Minutes of the Meeting held on 26thSeptember 2013at 3.30pm
PRESENT:Cty Cllr Elwyn Williams, Cllr Merlin Jones, Cllr Glenda Lloyd, Mrs Zena Jenkins, Mrs Beryl Richards, Mrs Dolan Williams, Mrs Allison Williams, Cllr Sarah Howells, Mr Darren Stevens, Cllr Denzil Williams and Mr Lyn Davies.
1.1Mr Emyr James and Mr Greg Morgan.
1.2Apologies accepted.
The Chair, Cty Cllr Elwyn Williams welcomed Cllr Denzil Williams to his first meeting.
2Annual Report to Parents
The report needs to be amended as the PTA have yet to give us the cheque for £3,300 but will do so soon.
Cllr Denzil Williams asked about the reduction in Formula Funding. Mr Davies explained how there was a retrospective adjustment due to the increase in pupils across the authority, and that each school’s budget had been capped.
Cllr Denzil Williams asked how our attendance percentages compared to other schools. Mr Davies said they compared very well, and also mentioned that information has been sent home to parents explaining that any holidays taken after October 7th will be unauthorised if they are during term time. Governors agreed that the price of holidays should be the same during holidays and term time which would stop parents taking holidays during term time when they are cheaper. The target to aim for in attendance is 95%.
The report was unanimously agreed.
Mr Stevens said perhaps it would be better to put it on the website and notify parents it is there because most parents won’t look at it or understand it. Mr Davies informed the meeting that we don’t have to hold AGMs anymore because parents across the country don’t turn up to them. The Chair said it was decided it hold one this year as he didn’t want Llangunnor to be the first school not to hold one.
Cllr Denzil Williams asked if someone could go through the data, attached to the report, at the next meeting to explain it in more detail to Governors. Mr Davies briefly explained the data in this meeting. Our low free school meals percentage was again discussed and how this puts us in a high band. Mr Stevens asked if any schools in Carmarthenshire were in the same band as us. Mr Davies to check.
Meeting closed at 3.45pm.