Database: Ovid MEDLINE(R) 1946 - present

Search Strategy:


1 exp Vitamin D/ or vitamin

2 25-hydroxyvitamin [mp=title, abstract, original title, name of substance word, subject heading word, keyword heading word, protocol supplementary concept word, rare disease supplementary concept word, unique identifier, synonyms]

3 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin [mp=title, abstract, original title, name of substance word, subject heading word, keyword heading word, protocol supplementary concept word, rare disease supplementary concept word, unique identifier, synonyms]

4 Vitamin [mp=title, abstract, original title, name of substance word, subject heading word, keyword heading word, protocol supplementary concept word, rare disease supplementary concept word, unique identifier, synonyms]

5 Vitamin [mp=title, abstract, original title, name of substance word, subject heading word, keyword heading word, protocol supplementary concept word, rare disease supplementary concept word, unique identifier, synonyms]

6 [mp=title, abstract, original title, name of substance word, subject heading word, keyword heading word, protocol supplementary concept word, rare disease supplementary concept word, unique identifier, synonyms]

7 [mp=title, abstract, original title, name of substance word, subject heading word, keyword heading word, protocol supplementary concept word, rare disease supplementary concept word, unique identifier, synonyms]

8 [mp=title, abstract, original title, name of substance word, subject heading word, keyword heading word, protocol supplementary concept word, rare disease supplementary concept word, unique identifier, synonyms]

9 [mp=title, abstract, original title, name of substance word, subject heading word, keyword heading word, protocol supplementary concept word, rare disease supplementary concept word, unique identifier, synonyms]

10 [mp=title, abstract, original title, name of substance word, subject heading word, keyword heading word, protocol supplementary concept word, rare disease supplementary concept word, unique identifier, synonyms]

11 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 or 6 or 7 or 8 or 9 or 10

12 or exp Fibromyalgia/

13 myofascial


15 fibromyalgia

16 exp Chronic Pain/

17 chronic pain

18 chronic widespread

19 widespread

20 12 or 13 or 14 or 15 or 16 or 17 or 18 or 19

21 11 and 20


#26 #15 AND #25

#25 #16 OR #17 OR #18 OR #19 OR #20 OR #21 OR #22 OR #23 OR #24

#24 'chronic pain syndrome'/exp OR 'chronic pain syndrome'

#23 'chronic pain'/exp OR 'chronic pain'

#22 'widespread pain'/exp OR 'widespread pain'

#21 'chronic widespread pain'/exp OR 'chronic widespread pain'

#20 'fibromyalgia syndrome'/exp

#19 'fibrositis'/de

#18 'myofascial pain'/exp

#17'myofascial pain'

#16 'fibromyalgia'/exp OR 'fibromyalgia'

#15 #1 OR #2 OR #3 OR #4 OR #5 OR #6 OR #7 OR #8 OR #9 OR #10 OR #11 OR #12 OR #13 OR #14

#14 'calcifediol'/exp OR 'calcifediol'

#13 'calcidiol'/exp OR 'calcidiol'

#12 'cholecalciferol'/de

#11 'ergocalciferol'/exp OR 'ergocalciferol'

#10 '1,25 dihydroxyvitamin' AND d

#9 '25 hydroxyvitamin' AND d

#8 'vitamin'/de AND d3

#7 'cholecalciferol'/exp OR 'cholecalciferol'

#6 'vitamin'/de AND d2

#5 'ergocalciferol'/exp OR 'ergocalciferol'

#4 1 AND 25 AND dihydroxyvitamin AND d

#3 'calcitriol'/exp OR 'calcitriol'

#2 '25 hydroxyvitamin d'/exp OR '25 hydroxyvitamin d'

#1 'vitamin d'/exp OR 'vitamin d'


#1MeSH descriptor: [Vitamin D] explode all trees

#2vitamin d

#325-hydroxyvitamin D

#41,25-dihydroxyvitamin D

#51,25 (OH) (2) D

#625 (OH) D

#7Vitamin D2

#8Vitamin D3






#14#1 or #2 or #3 or #4 or #5 or #6 or #7 or #8 or #9 or #10 or #11 or #12 or #13

#15MeSH descriptor: [Fibromyalgia] explode all trees



#18fibromyalgia syndrome

#19MeSH descriptor: [Chronic Pain] explode all trees

#20chronic pain syndrome

#21chronic widespread pain

#22widespread pain

#23#15 or #16 or #17 or #18 or #19 or #20 or #21 or #22

#24#14 and #23