Bovard Studios Inc.Section 08215

Digicon Information Inc.CUSTOM WOOD DOORS

April 6, 2004Page 1

This section includes solid flush and surface articulated wood doors, may have veneer facing, solid or glazed (stained glass) design, factory pre-fit, may be factory finished or site finished. This section includes performance and descriptive type specifications. Edit to avoid conflicting requirements.

Part 1General


.1Solid wood doors [and transom panels of [solid] [and] glazed design].

.2 [Solid face] [Solid face and glazed] configuration.

.3High quality hardware to suit door weight and service.


Select one or more of the following three paragraphs for frame type(s) required.

.1Section [______-______]: Wood door frames.


.2Section 08114 - Custom Steel Frames.

.3Section [08585 - Stained Glass Windows:] [08800 - Glazing:] Stained glass for wood doors.

If factory finishing of wood doors is included in this section, delete the following paragraph.

.4[Section 09910 - Paint and Coatings: Site finishing of wood doors.]


List reference standards that are included within the text of this section.

.1AWI (Architectural Woodwork Institute): Quality Standards.


.1Door Construction: To AWI quality requirements specified in this section.

.2Door Mass (Weight) - Approximate: <[______] lbs> <[______] kg>.

.3Door Movement:

.1Smooth to the touch.
.2With no self-movement due to gravity at any open position (with mechanical closer detached).


The following submittals are intended for Consultant and Owner review of door and stained glass design.

.1Section 01300: Submission procedures.

.2Product Data: Indicate door core materials and construction, wood [and veneer] species, and weight characteristics.

.3Shop Drawings: Illustrate door opening criteria, elevations, sizes, types, swings, [special beveling,] [special blocking for hardware,] [factory machining criteria,] [factory finishing criteria,] identify cutouts for [glazing,] [hardware,] [and] [______].

Include the following paragraph for submission of samples for selection of factory finish or site applied stain, colour, sheen, etc.

.4Samples: Submit [two] [______] samples of door surface, <[____x____] mm> <[____x____] inch >in size illustrating wood grain, stain colour, and sheen.


The following submittals are informational; responsive action by the Consultant is not required.

.1Section 01300: Submission procedures.

.2Manufacturer's Installation Instructions: Indicate special installation instructions.


Select the quality level required for the project. Utilize this article when one quality level applies to all doors. If the project requires two or more quality levels, delete this article and edit the quality level required in each article or paragraph in this section. Include the last sentence of the following paragraph only when the costs of acquiring the specified standards are justified.

.1Perform work in accordance AWI Quality Standard, Premium grade.

Include the following paragraph if factory finishing is specified.

.2Finish doors to a quality consistent with the AWI Premium grade specified.

.3Manufacturer: Company specializing in manufacturing the Products specified in this section with minimum [Five (5)] [______] years documented experience.


.1Section 01600: Transport, handle, store, and protect products.

.2Accept doors on site in manufacturer's packaging. Inspect for damage.


.1Section 01300: Coordination and meetings.

.2Coordinate the work with door opening construction, and surrounding Work.


Improper specifying of warranty and correction period extensions may limit the statutory rights of the owner and the ability to enforce claims under a contractor's contractual warranty. Consult legal counsel before editing this article. Extended door warranties (beyond one year) are manufacturer's warranties and should be provided to the owner, in the owner's name. Investigate before specifying any term period beyond one year. Warranty may include statements such as delamination of veneer facing, warping, or defective materials.

.1Section 01700: Warranties and bonds.

.2Provide warranty to the following term:

.1Exterior Doors: [Five (5)] [______] years.
.2Interior Doors: [Two (2)] [______] years.

.3Include coverage for [delamination of veneer,] [warping beyond specified installation tolerances,] [defective materials,] [telegraphing core construction,] [______].

Part 2Products


In this article, list the manufacturers acceptable for this project. Edit the subsequent descriptive specifications to identify project requirements and to eliminate any conflict with specified manufacturer's products.

.1Bovard Studios, [Style] [Model] [______].

.2Substitutions: [Refer to Section 01600.] [Not permitted.]


.1Door Face Design:

.1Interior, [flush] [stile and rail] [______].
.2Exterior, [flush] [stile and rail] [______].

.2Wood Face Species (Interior):

.1Clear [Alder] [Teak] [Beech] [White Birch] [______].
.2Kiln dried to less than [10] [____] %.

.3Wood Face Species (Exterior):

.1[Cherry] [Mahogany] [Walnut] [Pine] [Fir] [Ash] [Birch] [Hemlock] [Maple] [______].
.2Kiln dried to less than [10] [____] %.

