Arabic Section

Home Assignment Grade -6 English

I. Read and learn the words and meanings selected from Unit-1 and Unit-2:


1. depressions- a shallow hollow in the ground.
2. complicated- difficult.
3. fascinating - interesting.
4. return- go back.
5. damp- wet.
6. delighted – pleased.
7. attraction – something that attracts visitors. / 8. bordered- encircled.
9. gazed- watched.
10. calmness - quietness.
11. devour- eat greedily.
12. trailed- dragged.
13. spawn- -eggs.
14. dull- boring.

II. Write a paragraph of 10-12 sentences on any one of the following topics:

The Best day of the Week


Your favourite Subject in school










III. Underline the nouns and circle the adjectives in the paragraph given below:

A foolish crow was sitting on a branch of a tall tree. He had a big piece of fresh cheese in his mouth. A clever fox saw him. He wanted to get the cheese. ‘ Good morning, Mr. Crow,’ said the fox.

But the crow did not say anything.

‘ What a sweet voice you have! ’ said the fox. ‘Please sing me a song.’ The crow was happy at the praise. But as he began to sing, the cheese fell on the ground. The fox picked it and went away.

IV. Underline the verbs in the following paragraph:

Every morning, my mother comes to my room and wakes me. I wash and clean my teeth. Then I dress and brush my hair. I have a light breakfast.. At seven, I leave for my school. I go to the school by bus. The school is quite far from my house. I am never late for the school.

V. Docomprehension units 14, 15, 16, 17 from the comprehension text book. Answer the questions neatly in your rough book.

VI. Read and learn to narrate a short story for class assessment.