Curriculum Vitae / Attach a photo if needed (see instructions)
Personal Details
Surname / Name / Andis Ozolins
Address / Akmens Street 1 dz.25, Cesis. Latvia. LV-4101
Phone / Mobile phone:
E-mail /
Citizenship / Latvian
Birth Date / 01/01/1960.
Gender / Man
Desired employment / Occupational field / Dental technician.
Dental prosthesis.
Work experience
Time Period / 1984.08. – 2010.04.
Occupation or position held / Dental technician.
Main Duties / Dental prosthesis.
Workplace name and address / A. Ozoliņa dental technician practice. Valdemara street 13, Cesis.
Sector / Medicine.
Time Period / 1982.septembris - 1984.jūnijs
Principal subjects / Occupational skills / Diploma of vocational secondary education in the qualification, "Dental technician", which corresponds to ISCED 4th level of professional qualification.
Main subjects / professional skills acquired / Acrylic denture, chives.
Extruded crowns, bridges. Cast crowns, bridges.
Education, the name and type / Rīga 1. medical school.
Level in national or international classification system / ISCED 4th Level
Native (s) Language (s) / Latvian
Other (s) Language (s) / Russian. English. German
Self-assessment / Understanding / Speaking / Writing
European level (*) / Listening / Reading / Dialogs / Monologue
Russian / C1 / C1 / C1 / C1 / B2
English / A1 / A1 / A1 / A1 / A1
German / A2 / A1 / A2 / A2 / A2
(*) Common European Framework for Languages level
Social Skills / Ability to work as a team. Quickly adapted by a multicultural environment. Communicative.
Organizational skills / Ability to organize and mobilize a small community groups to achieve certain objectives.
Technical skills / Quickly embracing new technology.
Computer skills / Amateur level.
Artistic skills / Building and geometric drawing.
Driver's license / Category B. Driver's license obtained 02/04/2002.
Additional Information / Pour patterns. Produce bite. Planning for denture construction. Set your teeth. Treat, polished boards. Modeling crowns, bridges wax. To produce embossed crowns bridges. Production of cast crowns bridges. Acrylic denture repair. I am trained in the latest prosthetic technology manufacturing.
Fixed prosthodontics denture. Casting metal full crown. Casting crown + white resins (phasete). Removable denture. Complete denture. Casting metal support straps.
Attachments / Upon request.
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