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(Spare copies of minutes can be obtained from the Porters’ office; or alternatively minutes can be down-loaded from the website:

Cyclops Wharf Residents Company Ltd

Registered Office: 8-10 New Fetter Lane, London EC4A 1RS

Minutes of Directors’ Board Meeting

Time/ Date: 7pm on Tuesday 9th February, 2010


Directors: Chris Waters (chair), Mike Ryan (deputy chair), Ian Tanner, Doreen Estall, David Edmondson & Sean McCloskey

Managing Agent Representative: Hooman Vahabi (Parc Properties)

Estate Manager: Charles McGrory

Apologies: Geoff Kerry Trevor Phillips Held at: Aphrodite Court

1. Opening (7pm)
1.1: Chris Waters (chair) welcomed everyone and thanked Doreen for hosting the meeting.
2. Approval of minutes from last meeting / Action By? / By When?
2.1: The forum confirmed that the minutes from the last directors’ meeting (January 2010) were a true and accurate summary - as such the minutes were approved and are to be posted on notice-boards & the company’s website: / Hooman/ Charles/ Sean / As soon as possible.
3. Estate Manager’s Report (presented by Charles)
The Board discussed the Estate Manager’s Report submitted by Charles: a summary is given below.
3.1 Complaints/Incidents.
Charles summarised details of eight complaints received during the month. Charles to ensure all complaints are reported in future.
3.1.1: Corner Shop: Charles has been dealing directly with the staff/owners of the shop to prevent any further abuse of their position. Clear instruction given by the board to Charles to ensure compliance.
3.1.2: A problem was reported with the possible ingress of rain water from the top floor roof/ridge areas. Action: Hooman continuing to investigate the problem areas/water access point(s)
3.1.3: Parking space 142: Charles to look at sealing the ceiling area and Westheath to repair.
Action: Charles to send a letter to owner to remove his debris/cardboard from the car park.
3.1.4: The board is concerned about short-term lets and the security implications (amongst others) to all other residents at Cyclops Wharf. Further investigation is ongoing.
3.1.5: From previous minutes: “The Board discussed a complaint regarding a resident from a gym-user following an incident in the gym”. The resident cited has yet to respond to two letters.
Action: Board agreed that Chairman should write to the resident cited
The Board thanked Charles for his report.
4. Senior Property Manager’s Report
(Hooman Vahabi – Parc Properties)
4.1 General: Hooman presented the latest financial reports: with 10 months of the current financial year having passed, he expected the company to be within budget at the end of the financial year. Hooman has disputed some recent water bills: Thames Water are investigating. Hooman is also sourcing competitive quotes for the site’s building insurance. Members of the Board’s finance sub-committee had met with Hooman to discuss draft budget for FY 2010/11. This draft budget was then discussed by the Board.
4.2 Service Charges.
4.2.1: Hooman presented the current list of service charge debtors. The Board commended Hooman on his progress in reducing outstanding service charges. Shareholders are reminded that the next round of service charges will be posted in the first week of March 2010.
4.3 Security Upgrade
4.3.1 (Carried over) Re Security upgrade.
Regarding the proposal to relocate the Estate manager’s office to the main gate, Hooman presented costings to produce drawings & planning application, as well as outline costings for the project. Action: Board decided to defer decision until the proposal could be discussed by shareholders at the AGM. This proposal is to listed as an agenda item for the AGM
4.4 Leisure Facilities.
4.4.1: The snagging works are to continue with Parc Properties acting as project manager. Snagging work will necessitate closure of the pool for approximately 2 weeks and closure of the gym for 4 days: these closures are likely to be in early March. Action: Hooman to progress remaining snagging work, and to ensure there is a complete set of operating manuals.
4.5 Internal Decorations (Communal Areas).
