Beresford City Council
December 30, 2013
The Beresford City Council met in special session in the City Library Community Room on December 30, 2013 at 6:30 p.m.
Members present: Mayor Jim Fedderson presiding, Gerald Dahlin, Troy Doeden, Tom Erickson, Gary Lambert and Art Schott.
Also present: Kathy Moller, Finance Officer, Jerry Zeimetz, City Administrator, and Tom Frieberg, City Attorney.
Absent: Dan Williams.
Adopt Agenda: A motion to adopt the agenda was made by Dahlin, second by Lambert, motion carried.
Old Business
Benefits for 80% employee: The Policy & Procedure Committee was unable to meet and discuss the benefits for an 80% employee. Attorney Frieberg created a part time employee benefit policy for Council to review. Doeden asked to define a full-time employee and part-time employee. He would like to see the position qualify for the benefits instead of the number of hours worked. Moller explained the history of the 80% employee. It was questioned whether the employee could be added to the City’s insurance after December 31, 2013. Attorney Frieberg stressed that the Policy & Procedure Committee needs to get together to work on this policy. A decision was tabled until the committee can meet.
New Business
Resolution 2013-13 Contingency Funds Transfer: Dahlin made the motion to accept Resolution 2013-13, seconded by Schott. All present Council Members voted aye, motion carried.
SUBJECT: Contingency Fund Transfers to various accounts within the General Fund from the Contingency Fund.
101 Council Department – From 101-4110-45900
TO: City Attorney
101-4150-42203 $5,060.00
TO: Gov’t Buildings
101-4190-43200 $1,470.00
To: Planning & Zoning
101-4650-42209 $2,597.00
101-4650-42704 $1,092.00
Adopted this 30th day of December 2013.
K. James Fedderson, Mayor
Attest: Kathy Moller, Finance Officer
2013 Supplemental Appropriations Ordinance 2013-04, 1st Reading: Ordinance 2013-04, an Ordinance to Supplement FY 2013 Appropriations and declare an emergency was given its first reading and placed on file.
Hire P/T Cleaning Person for Beresford City Hall: Dave Nelson submitted his letter of resignation as the P/T cleaning person at City Hall effective December 31, 2013. Doeden moved to approve hiring Patti Bickett P/T to clean City Hall at $11.03/hr. Dahlin seconded the motion, all present Council Members voted aye, motion carried.
Discussion & Information items
Moller updated the Council on software issues that she has recently come across
Payment of Bills:
A motion was made by Erickson. Seconded by Lambert to approve payment of the bills listed below, motion carried.
Beresford Republic, ad, $30.00; Beresford Senior Citizens, 2013 Subsidy, $1,000.00; Blue Tarp Financial, roof mount radio kit, $208.59;
Brown & Saenger, file cabinet, $1,040.35; Carlson’s Body Shop, tire, $127.00; CCP Industries, clothing, $412.01; CenturyLink, settlement, $86.07; Consortia, consulting, $3,035.38; DAD’s Automotive Repair, repair, $2,292.61; DakotaCare, health insurance, $30,150.06; Data Technologies, on-site training, $1,770.78; Display Sales Company, LED’s, $140.50; Dynamic Business Solutions, on-site service, $245.00; E-Conolight, plat books, $52.80; First Rate Excavate, watermain & sanitary sewer project, $79,323.64;
Frieberg, Nelson & Ask, retainer, $1,050.30; Graham Tire Company, tires, $621.22; Great Plains Fire, repair, $2,372.48; Heavenly Accent by Faith, golf merchandise, $335.00; Heidebrecht, Jeff, clothing allowance, $300.00; Homestead Bldg Supplies, repair, $709.57;
Jensen Agency, Insurance renewal, $78,917.46; Knology, service, $49.45;Michaels Fence & Supply, drive gate, $2,810.00; MicroMarketing, books, $115.44; MidAmerican Energy, natural gas, $3,257.38; MidWest Alarm Company, maintenance contract, $60.00; Muller Auto Parts, tire mount, $1,262.72; Nordquist, Michael J, reimbursement, $300.56; Pedersen Machine, repair, $181.56;
Pitney Bowes, postage meter lease, $554.34; Quill Corporation, headset, $37.99; Sanitation Products, fuel additive, $330.00; SD Department of Health, lab fees, $177.00; SDN Communications, call name, $64.34; SECOG, Pool Saferoom project, $412.50; Sioux Falls Humane Society, animal care fees, $37.50; Toshiba Financial Services, copier lease, $236.99; Truck Towne, fuel, $42.31; Turfwerks, supplies, $1,670.20; USAC, schools & libraries, $3,301.22; Vantage Point, CALEA, $160.00; Variety Foods, catering, $875.04; Verizon Wireless, cell phone service, $1,428.32; Wells Fargo, summer reading, $1,548.95;
WESCO Distribution, repair, $15.95; Zeimetz, Jerry, car allowance, $300.00.
Adjournment: As there was no further business, the meeting adjourned at 7:09p.m. on a motion by Dahlin, second by Schott, motion carried.
Kathy Moller, Finance Officer Recorded by Elaine Johnson
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