Table 1. Systematic Review Study and Sample Characteristics of HIV-Negative Sexual Minority Menat High Risk for HIV

Syndemic Condition Criteria
Study Citation / Study Information / Sample Characteristics / Methods / Substance Abuse / CSA / Partner Abuse / Mental Health
(2008) / Boston; 2000 / N = 92
M age = 35.6, 18-58
83.5% W; 6.5% LAT; 4.3% AA; 1.3% AS / X,
QUANT / 41% lifetime abuse: 77% alcohol 11% marijuana, 8% cocaine / 41% emotional, 28% physical, 25% sexual abuse. / 91% ≥ mild depressed mood, 80% anxiety, 60% low energy, 55% irritability, 52% hopelessness, 52% grief.19% suicidal ideation (clinical interview).34% adjustment, 25% major depression, 15.2% anxiety (DSM-IV-TR)
Brooks (2012) / Los Angeles; year NR / N = 25
Mage = 37
W = 5; LAT = 8; AA = 10; O = 2 / X,
QUAL, QUANT / Past 30 days use: 60% alcohol, 44% marijuana, 28% methamphetamine, 4% ecstasy, 12% sex drugs (e.g., Cialis) / NR / NR / NR
Buchbinder (1996) / Chicago, Denver, San Francisco; 1993 / N = 1,975
M age = 31
W = 1,545; LAT = 219; AA = 117; O = 93 / L,
QUANT / Last year use: 76-81% alcohol during sex, 44-60% marijuana, 1-42% other drugs / NR / NR / NR
Folkman (1996) / San Francisco; 1990-1994 / N = 110
HIV- n = 73
M age = 39.4
W = 70; Non W = 3 / L,
QUANT / NR / NR / NR / Elevated depression over 10 mos: (CES-D M =19.32-31.18)
Gray (1999) / London; year NR / N = 35
HIV- n = 35
M age = 37
W = 35 / X,
QUANT / NR / NR / NR / 54% elevated distress level (GHQ-28), 43% probable anxiety psychiatric cases (HADS), 3% probable depression psychiatric cases (HADS)
Halkitis (2006) / New York City; 2001-2002 / N =450
HIV- n = 284
M age = 33, 18-67
W = 157; LAT = 56; AA = 26; O = 45 / X,
QUANT / Past 4 mos.: 64% methamphetamines / NR / NR / NR
Hays (1990) / San Francisco; 1987 / N = 530
HIV- n =149
M age = 39, 22-66
91% W / X,
QUANT / NR / NR / NR / Elevated anxiety (BSI; T score = 64); depression (BSI; T score = 65)
Kurtz (2012) / Miami/ Ft. Lauderdale; 2008-2010 / N = 504
HIV- n = 265
M age = 36, 18-66
W = 134; LAT =79; AA = 39 / X,
QUANT / Past month: 90.2% binge drinking; 65.3% marijuana; 53.8% poppers / 78.90% lifetime abuse (52.80% childhood) / Past year: 52.10% severe mental distress (GMDS)
57.70% substance dependence (DSM-IV-TR)
(2008) / San Francisco, Palm Springs, San Diego; 2006 / N = 1,819
W = 1,099; LAT = 309; AA = 114; AS = 181; O = 127 / X,
QUANT / Past 6 mos.: 40-71% drug use; 45-66% 59%, heavy drinking; 36-50% marijuana / NR / NR / NR
Lyons (2012) / Australia; 2010-2011 / N = 1,029
HIV- n = 840
M age = 49, 40-81 / X,
QUANT / NR / NR / NR / 54% mild to very high psychological distress (K10 scale)
Mansergh (2010) / Four large U.S. cities; 2004-2006 / N = 1,540
HIV- n = 817
Age range = 18-29
38% W; 32% AA; 19% LAT; 11% O / X,
QUANT / 74% alcohol or amphetamine use before last UAI / NR / NR / NR
Mimiaga (2009) / Boston; 2007 / N = 227
M age = 40.8, 18-60
46% W; 44% AA; 1% NA; 9% O / X,
QUANT / NR / NR / NR / Moderate depression (CES-D M = 17)
Pakenham (1994) / Australia; year NR / N = 129
HIV- n = 33
W = 114 / X,
QUANT / NR / NR / NR / Elevated psychological distress (PAIS-SR M = 5.03, 4.4.3)
Philip (2010) / Six U.S. cities; 1999-2003 / N = 4,295
W = 3,112; AA = 281; LAT = 652; O = 250 / L,
QUANT / 69% drug use; 10% injection drugs, 13% amphetamine, 72% alcohol use before sex / NR / NR / NR
Rosengard (1997) / San Francisco; 1990-1992 / N = 253
HIV- n = 167
90% W; 3% AA; 4% LAT; 3% O / L,
QUANT / NR / NR / NR / Mild to severe depression (CES-D M Range = 15.68 - 27.69)
Schneider (1991) / Los Angeles; 1988 / N = 778
HIV- n =112
M age = 36
W = 91% / L,
QUANT / NR / NR / NR / 100% suicidal ideation. Moderate depression (CES-D M = 15.4); mild hopelessness (Beck M = 6.1)
Shoptaw (2002) / Hollywood; 1998-1999 / N = 68
HIV- n = 26
M age = 36, 18-65
77.9% W; 17.6% LAT; 1.5% AA; 1.5% AS; 1.5% NA / X,
QUANT / 100% meth abuse or dependence (DSM-IV-TR) / NR / NR / NR
Strathdee (2000) / Vancouver; 1995 / N = 1,156
HIV- n = 330
M age = 27, 24-50
W = 256; AS = 32; NA = 16; O = 26 / X,
QUANT / 23-27% drug use
(not marijuana) / NR / NR / 49% suicidal ideation; mild depressive symptoms (CES-D Mdn = 12)
Theodore (2002) / New York City; year NR / N = 287
M age = 35, 18-66
61.6% W; 20.9% LAT; 10.9% AA; 1.6% AS; 0.8% NA; 4.2% O / L,
QUANT / NR / NR / 27% adult sexual, physical, or emotional / 58.4% mild or moderate depressive symptoms (BDI-I)
Viney (1991) / Sydney, Australia; year NR / N = 60
M age = 38, 23-64 / X,
QUAL / NR / NR / NR / Elevated levels of: uncertainty (Cognitive Anxiety Scale M = 1.07, .65); direct anger (Hostility Out Scale M = .98, .47); helplessness (Pawn Scale M = 1.51, .51)

