Eskom Holdings SOC LimitedInvitation to TENDER NO. PTATEN 2311


Eskom Holdings SOC Limited

North West Operating Unit (Distribution)
No.14 to 18 Kgwebo Street, Mabe Business Park, Rustenburg, 0300
Tel +27 11800 6213

Invitation to Tender
Number: PTATEN 2311 /

Date:15November 2016

T1.1Invitation to Tender

Eskom Holdings SOC Limited(hereinafter “Eskom”) invites you to submit a tenderfor theProvision of Fire and Emergency , Environmental Oil, and Institutionalised training of apprentices within North West Operating Unit on an “as and when” required basis for a period of 36 months.
The required scope for this tender is fully set out in the specifications contained in NEC.
The tender documents are supplied to you on the following basis:
  1. Free of charge
Eskom has delegated the responsibility for this tender to the Eskom Representative whose name and contact details are set out in the Tender Data. A submission of a tender by you in response to this Invitation will be deemed your acceptance of the Eskom Standard Conditions of Tender.
You are required to complete the attached Acknowledgement Form and return by facsimile as indicated on the form within 5 (five) days of receipt of this Invitation. If you do not intend submitting a tender, kindly return all the tender documentation together with the Acknowledgement Form, providing your reasons for not wishing to participate.
Tender documentation can be obtainedvia the following:
  1. It may be downloaded from

Queries relating to the issue of these documents may be addressed to the Eskom Representative.

Yours faithfully,

Ms Nobuhle Madikiza

Procurement Manager- Tactical Procurement North West Operating Unit


Attention / Mr Mokoto Malebana / Sender
Fax No. / 086662 0246 / Fax No. / Date


ACKNOWLEDGEMENT:For the provision of Fire and Emergency, Environmental Oil, and Institutionalised training of apprenticeswithin North West Operating Unit on an “as and when” required basis for a period of 36 months.

We are in receipt of the Invitation to Tender from Eskom Holdings Limited dated ……………………..

We confirm that the documentation received by us is:

Correct as stated in the Tender Data, and that each document is complete.

[Indicate by ticking the box)]

Or:Incorrect or incomplete for the following reasons:

Please select either statement 1 or 2 by ticking the appropriate box below:

1.We have noted the deadline for tender submissionstated in the Tender Dataand will be

submitting our tender before the stipulated time. 

2.We do not intend to submit a tender for the required scope / specifications, and return all of the attached documentation herewith. The reasons for not submitting a tender is as follows: 



Signed on behalf of the tenderer


Eskom Holdings SOC Limited

North West Operating Unit (Distribution)
No. 14-18 Kgwebo Street, Mabe Business Park, Rustenburg, 0300
Tel +2711800 6213

Invitation to Tender Number:

PTA TEN 2311 /

Date:15 November2016

T1.2Tender Data

The Eskom Standard Conditions of Tender make several references to the Tender Data for details that apply specifically to this tender. The Tender Data shall have precedence in the event of any ambiguity or inconsistency between it and the Standard Conditions of Tender.
Each item of data given below is cross-referenced to the clause in the Standard Conditions of Tender to which it mainly applies.
Clause number / T1.2 Tender Data
1.1 / The Employer is Eskom Holdings SOC Limited
The Eskom Representative is :
Name: Mr Mokoto Malebana
Address: No.14 - 18 Kgwebo Street, Mabe Business Park, Rustenburg, 0300
Tel: +27 11800 6213
Fax: 086662 0246
2.38 / The documents issued by the Employer comprise the following documents:
T1.1 Invitation to Tender
T1.2 Tender Data
T2.1 List of Returnable Documents (Pro - formas are provided where applicable)
T2.1aList of Commercial returnable documents
T2.1c List of Technical returnable documents
C1Datarelated to the contract conditions as provided by the Employer
C2Description of Employer’s requirements regarding the works/services/goods
C3 Policies and Procedures
Documents to be returned by the tenderercomprise the following:
T1.1 Acknowledgement Form
T2.1a Commercial Returnable documents
T2.1b Financial Returnable documents
T2.1c Technical Returnable documents
C1.1 Form of Offer and Acceptance
C1.2 Data related to the contract conditions asprovided by the Contractor / Supplier
C2 Description of tenderer’s specification for the work
2.36 / Where the tender calls for construction works, the following CIDB registration grading level 2 EP is required (irrespective if the tenderer is a single entity or a JV- Joint Venture): N/A
2.8 / A compulsory clarification meeting with representatives of the Employer will take place as follows:Commence at 09h00,on 25November 2016.
The venue isEskom Rustenburg,14 – 18 Kgwebo Street, Mabe Business Park, Rustenburg
Tenderers must call Mr Mokoto Malebana on arrival at the reception (011800 6213)or (051404 2630)
Tenderers must confirm their intention to attend to:
Name : Mr Mokoto Malebana or Mr Ofentse Matlhatlhana
Fax: 086662 0246
e-mail: or
Stating the name, position and contact details of each proposed attendee.
2.9 / The Employer will respond to requests for clarification received up to 5 working days before the deadline for tender submission.
2.16 / Alternative tender(s) may be based only on the following criteria and subject to acceptance by the Employer.
2.18 / The tender shall be for the whole of the contract.
Failure to complete the bill of quantities will lead to the tender being disqualified.
2.20 / The tender shall be submitted as an original hard copy, plus ONE (1) copy. Failure to submit copy will render your tender to be disqualified.
3.5 / Prices will not be read out.
3.7 /
  • A two-envelope procedure isrequired.