4.5.1: Poseidon Court’s internal redecoration has commenced. The snagging work relating to Neptune Court’s redecoration is ongoing. All of the old suspended ceilings will be removed. A question of the security of the dry riser cupboards was raised. Action: Hooman to progress works and also ensure dry riser cupboards have locks (spring-loaded Yale types) and are locked. There is to be a Newsletter item asking residents for suggestions for theme for the pictures for their lobbies
4.6 Bike storage
4.6.1: The new bike store is in operation. It was to be minuted that we re-issue the following statement: “A request is made to all residents that they please use the bike store rather than leaving bikes in internal communal areas or scattered around the car park. This will prevent damage to the internal areas (and so help reduce redecoration/repair costs). As the new store is viewed by a dedicated CCTV camera this will aid in the reduction of crime on the estate”. The new bike store is almost full already. The Board approved expenditure for expansion of cycle storage within this area. Residents who are planning to purchase a bike are asked to inform Charles: this will aid forward planning. Action: Hooman to finalise quotes for increasing storage capacity in time for next Board meeting.
4.7 Lift Refurbishment
(carried over) Hooman is to obtain preliminary costings for combined lift renewal & ongoing maintenance: it is anticipated that this will result in cost savings. Lifts will be renewed in order of ongoing unreliability. Work is expected to begin in April.
Action: Hooman to finalise quotes.
4.8 Miscellaneous.
4.8.1 Communication: As mentioned in previous Board Meeting minutes, the Board asked to be copied in all complaint-related correspondence (from the outset) between Parc Properties and owners/residents: the onus will fully be the owners/residents to cc (letter or email) the Board on all complaints to Parc Properties. Telephoned complaints or any hearsay cannot however be considered or recognised in any subsequent audit trail.
4.8.2: Westferry Road flats: (carried over) an owner-occupier would like to present his proposals for improving the security/environment around the entrance to the Westferry Road flats. Subject to: (a) sufficiently detailed proposals being ready (and sent to Board in advance) and (b) a clear indication that these proposals will be acceptable to borough’s planning officers, the Board are happy for the said owner to present to the Board meeting. The board also requests that sufficient documentation is provided 1 week prior to the meeting, to allow time for review by all members. This will allow any questions to be raised prior to the meeting and will assist the owner-occupier in his presentation. Action: Hooman to check with the owner-occupier that these conditions have been fulfilled and supporting documentation is provided before board meeting
4.8.3: Swipe-Fobs & vehicle entry cards: to cover increased costs, there will be an increased charge (to £20) to replace faulty (due to mal-treatment) or lost swipe-fobs/ vehicle entry cards. Action: Charles to instigate
4.8.4: Boiler Inspections: this year’s round of boiler checks are due to begin in March. Action: Hooman/Charles to co-ordinate checks by block
4.8.5 Fire Alarms: Hooman is awaiting results of recent inspection by a specialist firm.
Action: Hooman to update Board
The Board thanked Hooman for his report.
5. Any Other Business
5.1: Next Meetings:
5.1.1: To be held at Poseidon Court (hosted by Geoff Kerry) on 9th March 2010 at 7pm.
5.1.2: To be held at Neptune Court (hosted by Ian Tanner) on 13th April 2010 at 7pm.
5.1.3: To be held at Poseidon Court (hosted by Mike Ryan) on 11th May 2010 at 7pm.
5.1.4: To be held at Poseidon Court (hosted by Geoff Kerry) on 8th June 2010 at 7pm.
5.1.5: To be held at Aphrodite Court (hosted by Doreen Estall) on 13th July 2010 at 7pm.
5.1.6: To be held at Neptune Court (hosted by Ian Tanner) on 10th August 2010 at 7pm.
5.1.7: To be held at Poseidon Court (hosted by Mike Ryan) on 14th September 2010 at 7pm.
5.2: Summer Event:
A Summer event (barbeque/wine tasting) for residents/owners has been proposed
Action: suggestion to be considered further.
Close: The formal part of the meeting closed at 10:40pm

Minutes approved by: ______Date: ______


Company Number: 02137443 (England & Wales)