April 2012 Newsletter
Date for your diary -
Our next Platform meeting will be on 19th June in Derbyshire and is kindly being hosted by Derbyshire Community Health Services NHS Trust. Please put the date in your diary and I will confirm the venue shortly, and send the agenda out in early June. We hope to have a number of new members joining us and an interesting and lively programme.
We are pleased to announce that we have arranged a meeting with Glenis Wilmott East Midlands MEP and Labour group leader in the European Parliament. Glenis has a keen interest in public health, has campaigned on issues such as food labelling and sits on the EU Environment, Public Health and Food Safety Committee. The meeting has been arranged for the afternoon 29th June and Glenis requested the opportunity to hold the meeting in Derbyshire and we are making arrangements to work around the torch relay that will also be happening on that day. Glenis is keen to hear about the Platform and what we are trying to achieve and to meet some Platform members and chat with you about what you are doing. If you are interested in attending please let me know.
Healthier Takeaways
Lincolnshire have developed a successful programme to support businesses to supply healthier food and focussed their work with Indian Restaurants where they helped 30 to reformulate their food and as part of this have produced a guide for Indian restaurants to improve the healthiness of the foods they serve. For more information go to: http://www.healthiertakeaways.co.uk/
National Walking Month - Great British Walking Challenge – being organised by Living Streets. For more information go to http://www.livingstreets.org.uk/our-projects/national_walking_month/ As part of the month they are also focussing on getting people to walk to work:
Walk to Work Week 2012 14 -18 May 2012
Living Streets has launched its fourth national Walk to Work Week challenge. This May, they will be encouraging people across the UK to leave their cars at home and taking to their feet by joining their Great British Walking Challenge. Last year, over 8,000 people took part and discovered the benefits of walking. To learn more about how you can join, and access free resources and planning tools to help you involve your workforce:
visit http://www.livingstreets.org.uk/our-projects/walking-works/walk_to_work_week/
Quick reminder - Workplace Challenge: Business Games closing date for entering team to participate in the Games is 5th May. Businesses from across Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland are invited to attend Loughborough University on Saturday 12th May 2012 to take part in a range of team sports and a series of fun sporting challenges over a one day event. For more information: http://www.workplacechallenge.org.uk/business-games
Eco Works–working with employers and businesses.
Ecoworks Employee Veg Bag Scheme – Eco Works are interested in linking with Nottingham based employers to offer staff the opportunity to access a regular, fresh veg bag in the workplace. Through this scheme, they sign people up, do all the admin, take payments directly, monitor customer satisfaction and refresh workplace promotions as well as providing a 10% discount for employees. For more information ring 0115 962 2200 or email
Do you have a car park or other outside space that could be used more creatively and effectively? If so Eco Works also offer Greenspace Design across the region to help achieve beautiful, inspiring, low energy spaces , and transform areas into pleasant and welcoming areas. For more information contact John Macdonald on 07858 505185 or 0115 9622200 or email Eco Works also hope to be at the next Platform meeting, so catch them there.
Using the Change for Life Logo
I just wanted to make you all aware about using the Change for Life Logo as several people have indicated they were unsure if they could use it for their promotions. The Department of Health confirmed that:
All NHS organisations are both permitted and encouraged to use the Change4Life logo in association with their healthy lifestyles interventions/programmes (except smoking where Smokefree logo should be used instead). However, the DoH strongly urge all NHS organisations to sign up as local supporters if they haven't done so. Signing up as a local supporter gives access to the logos, fonts, campaign updates, downloads, and case studies. To sign up, go to: http://www.nhs.uk/Change4Life/Supporters-Registration/Pages/Registration.aspx
For none NHS organisations:
Change4Life also works with national partners, including commercial brands, government departments and NGOs, to reach far more people. If you are commercial organisation and would like to make use of Change4Life brand, please sign up as a national supporter. To sign up, go to: http://www.nhs.uk/Change4Life/Pages/national-partner-registration.aspx
If you have general questions about signing up as a local supporter or partner, you can email
Games4Life aims to make England the most active Olympic host nation ever. Use this as an opportunity to promote and encourage people you work with to get moving every day - 60 active minutes daily for children and 150 active minutes weekly for adults. A wide range of resources are available, such as adventure packs, stickers, medals, summer recipes, posters and fun wheels available to order from: https://supporter.change4life.co.uk/
I do hope you all have a lovely bank holiday next week. I will be sending out another short newsletter at the end of the month, so if you have something you wish to share with other members please let me know by 25th May so I can include details.
Trish Crowson,Platform Director , Platform for Health & Wellbeing, www.regionalplatform.org.uk