Contexte New User Account Request Form
This request form is intended for use by Authorized Requestors Only. If the requested setup is identical for multiple users, a single form may be submitted. If the request is not identical, separate forms are required for each user. Note: If this request is for access to another court’s data , two levels of approval are required (requesting department and authorizing department).
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Top of Form
Employee Information:
First Name / Middle Name / Last Name / Email / Phone / Court/LocationActivate:
Is this a new Contexte user? /Is this employee replacing an existing user? /
If ‘Yes’, should the existing user be deactivated in Contexte? /
If ‘Yes’, go to Deactivate section below.
Is this employee transferring from another judicial department? /
If ‘Yes’, should the employee be deactivated in Contexte for the previous department? /
If ‘Yes’, go to Deactivate section below.
***Every Contexte user must be setup like an existing Contexte user***
Full Name of the existing user (First name, MI, Last Name)
Contexte User ID of existing user
Should the employee be setup for ACCOUNTING? /
Should the employee be setup to print receipts or reports from Contexte? /
If Yes, provide the printer name(s).
Should the employee be setup to run reports in CZARPTS? /
Should the employee be setup for Case/Person Summary/CTRFLAG? /
First Name / Middle Name / Last Name / Contexte ID / Court/LocationJudicial Support Team will provide the requestor with a list identifying access for the “setup like this employee” so that access can be confirmed by the requestor.
Authorized Requestor Information:
Printed Name / Title / Court / Location / DateRev: 02/02/2015-bh