Data Analyses SummariesDRAFT
Invasive Species
Which invasive species are the most widespread and abundant?
- Rubus discolor, 1020 acres
- Hedera helix, 718 acres
- Cytisus scoparius, 118 acres
- Ilex aquifolium, 75 acres
- Clematis vitalba, 73 acres
- Convolvulus arvensis, 63 acres
- Prunus laurocerasus, 60 acres
- Phalaris arundinacea, 51 acres
- Polygonum cuspidatum, 25 acres
- Lythrum salicaria, 11 acres
Which habitat types have the most acres of invasive species?
- DeciduousForest, 1160 acres
- Shrubland, 306 acres
- ConiferDeciduousMixedForest, 150 acres
- ConiferForest, 139 acres
- Tree Savannah, 93 acres
- Landscaped Forest, 60 acres
- Palustrine Scrub-Shrub Wetland, 48 acres
- Palustrine Forested Wetland, 41 acres
- DeciduousBroadleafEvergreenMixedForest, 32 acres
- Heavy Development, 26 acres
Which habitat types are most invaded?
- Shrubland, 83% of 306 acres are invaded
- ConiferBroadleafEvergreenMixedForest, 72% of 15 acres are invaded
- Tree Savannah, 66% of 93 acres are invaded
- DeciduousBroadleafEvergreenMixedForest, 62% of 32 acres are invaded
- DeciduousForest, 61% of 1160 acres are invaded
- Palustrine Forested Wetland, 51% of 41 acres are invaded
- Palustrine Scrub-Shrub Wetland, 46% of 48 acres are invaded
- Landscaped Shrubland, 45% of 27 acres are invaded
- ConiferForest, 43% of 139 acres are invaded
- ConiferDeciduousMixedForest, 40% of 150 acres are invaded
Which parks with >5 acres area are >50% invaded?
- SeattlePreparatory School
- Magnolia Greenbelt
- NE Queen Anne Greenbelt
- St. Mark’s Greenbelt
- Me KwaMooksPark
- East DuwamishGreenbelt
- KelloggIsland
- Madrona Greenspace
- SeattleTennisCenter
- SouthPark Greenspace
- Lake Washington Boulevard
- Cheasty Greenspace
- West Seattle Greenspace
- NorthBeach Greenspace
- KinnearPark
- Thornton Creek Greenspace
- InterlakenPark
- MapleSchool Ravine
- LakesideSchool
- SeolaPark
- Burke-Gilman Trail
- Duwamish Head Greenbelt
- MadronaPark
- Longfellow Creek Greenspace
Species Richness
Which parks have the most native species?
- University of Washington, 86 species
- CarkeekPark, 73 species
- DiscoveryPark, 66 species
- Thornton Creek Greenspace, 63 species
- RavennaPark, 60 species
- SchmitzPark, 59 species
- West Duwamish Greenbelt, 59 species
- Burke-Gilman Trail, 57 species
- Jackson Park Golf Course, 56 species
- Lincoln Park, 54 species
Which particular polygons have got the highest number of native species?
- KubotaGardensPark, kugapk_003-01, has 36 species
- SchmitzPark, schmpk_014-00, has 33 species
- CarkeekPark, carpk_056-01, has 32 species
- CarkeekPark, carpk_087-00, has 32 species
- CarkeekParkcarpk_040-01 has 31 species
- Lincoln Park lincpk_041-00 has 30 species
- FauntleroyPark faunpk_023-00 has 28 species
- Duwamish Head Greenbelt duhegs_044-02 has 28 species
- LawtonPark and Playfield lawtpk_ 005-02 has 27 species
- North Beach Greenspace nobegs_001-02 has 27 species
Which habitat type has the greatest number of native species?
- DeciduousForest 92 species
- ConiferDeciduousMixedForest, 80 species
- ConiferForest, 78 species
- Palustrine Forested Wetland, 69 species
- Shrubland, 67 species
- Palustrine scrub-shrub wetland, 69 species
- Landscaped Forest, 64 species
- RiparianForest, 63 species
- Light Development, 59 species
- Landscaped Grassland, 53 species
What is the range of species richness among habitats, within individual polygons?
- A species-rich polygon of DeciduousForesthas 28 native species, while a species-poor polygon of DeciduousForest has 1 native species.
- A species-rich polygon of ConiferDeciduousMixedForesthas 32 native species while a species-poor polygon of ConiferDeciduousMixedForest has 1 native species.
- A species-rich polygon of ConiferForesthas 33 native species while a species-poor polygon of ConiferForest has 1 native species.
Which habitats have the highest native species cover?
- ConiferForest 229% of 323 acres is native cover
- Broadleaf EvergreenForest 181% of 25 acres is native cover
- ConiferBroadleafEvergreenMixedForest 177% of 22 acres is native cover
- ConiferDeciduousMixedForest 172% of 371 acres is native cover
- RiparianForest 162% of 24 acres is native cover
- DeciduousBroadleafEvergreenMixedForest 158% of 51 acres is native cover
- DeciduousForest 158% of 1893 acres is native cover
- Palustrine Forested Wetland 139% of 80 acres is native cover
- Riverine Unconsolidated Substrate 67% of 9 acres is native cover
- Palustrine Emergent Wetland 57% of 44 acres is native cover
C:\Documents and Settings\sunp\My Documents\Matthew's Documents\SUNP Data analysis\Data Analyses Summaries.doc
Created on 5/24/2004 8:19 AM