.4Door [and Transom] Core:

.1Exterior: <[57] [____] mm> <[2-1/4] [____] inches> thick; solid core construction of [______] wood species.
.2Interior: <[44] [57] [____] mm> <[1-3/4] [2-1/4] [____] inches> thick; solid core construction of [______] wood species.

.5Transom Panel Finish:

.1[To match door.] [Face veneer to [end] [______] match door finish below.]
.2[Stained glass with special design.] [______.]


Type I adhesive is more moisture resistant than Type II. For exterior doors select Type I adhesive.

.1Facing Adhesive: Type [I - waterproof] [II - water resistant].


Select and edit the following paragraphs, dependant on glass and glazing design intended.


.1Outer Protective Glass: [Tempered.] [Safety.] [Laminated.] [______.]

.2Decorative Glass: Stained glass, set in [lead] [______] came, special design and colors.

.3Inner Pane: Clear glass, single pane of [tempered.] [safety.] [laminated.] [______.]

.2[Glass] [Panel] Shape and Profile:

.1Panels: [______].

.2Carved: [______].

.3Arch: [_____].

When specifying wood stops for fire rated doors, metal clips are required.

.3Glazing Technique: Refer to Section 08585.

Special hardware may be required for doors. Check with hardware supplier for weight of door and force ratings on hardware. Select either the first paragraph below or edit the subsequent paragraphs.


.1[Refer to Section 08710 - Door Hardware.]

.2Hinges: [1-1/2 pair] [2-pair], [steel] [brass] [______] material, ball bearing knuckles, [______] style.

.3[Handset:] [Latch:] [______].

.4Closer [and Coordinator]: [______].

.5Door Stop: [______].

.6Hardware Finish: [______].

.7Astragal: [Wood,] [Metal,] [T] [L] shape.

.8Weatherstripping: [______] type.


.1Fabricate doors [and transom] in accordance to AWI Premium grade.

.2Prepare doors for [glazing] [and] [hardware].

.3Provide solid lock blocks at [lock edge] [and] [top of door for closer] for hardware reinforcement.

.4Vertical Exposed Edge of Stiles:

.1[Of same species as veneer facing.]

.2[Hardwood] [Softwood] for [paint] [transparent] finish.

.3Fit door edge trim to edge of stiles after applying veneer facing.

.4Bond edge banding to cores.

.5At exterior doors, provide [aluminum] [copper] [______] flashing at the [top and bottom rail] [and] [the sill of glazed openings for full thickness and width of door].

Utilize the following paragraph when factory machining for hardware is required. Special blocking may be required for through bolting of hardware; specify accordingly.

.6Factory machine doors for finish hardware

.1Prepare in accordance with hardware requirements and dimensions.

.2Do not machine for surface hardware.

.3Provide solid blocking for through bolted hardware.

Utilize the following paragraph when factory fitting is required.

.7Factory fit doors for frame opening dimensions identified on shop drawings.

.8Cut and configure exterior door edge to receive recessed weather stripping devices as per manufacturers instructions.


This article describes factory finishing of wood doors. The three finish types indicated are commonly available for wood doors. If more than one colour or sheen is required for several doors, it may be appropriate to incorporate a schedule at end of this section.

.1Finish: [Transparent,] [Opaque,] [conversion varnish,] [vinyl catalysed,] [catalysed polyurethane,] AWI Premium quality, [______] sheen.

Include the following paragraph when the door top edge is visible from above, such as a mezzanine.

.2Seal door top edge with [color] [______] sealer to match door facing.

Part 3Execution


.1Section 01700: Verification of existing conditions before starting work.

.2Verify that opening sizes and tolerances are acceptable.

.3Do not install doors in frame openings that are not plumb or are out-of-tolerance for size or alignment.


.1Trim door width by cutting equally on both jamb edges.

.2Trim door height by cutting bottom edges to a maximum of <[____] mm> <[____] inch>.

.3Machine cut for hardware.

.4Coordinate installation of doors with installation of frames specified in Section [08114] [______], [and hardware specified in Section 08710.]

.5Coordinate installation of glass and glazing.


.1Maximum Diagonal Distortion (Warp): <[3] [____] mm> <[1/8] [____] inch> measured with straight edge or taut string, corner to corner, over the diagonal surface of the door area.

.2Maximum Vertical Distortion (Bow): <[3] [____] mm> <[1/8] [____] inch> measured with straight edge or taut string, top to bottom, over height of door at any vertical position.

.3Maximum Width Distortion (Cup): <[3] [____] mm> <[1/8] [____] inch> measured with straight edge or taut string, edge to edge, over width of door at any horizontal position.


.1Section 01700: Adjusting installed work.

.2Adjust door for smooth and balanced door movement.

.3Adjust closer for full closure.


Provide schedule when door and frame schedules are not described on drawings. The schedule should identify various types or categories of doors and associated frames, hardware sets, etc.