2.7 / The deadline for tender submission is14H00 on07 December 2016.
Eskom Distribution
Northwest Operating Unit
Confidential Document Control
Menlyn 5; Opposite to Reception
01 Gobie Street
Newlands Extension
3.3 / The Invitation to Tender number is: PTA TEN 2311
Each envelope of the tender shall be addressed to the Employeras follows:
Eskom Distribution
Northwest Operating Unit
Confidential Document Control
Menlyn 5; Opposite to Reception
01 Gobie Street
Newlands Extension
The place for delivery of the tender is the Eskom Tender Box located at :
Menlyn 5; Opposite to Reception
01 Gobie Street
Newlands Extension
2.29 / The tender offer validity period is 30weeks.
3.14 / The Eskom Representative will determine the evaluated tender price by adjusting the total of the Prices (if any) as follows:
  • Making the specified correction for arithmetical errors
  • Making an appropriate adjustment for any other acceptable variations, deviations, or alternative tenders submitted.


It is to be noted that where any certificates, proof of registration or the like is required to be submitted as a tender returnable, the contractor must ensure that Eskom is in possession of a valid certificate or proof of registration for the duration of the validity period of the tender, and if the tender is successful, up to contract award.

The functionality evaluation will be as follows:

Functionality Criteria / Weightings
Technical / 100%
Total / 100%
  1. Environmental Oil Training Evaluation

The technical evaluation criteria and weights are as be as illustrated as below.

Item / Technical criteria / Weighting
1 / Company : Provide South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) accredited training / 25%
2 / Related experience in the relevant environmental field or relevant experience.
1 – 2 years
2 – 4 years
4 - above / 15%
3 / Facilitators: Registered trainer
(Registration certificate with accredited body) / 35%
4 / Registered and accredited Training Provider with the relevant Sector Education Training Authority (SETA).Submit to the Employer (HR EAL) current evidence of SETA registration / accreditation. / 25%
Total / 100%
  1. Fire and Emergency Management Training

Technical Evaluation 100 % / Weighting of Importance / Score
Decision Factors / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
SETA Accreditation/ OMS/ Professional Registration / 40.00%
The provider is registered and accredited as a provider in accordance with national legislative requirements. / 20.00% / Not registered and accredited with SETA / In process of registering with Relevant / Provisional Registration with relevant SETA / Fully Accredited / Fully accredited / Professional Registration
Quality Management system- Certification / 10.00% / No formal QMS inplace / In process of establising QMS (Design) / Draft QMS in place(Pilot) / QMS - Implemented / QMS Aligned with ISO 9001
Training Material / Assessment / 10.00% / Training Material / Assessments not aligned with either QMS or Accredation standards / Training Material / Assessments in process to align to QMS or Accredation standards / Training Material / Assessments provisionally approved by relevant body / Training Material / Assessments fully approved / Training Material / Assessments fully approved and accredited
Provider Profile / 30.00%
References / 5.00% / No References- track record / References available 2-3 years track record / Reference available 4-5 years track record / Reference available 6-7 years track record / References available - 8-10 years track record
Capacity / 15.00% / No organogram / Organogram available (Indicate no. of facilitators) / No. of facilitators -registered with relevant professional body/SETA / Provider registered with professional Body/SETA - Organogram available / All facilitators & provider registered with professional Body/SETA
Footprint / 10.00% / No Footprint in the Northern Cape / Footprint in NC, FS, NW, WC and EC / Footprint in NC, FS and NW provinces / Footprint in Nortnern Cape and Free State / Foorprint in the Northern Cape only
Experience & Qualifications of Facilitators in Field / 30.00%
Depth of knowledge & Experience / 20.00% / Years experience - 0-2 (No track record) / Years experience - 3-4 (Track record) / Years experience - 5-6 (Track record) / Years experience - 7-8 (Track record) / Years experience - 9 and more (Track record)
Qualifications (Registration) / 10.00% / No proven Qualification in specified Field (No registration / Qualification in specified field - not assessed / In process to register with professional body / In process to register with SETA / Qualification in specified field - assessed (Facilitator registered with professional body and SETA
  1. Institutionalised training of apprentices and field staff