Note. NR = not reported. Entire sample was HIV-negative unless specified. Ethnic groups: W = White, AA = African American/Black, LAT = Latino/Hispanic, AS = Asian/Pacific Islander, NA = Native American, O = other (including multiethnic). Methods: L = longitudinal; X = cross-sectional; QUAL = qualitative analysis; QUANT = quantitative analysis. CSA = childhood sexual abuse. Syndemic conditions reported on HIV- sample when possible. Measures: BDI-I: Beck Depression Inventory (Beck 1978); Beck Hopelessness Scale (Beck & Steer, 1988); BSI: Brief Symptom Inventory (Derogatis & Melisaratos, 1983); CES-D: Center for Epidemiologic Studies—Depression (Radloff, 1977); Cognitive Anxiety Scale (Viney & Westbook 1976); GMDS: General Mental Distress Scale (Dennis, 2002); GHQ-28: GeneralHealth Questionnaire (Goldberg & Hillier, 1978); HADS: Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (Zigmond & Snaith,

1983); Hostility Out Scale (Gottschalk, Winget, & Gleser 1969); K10 Psychological Distress Scale (Kessler et al., 2003); PAIS-SR: Psychosocial Adjustment to Illness Scale—Self-Report (Derogatis & Lopez, 1983); Pawn Scale (Westbrook & Viney, 1980).