Milwood Magnet School

Biotechnology Magnet Curriculum

Social Studies 7

Unit 6, Guide 1

6-Page Template, Page 2

Established Goals:

What understandings are desired?

What essential questions will be considered?

What key knowledge and skills will students acquire as a result of this unit?

6-Page Template, Page 3

What evidence will show that students understand?

* Complete a Performance Task Blueprint for each task (see next page)

Other Evidence (quizzes, tests, prompts, observations, dialogues, work samples):

Student Self-Assessment and Reflection:

6-Page Template, Page 4

What understanding and goals will be assessed through this task?

What criteria are implied in the standards and understandings regardless of the task specifics? What qualities must student work demonstrate to signify that standards were met?

Through what authentic performance task will students demonstrate understanding?

What student products and performances will provide evidence of desired understandings?

By what criteria will student products and performances be evaluated?

6-Page Template, Page 5

Milwood Magnet School

Biotechnology Magnet Curriculum

Social Studies 7

Unit 6, Guide 1

6-Page Template, Page 6

Day 1
1) Begin with an entry question (Why do we need government? What benefits does the government provide to us?) to hook students into considering why government is needed in order to keep civilization organized and peaceful. H, T
2) Introduce the essential questions and discuss the culminating unit performance tasks (create PowerPoint presentation about one cultural institution in both ancient Greece and ancient Rome). W / Day 1 Continued…
3) Students will use their knowledge of the five themes of geography and participate in a mapping lab of Europe and Russia with special emphasis made on the Mediterranean region (where ancient Rome and ancient Greece were located). During this mapping lab students will be able to work at their own pace with their mixed ability groups. Students will have answers checked by teacher and may revise their answers as they work. E, T, R-2 / 2
3) Students will use their knowledge of the five themes of geography and participate in a mapping lab of Europe and Russia with special emphasis made on the Mediterranean region (where ancient Rome and ancient Greece were located). During this mapping lab students will be able to work at their own pace with their mixed ability groups. Students will have answers checked by teacher and may revise their answers as they work. E, T, R-2 / 3
3) Students will use their knowledge of the five themes of geography and participate in a mapping lab of Europe and Russia with special emphasis made on the Mediterranean region (where ancient Rome and ancient Greece were located). During this mapping lab students will be able to work at their own pace with their mixed ability groups. Students will have answers checked by teacher and may revise their answers as they work. E, T, R-2 / 4
3) Students will use their knowledge of the five themes of geography and participate in a mapping lab of Europe and Russia with special emphasis made on the Mediterranean region (where ancient Rome and ancient Greece were located). During this mapping lab students will be able to work at their own pace with their mixed ability groups. Students will have answers checked by teacher and may revise their answers as they work. E, T, R-2
3) Students will use their knowledge of the five themes of geography and participate in a mapping lab of Europe and Russia with special emphasis made on the Mediterranean region (where ancient Rome and ancient Greece were located). During this mapping lab students will be able to work at their own pace with their mixed ability groups. Students will have answers checked by teacher and may revise their answers as they work. E, T, R-2 / 6
4) Introduce research project. Students will work independently on research about the cultural institution they are assigned/they pick (describing it in Ancient Rome/Greece, explaining its continued development and how it impacts people’s lives today).
5) Small group discussion reviewing the pertinent information about each OPEC member country (to make sure all information students have is correct) students may make corrections to their research notes in order to make sure that the information is correct. E, R / 7
4) Introduce research project. Students will work independently on research about the cultural institution they are assigned/they pick (describing it in Ancient Rome/Greece, explaining its continued development and how it impacts people’s lives today).
5) Small group discussion reviewing the pertinent information about each OPEC member country (to make sure all information students have is correct) students may make corrections to their research notes in order to make sure that the information is correct. E, R / 8
6) Students will use their revised research notes to create a PowerPoint presentation. The presentation must include a description of the institution in ancient Rome/Greece, and an explanation of its continued development and how it impacts people’s lives today). E, T / 9
6) Students will use their revised research notes to create a PowerPoint presentation. The presentation must include a description of the institution in ancient Rome/Greece, and an explanation of its continued development and how it impacts people’s lives today). E, T
7) In addition, when listening to peer presentations, each student will create a matrix listing each cultural institution, what it looked like then, and its influence on the world today E / 11
7) In addition, when listening to peer presentations, each student will create a matrix listing each cultural institution, what it looked like then, and its influence on the world today E / 12
8) At the conclusion of the unit, students will self and peer assess their products using rubrics. E-2, T
9) Conclude the unit with students self-evaluation regarding their performance on the in class . / Day 12 continued…
assignments and projects. Have each student develop an action plan for how to continue/gain further academic success. E-2, T