Movement Madness

Sports Skills Class

Our goal for preschoolers/ kindergartners is to give them the confidence and basic movement and sports skills to be ready for a team sport or just the playground in elementary school. The love of moving and playing sports is what we try and give all children we are lucky enough to teach.

In a Movement Madness Pre-school/kindergartners class we want the kids to learn and feel successful. We provide them with a 1/2 hour to an hour of movement and sport skills. Class always begins with a cardio game where all kids are moving and having fun. Then we move to a sport skill where the kids are learning one or more specific skills as well as taking turns and standing in a short line. Class is always fun with lots of movement.

National Association of Sports/Physical Education recommends that everyday preschoolers should

·  get at least 60 minutes of 'structured physical activity'

·  get at least 60 minutes of 'unstructured physical activity'

·  not be inactive for more than 1 hour at a time ( unless sleeping )

Pre-school/ kindergarten aged kids (3-6) are a great age to start learning the basic skills needed to play sports. These skills which include throwing, catching, kicking, skipping, galloping etc. as well as learning to stand in a line, take turns, follow simple instructions/rules and how to be a good teammate. Starting pre-school kids in organized sports too early provides frustration to not only the kids but parents as well. Learning these basic skills before introducing them to a team sport can provide them with much greater success and less frustration. Sport classes for kids this age should

·  Always be fun

·  Provide fun instruction on basic skills

·  Provide pre-school kids with the sport skills they need to move to team sports

·  Should not be about winning or losing

Class time: Mondays 3:15 to 4:00 Sept. 11th - Dec. 11th

Off: Nov 20th

Cost: $ 160.00

13 Classes

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