PNEngineering College
See Distribution:15April2015
A.NUST Regulations Part-II.
B.NUST letter 0972/A101/Policy/Acad dated 07 January 2014.
C.NUST Academic Schedule 2014-15.
1.General.Summer Semester-2015 for all UG classes except PN student officers of GL (ME/WE) 2010-A & B and BS (MIS) 2012-A & B classes will be held from 22 June to 13 August 2015 (08 Wks). The semester will be considered at par with normal semester and will be conducted i.a.w. NUST Regulations and NUST latest policies in vogue.
2.Course Load.As per NUST policy, UG students can improve 05 courses in total BE degree programme during summer semesters. Total workload cannot exceed 06 Cr Hrs/ summer semester.
3.Courses Offered.Deans will be responsible to offer proper guidance and counseling to students in choosing various subjects for Summer Semester and also for availability of instructors /lab staff for the courses offered. Furthermore, HOUGPs are to ensure that only one instructor shall register students for a course having same code and title. The overall teaching load (Theory + Practicals) should not increase more than 06 Cr Hrs. Also, no course will be offered unless 05 or more students register for the course.
4.Procedure for Enrolment.Following procedure along with completion dates are to be ensured for registration of students and conduct of summer semester 2015:
- HOCSDis to upload prescribed application form(as per attached format) for Service & Civilians student who intend to apply for Summer Semester on PNEC Website by 24 April 2015.
Action: HOCSD
b.Deans will notify the list of courses / subjects to be offered in summer semester alongwith the name of faculty member teaching the subject / course through a Memo to all Deans / HoDs for information and forward a copy of the same to HOCSD for uploading on PNEC websiteby 28April 2015. Moreover, said list is to be displayed prominently on the College Notice Board.
Action: Deans/HOCSD
c.Students will submit duly completed application form along with paid copy of fee voucher in Registrar Office by 25 May 2015. No forms will be entertained after the due date.
Action: Students/Registrar
d.Registrar will forward the final list of students(as per attached format) along with relevant details to Training Commander/TCO and SONA/CSAby 29 May 2015for information and necessary action.
Action: Registrar
e.Deans will forward Programme Coordination Data for Summer Semester to the Training Office by 29 May 2015. Training Commander will issue necessary instructions in this regard.
Action: Deans/ Trg Cdr
f.TCO will prepare the training programme for the summer semester in consultation with HOUGPs and promulgate the sameafter approval from the undersigned by 12 June 2015.
Action: TCO
g.Students (Service, Allied and Civilian) will be required to pay summer semester fee as per policy. In case, if certain courses were not offered, the fee will be refunded.
Action: Students
h.SONA/CSA office will issue the fee vouchers to the students. The fee will be deposited in NUST A/c.
Action: SONA/CSA
j.Student who secure ‘F’ grade in Spring Semester Final Examination may repeat failed courses in subsequent Fall Semester or next Summer Semester.
Action: Students
k.Deans are to forward duly signed TVF proforma (as per attached format) of their concerned faculty to Dean Applied Sciences well in time for onward submission to Main NUST Officer for remuneration. Deans will also arrange Departmental Board of Studies meeting within one week of final exams. Action: Deans
l.Instructors will forward final grading to Controller of Exams by 5th day after last paper of final examination.
Action: Instructors
m.Controller of Exams Controller of Examinations will get the results approved by Faculty Board of Studies (FBS) and submit them to HQs NUST for notification. These results, however, will not affect, by any means, the results and disposal of academically deficient students based on the semester terminated just before Summer Semester.
Action: Controller of Exams
5.Withdrawal of Candidature and Refund of Dues.A student will be allowed to withdraw his / her candidature by 20 June 2015 and claim refund of dues, if any,in accordance with NUST policy in vogue.
Distribution:Deputy Commandant
Commandant – for info
Deans, Captain Training, Trg Cdr,SONA, HOCSD,
Registrar,Controller of Exams,JOTO,TCO, CSA
All Concerned, Notice Boards