Technical Evaluation 100 % / Weighting of Importance / Score
Decision Factors / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
SETA Accreditation/ OMS/ Professional Registration / 40.00%
The provider is registered and accredited as a provider in accordance with national legislative requirements. / 20.00% / Not registered and accredited with SETA / In process of registering with Relevant / Provisional Registration with relevant SETA / Fully Accredited / Fully accredited / Professional Registration
Quality Management system- Certification / 10.00% / No formal QMS inplace / In process of establising QMS (Design) / Draft QMS in place(Pilot) / QMS - Implemented / QMS Aligned with ISO 9001
Training Material / Assessment / 10.00% / Training Material / Assessments not aligned with either QMS or Accredation standards / Training Material / Assessments in process to align to QMS or Accredation standards / Training Material / Assessments provisionally approved by relevant body / Training Material / Assessments fully approved / Training Material / Assessments fully approved and accredited
Provider Profile / 30.00%
References / 5.00% / No References- track record / References available 2-3 years track record / Reference available 4-5 years track record / Reference available 6-7 years track record / References available - 8-10 years track record
Capacity / 15.00% / No organogram / Organogram available (Indicate no. of facilitators) / No. of facilitators -registered with relevant professional body/SETA / Provider registered with professional Body/SETA - Organogram available / All facilitators & provider registered with professional Body/SETA
Footprint (Office within NW) / 10.00% / No Footprint in the Northern Cape / Footprint in NC, FS, NW, WC and EC / Footprint in NC, FS and NW provinces / Footprint in Nortnern Cape and Free State / Foorprint in the Northern Cape only
Experience & Qualifications of Facilitators in Field / 30.00%
Depth of knowledge & Experience / 20.00% / Years experience - 0-2 (No track record) / Years experience - 3-4 (Track record) / Years experience - 5-6 (Track record) / Years experience - 7-8 (Track record) / Years experience - 9 and more (Track record)
Qualifications (Registration) / 10.00% / No proven Qualification in specified Field (No registration / Qualification in specified field - not assessed / In process to register with professional body / In process to register with SETA / Qualification in specified field - assessed (Facilitator registered with professional body and SETA

Gate keepers

  1. The threshold on the Environmental Oil Training and Fire & Emergency Management Training technical evaluation threshold is 86 %. Service providers would be deemed technically unacceptable if they score less than 86% and will thus not be evaluated further.
  2. Institutionalised training technical evaluation threshold is 70%


Only suppliers selected for award shall be evaluated for objective criteria. Suppliers will only be given one opportunity to resubmit outstanding items after the first report, failing which the contract shall be awarded to successful suppliers and be re-advertised if necessary

Environmental Objective requirements:

Safety and Health Objective requirements:

Quality objective criteria

Quality requirements shall be evaluated under objective criteria after Functionality and Stage 2 evaluation. Only suppliers selected for award shall be evaluated for objective criteria. Suppliers will only be given one opportunity to resubmit outstanding items after the first report, failing which the contract shall be awarded to successful suppliers and be re-advertised if necessary. Since this is a panel contract, the supplier shall submit Section A; B; C & E; Section D shall be compiled on issue of the Task order prior to work execution.


Eskom, as a State Owned Entity is a participant in the Government’s Development initiatives has as such identified spending on infrastructure – such as power station construction - as key area for building local capacity and capability as well as transformation of the supply industry.

The Shareholder’s Compact with the Department of Public Enterprises (DPE) necessitated the formation of Supplier Development and Localisation (SD&L) function within Group Commercial Division to drive Government local development objectives.

