February 19, 2015

Dear NJSAMS Users,

This letter announces the General Availability of NJSAMS Release, which was released and updated to production yesterday on February 18th, 2015. This release includes Five (5) new features and a number of maintenance fixes/enhancement requests.


(Brian G. Regan)

Assistant Divisional Director (Acting)

Division of Mental Health and Addiction Services

Office of Information Services

Department of Human Services

Room 2-001

222South Warren Street

Trenton, 08625-0700


NJSAMS Release Version2.0.1.0

The Features are:

  1. LOCI-2R History Feature
    - To capture follow-up re-evaluation for a client within LOC by conducting multiple LOCI and able to retrieve complete reports of all re-evaluations.
    Previously there was no Re-evaluation button on the LOCI start Page:-

    Now it has been added to do multiple evaluation LOCI:-

    All Evaluation and Re-evaluations for a client within the episode is identified by the system created ID when the user enters DASIE called “IEAPPID” and each Evaluation and Re-evaluation has a system created “LOCIID”. IEAPPID is stored in the tables “tblClientDemo”, “tblClient”, “LOCIintro”, “LOCIp1” and “LOCIp2”. LOCIID is stored in the tables, “LOCIintro”, “LOCIp1” and “LOCIp2”.

If the client has multiple LOCI you can get the reports by clicking on the report.

LOCI Re-evaluation can be done multiple times before the client’s admission. The recommended LOC from LOCI will go to admission if the user continues admission from that LOCI evaluation.

Transparent Data Encryption (TDE)
- Implement full compliance with HIPAA regulations (CFR164.312.iv), data encryption at rest and in transit. Previous release only encrypted while in transit.
Data is encrypted while at rest. Please see before and after screenshots. Before encryption, the data at rest you can see “Dvante Murphy” but after Encryption at rest no one including system administrator cannot find “Dvante Murphy” on the server.

  1. Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS) – DMHAS only
    - Generate admission and discharge export flat file to report/upload to SAMHSA. This is DMHAS providing client’s data without any client’s confidentiality data to Federal Government by specific time frame regularly. This feature is built-in the new NJSAMS only for DMHAS assigned user only.
    The flat file looks like this:-
  1. Provider Management Feature (PMF) – DMHAS only
    - Provider Information to add, remove and edit for maintaining providers and sites by NJSAMS Team. This is only Provider Management internally at DMHAS. Add/Remove/Edit/Update will directly go to the tables in NJSAMS to “tblProvider” and “tblSite”, The information collects in the tables are mostly information below:-
  1. Hospital User Role Feature (HURF) – DMHAS mental health hospitals only
    - Able to do assessment (ASI) and evaluation (LOCI) by mental health hospitals of DHMAS to refer to substance abuse treatment agencies, if client needs treatment, in NJSAMS

Additionally, the following maintenance fixes and minor enhancements have been resolved:

  1. Summary of Benefit
    - Fixing calculation of Summary of Benefit for Initiatives which was given incorrect remaining unit of services. Summary of Benefit is now displaying real time unit of services correctly for all Initiatives.
  2. Alert Message at the time of DASIE
    - As per Clinical Work Group Recommendation, alert message should display at the time of DASIE if the client is active in another agency. Alert message for notification purpose in added at the end of Demographic information in DASIE when save.
  3. MClientID Issue
    - The correction is done for the issue presented by Clinical Work Group, the MClientID was not save at the firsttime save. MClientID text box for methadone Programs in admission is now save at the first time entry.
  4. IDRC Monthly Attendance Report link display
    - Request made by IDP for IDRC Monthly Attendance Report link should visible regardless of Referral Clients listed or not. IDRC Monthly Attendance Report button is shown under IDRC referral regardless of referral clients are there or not.
  5. Admission Report to IDRC County displays blank
    - Request made by IDRC County for admission report receiving from affiliation agencies with no data. This issue has now been fixed and IDRC County sees the client’s admission report with data.
  6. Name alphabetically order as default display
    - Request made by Clinical Work Group, name alphabetically order as default to all type of referral clients in NJSAMS. Name default ascending order has now been in placed.
  7. Tobacco question consistency check
    - Adding consistency check for the question of "Does client currently use any tobacco products?" for Yes or No response, if “Yes” tobacco names list and “No” to skip and related consistencies.
  8. Pregnancy past 12 month question is only visible to Female
    - Consistency check is added to the question “Did the client give birth in the past 12 months?” only visible to Female and dim to male and transgender.