicine (NLM) / Visualizing images of human body in 3-D space.
See also and
XmdvTool / A public-domain software package / For the interactive visual exploration of multivariate data setsStar Coordinates / IBM Almaden, Java Application / Projecting Star Co-ordinates as points in a projection plane with radial axes.
Table Lens (Eureka) / Inxight, PC executable +
web applet / Supports visualizing an entire data table as well as zooming in on specific items
Excentric Labels / Maryland, Web Applet / A dynamic technique to label a neighborhood of objects located around the cursor.
GapMinder / Free-to-use, Java app / Maps data to visual attributes (in one window and in two axis)
SpotFire / Commercial app / Maps data to visual attributes (in two axis, in one or more windows)
Hyperbolic Tree (Star Tree) / Inxight, Web Applet / Distorts a large tree layout with a hyperbolic transformation.WebTOC / Maryland, Web Applet / Visualizes Web sites by occupying the frame to the left of the home page it represents.
Non-commercial demo
Download / Maryland / Visualizes hierarchical data using slice-n-dice.
Map of the Market /, Web Applet / Visualizes Consumer Market using treemap hierarchical structure.
Spring Graph Layout / SUN, Web Applet / Automated graph layoutKartOO / KARTOO S.a., France / Meta search engine which presents its results on a map, see also => search e.g. visualization
ISVIS / Jyväskylä, Huotari’s research prototype / Visualizes connections between UML use cases, class diagrams, and sequence diagrams
Visual Thesaurus / ThinkMap, Web Applet / An exploration of term relationships within six languages.
Document Collections: / Web Applet / Lays out documents like a geographic map.TileBars / Berkeley, Web Applet / Visualizes search terms in documents as the result of a search.
Win3D / ClockWise, PC executable / 3D desktop workspace
Websom / Web app / Shows a large collection of text files or email messages as a self-organized map (SOM, based on Kohonen’s research)
Other tools and links
for sharing bookmarks and using other persons' links (vis. etc.)
=> search jouni.huotari and you'll get many links related to IV, DB, etc.
=> visualizes how much your web site has been visited
Understanding Social Media: Accelerating Social Participation:
Links to teaching materials
OER = Open Educational Material, CC = Creative Commons
sdt.sulinet.humerlot, icoper, cosmos, aspect, copendia, ariadne
[ 1]To try the Fisheye Menu demonstration applet, you must install the Java 2 plugin. It is available for free from Sun. The Java 2 plug-in gets automatically installed when you install Java 2, and will allow your existing web browser (IE, Netscape, and others) to work with Java 2. Fisheye Menus work best with version JDK 1.3.