Minutes of North Scarle Annual Parish Meeting

25th May 2017 at 7.30pm in the Church Hall


Cllr Mr David Russell (Chairman)

Mr A Walsh

Mr C Dixon

Mrs B Baker

Mr R Honey

Miss J Kitchen (Clerk)

Mrs B Wells District Councillor

13 Parishioners

Mike Thompson County Councillor


Cllr Mrs L Nearns (Vice Chairman)

Cllr Mr D Jennings


The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting

MINUTES OF LAST MEETING – minutes were approved and signed as a correct record


Meadow Lane – David Russell has spoken to the planning officer who has had several visits to the property. There is currently a building being built in the field which is stabling for the horses.

A1133 – No one has reported any increase in traffic through the village.

Cllr L Nearn has not yet spoken to Acorn Recovery about going through the village


School Lane development – The couple who have put the plans in came to the meeting to see why the plans have been objected by the council and parishioners, and to answer any questions. The following points were raised:

·  The size of the building

·  Because the building is 3 storey

·  Not in keeping of the village

·  Position behind the building line

·  Overlooking properties gardens

·  Both neighbours of the property support the planning

·  Wendy Holland at the planning office has confirmed there is no such thing as a building line any more

·  It is no further back than some other properties on the lane.

·  Sue Walsh confirmed that dyke belongs to them not the plot.

·  No drainage to go into the dyke

·  There is a damaged cherry tree at the front of the plot, they have enquired to have the tree removed. The highways at Lincoln have confirmed that they have no issues about having it removed but it must be approved by the Parish Council. Parish Council have no concerns.

·  They have cut the hedge back to clear the path Highways regarding the tree.

·  The building has to be 2ft higher because of flood plain.

Eagle Road 15 houses comments:

·  Main issue is regarding the sewage system

·  Opening to be opposite houses – concerns regarding disturbance with car headlights

·  If the council do not adopt the road then all 15 bins will have to be brought out onto Eagle Road to be collected.

·  Will the developers contribute to develop the sewage pumping station?

·  Reports have said that they are encouraging infill in the villages rather than extending the villages.

·  Housing allocation for the village is 24 houses this development will take it to the limit.

There is questions regarding the hedge/ vine that grows between the bridge at the White Hart Pub and the little bridge half way down as it needs cutting back due to the visual impact when turning out of the bridge. It is believed that the hedge doesn’t belong to anyway but we are unsure who the land belongs to.

There is a monitor for the sewage level at the end of school lane near the pumping station, but the blockages normally occur half way up school lane. It has been put to the council that would we consider approaching Noble Foods to see if they will pay for another monitor to be put in at the other end of school lane. – David Russell to speak to Severn Trent.

There is another problem with dog fouling down school lane – the clerk explained that unfortunately unless we can get names or addresses of the person there is nothing much that can be done.


North Scarle Primary School send their thanks for the donation of the £200 towards the swimming.

Clerk has emailed BT regarding any information on the Telephone Box adoption but had no reply.

All planning applications will be sent via email and not be post in the near future.


Eagle Road – 15 Dwellings REF 17/0444/OUT

After listening to the views of the parishioners in the opening session it was decided that the council will go back with the following comments:

·  There are too many developments all at the same time

·  Sewage problems

·  Will the district council adopt the road


The cheques that have been paid since the last meeting:

BT £41.41

Fennerley £90.35

LALC £195.40

B Bateman £71.35

J Kitchen £240.00

G Worrell £57.60

Methodist Church (Room Rent) £160.00

Methodist Church (Meetings) £75.00

Lincoln Print & Copy £211.87

Community Lincs Ins £425.82

BT £47.24

Anglian Water £14.59

J Kitchen £240.00

B Bateman £70.80

G Worrell £60.00

Methodist Church (grants) £700.00

North Scarle Primary School £200.00

Microsoft Office Package £70.00

Fennerley £134.05

The accounts for 2016/17 have been completed and ready for auditing and welcome for viewing.


The next meeting will be held on 19th July 2017.

There being no other business the chairman closed the meeting at 8.45pm