Your name: ______

IMPORTANT: The Day 1 Activities began with Introductory Questions. Even if you choose not to do any of the activities from Day 1, you must still answer those questions and submit the Day 1 form.

Day 5 Activities begin on the next page.

#1: NEW MUSIC VIDEO: Seis Veces Al Día

Did you watch it? Yes or no.

Value: 1 raffle ticket

#2:OPINION: New Materials

Of all the new materials that were released during Wooly Week (Feo, Ganga Girls Invasion, Encerrada en la Escuela, Me Duele 2, Embedded Readings, Seis Veces Al Día, Casa de La Dentista Nuggets), which one(s) do you value the most? What do you want to see more of? Why? Please write your response below. We very much value your feedback.

Value: 2 raffle tickets

#3:Class Singalong

Record your class singing a few lines fromtheir favorite Sr. Wooly song. It doesn’t have to be a new song. Then, upload the video to YouTube as an unlisted video. List the link in the space below. If you submit this video, you are guaranteed to receive 3 raffle tickets. However, the class that sends in the most over-the-top, bonkers, and enthusiastic video, will win additional 10 raffle tickets for their teacher. BE WARNED, HOWEVER: If the students don’t know the lyrics, it doesn’t matter how enthusiastic or crazy they are.

NOTE: If you aren’t permitted to record your students, maybe they can hold books or binders in front of their face? In any case, none of these videos will be shared.

List YouTube link here:

#4:The Big Audition

The band Los Feos needs a new band member. However, they can’t quite put their finger on what the band needs. Maybe a keyboardist? A backup vocalist? A second guitarist? Bongo drums? Cowbell?!
That’s why they’re requesting video auditions from you. Here’s what you need to do:

A)Choose any Sr. Wooly song, old or new.

B)Choose your musical instrument (voice, guitar, piano, drums, forks and spoons, etc).

C)Have someone record your 10 to 20 second audition in which you sing or play part of that song (in any arrangement you want). Feel free to perform with or without the karaoke track as backup.

D)Upload the video to YouTube as an unlisted video. Again, this video will not be shared with anyone. Though if you want to post it on the Facebook group Woology, I think that would be a lot of fun.

Value: 6 raffle tickets

List YouTube link here:


Sr. Wooly RaffleDay 5 Entry Form