Criteria / Weight (%) / Total Target (%) / Proposed Target (%) / Total Overall Weighted Score
Local Content to South Africa / 33.33% / 100.00% / 0.00%
Local Content Local to Site / 33.33% / 100.00% / 0.00%
Skills Development / 33.34% / 100.00% / 0.00%
Total Score / 100.00%
Total Supplier Development and Localisation Score / 0.00%

9.1 Special Conditions of tendering

Special Conditions of Tender (Application of other criteria in terms of section 2(1)(f) of PPPFA)

The special conditions objectives are as follows:

Preference will be given to suppliers that are local to North West Province. Preference will be given to suppliers in the following order:-

  • People living with Disability (BPLwD)
  • Black Youth Owned (BYO)
  • Black Woman Owned
  • Black Owned Companies
  • Other Suppliers
  • Transformation of this sector by the appointment of Black Owned Companies,
  • Development of small black service provider (EME’s – Exempted Micro Enterprises),
  • Appointment of the companies located within the North West Province.

To achieve the above the following aspects will apply:

  • First preference will be given to suppliers that are within the North West Province
  • Appoint companies that are North West Province based

9.2Local Production and Content

As this tender does not concern a “designated sector” as per regulation 9 of the Preferential Procurement Regulations, 2011. Eskom has not set local content threshold, however the tenderer will be expected to propose the local content. This will be incorporated into the contract.

Weight / Tenderer’s offer
Local content to SA (Non-designated)

The local content as percentage of the proposal price will be calculated in accordance with the SABS approved technical specification number SATS 1286: 2011 as follows:

LC = (1 – x/y)*100.

9.3 Local to site and Job creation

Local to site

The local to site percentage is set at 100% of the contract value and it will be incorporated into the contract

Job Creation

Number of jobs to be created as a result of this contract
Number of jobs to be retained as a result of this contract

9.4 Skills Development for the Project

Eskom intends to improve Skills Development by ensuring that technical support is directed towards enhancing supply capacity and capability within the industry or sector of operation. By doing this the capacity and competitiveness of the local supply base will be increased and the goals of shared growth, employment creation, poverty reduction and skills development will be achieved.

Skills development does no longer form part of the tender evaluation criteria. The tenderer is however, encouraged to propose Skills Development initiatives in terms of the following skills required for this project as indicated in the table (matrix) below. These will form part of the contractual obligation with the successful contractor.

Skills development matrix

Skill type / Eskom’s target / Tenderers proposal
Train the trainer – Facilitator (relevant to the contract) / 1 per contractor

The Tenderer is to provide the individuals in specified trades identified above with sufficient on the job and other skills training in the specified trade or discipline to:

achieve the outcome of passing a trade test and qualifying as an artisan, or the equivalent for any of the required skills and accordingly to be certified to that level; or (as applicable)

generally be regarded, when there is no industry standard test or certification for the trade or discipline in question, as being employable in that trade or discipline.

Application of B-BBEE preference points:

Tenderers are required to submit original and valid B-BBEE Status Level Verification Certificates or certified copies thereof together with their bids to substantiate the B-BBEE claims.

Tenderers who do not submit B-BBEE Status Level Verification Certificates or non-compliant contributors to B-BBEE will not qualify for preference points for B-BBEE however will not be disqualified from the tender process. Such a tenderer will score points out of 90 for price and 0 points out of 10 for B-BBEE.

Preference points will be allocated according to B-BBEE level contribution in terms of the following table:

B-BBEE / Qualification / Number of Points
(90/10 system)
For procurement above
R1 million
1 / ≥ 100 points / 10
2 / ≥ 85 points < 100 points / 9
3 / ≥ 75 points < 85 points / 8
4 / ≥ 65 points < 75 points / 5
5 / ≥ 55 points < 65 points / 4
6 / ≥ 45 points < 55 points / 3
7 / ≥ 40 points < 45 points / 2
8 / ≥ 30 points < 40 points / 1
Non-compliant contributor / < 30 points / 0

Points awarded to a tenderer for attaining the B-BBEE Status Level of contribution in accordance with the table above.

The points scored for price will be added to the points scored for B-BBEE status level of contribution to obtain the tenderers total points scored out of a 100.

Negotiations will be commence with the tenderers scoring the highest points after a mandate to negotiate post tender has been approved by the Delegation Authority.

T2.1 List of Returnable Documents

Contents: / No of pages
T2.1a / List of Commercial Returnable Documents / [4]
T2.1b / List of FinancialReturnable Documents / [N/A]
T2.1c / List of Returnable Documents / [7-11]
T2.1d / Bonds and Guarantees / [N/A]

part T1 Invitation to tender1