Programme Specification

Sources of information on the programme can be found in Section 17

1.  Awarding Institution / Body / University of Central Lancashire
2.  Teaching Institution and Location of Delivery / University of Central Lancashire / Programme is delivered at West Lakes Campus (and/or on clients premises where appropriate)
3.  University School/Centre / Lancashire Business School
4.  External Accreditation / None
5.  Title of Final Award / Certificate in Nuclear Team Leadership
6.  Modes of Attendance offered / Part-time / block delivered.
7.  UCAS Code / N/A
8.  Relevant Subject Benchmarking Group(s) / N/A
9.  Other external influences / Nuclear Decommissioning Agency
Sellafieldsites Ltd
10.  Date of production/revision of this form / March 2012
11.  Aims of the Programme
·  To provide high quality management education to meet the needs of Team Leaders in the Nuclear Industry.
·  To provide an intellectually stimulating programme of professional development in the areas of team leadership, team working, change management and performance management in the Nuclear Industry
·  To develop the operational competencies of practitioners in the Nuclear Industry through a curriculum that combines academic study, skills development and work-based learning.
12.  Learning Outcomes, Teaching, Learning and Assessment Methods
A. Knowledge and Understanding
A1. Apply and evaluate frameworks of self-analysis and self-reflection, as vehicles for analysing personal performance and identifying personal strengths and areas for development.
A2 Discuss, evaluate and apply theories and concepts of leadership, change management and performance management to the role of the Team Leader in the Nuclear Industry..
Teaching and Learning Methods
Practical workshops encompassing formal tutor input, participant discussion sessions, case study analysis and work-based activities and projects to put learning in to practice in the workplace. Work-based mentorship.
Assessment methods
Short answer questions, personal development planning, group presentations and case study analysis and reflective report writing.
B. Subject-specific skills
B1. Identify the relationship between leadership style, empowering others and developing courage and confidence in decision making in the workplace.
B2. Effective planning and scheduling of work.
B3. Implementing regulatory requirements in the Nuclear Industry in the context of the role of Team Leader.
B4. Effective performance management of self, individuals and teams. Application of reflective practice in the context of performance management.
Teaching and Learning Methods
Practical workshops encompassing formal tutor input, participant discussion sessions, case study analysis and work-based activities and projects to put learning in to practice in the workplace. Work-based mentorship.
Assessment methods
Short answer questions, personal development planning, group presentation and case study analysis and reflective report writing.
C. Thinking Skills
C1. Critical analysis and evaluation of theories and concepts of leadership, change management and performance management for application in the role of Team Leader in the workplace.
Teaching and Learning Methods
Practical workshops encompassing formal tutor input, participant discussion sessions, case study analysis and work-based activities and projects to put learning in to practice in the work place. Work-based mentorship.
Assessment methods
Short answer questions, personal development planning, group presentation and case study analysis and reflective report writing.
D. Other skills relevant to employability and personal development
D1. Ability to evaluate personal performance in the workplace and with a mentor leading to a personal development plan.
D2. Ability to reflect on and monitor progress against a personal development plan.
Teaching and Learning Methods
Use of frameworks of analysis, personal development planning and mentorship.
Assessment methods
Personal Development Plan and Reflective Report
13. Programme Structures* / 14. Awards and Credits*
Level / Module Code / Module Title / Credit rating
Level 4 / HR1018
HR1020 / Leadership and Self-Awareness in the Nuclear Industry.
Influencing for Change and Safety Leadership in the Nuclear Industry.
Performance Management in the Nuclear Industry / 20
20 / Certificate in Nuclear Team Leadership (60 Credits at Level 4)
15. Personal Development Planning
Personal Development Planning is an integrated part of the Certificate in Nuclear Team Leadership. Module HR1018 engages student in initial self-analysis and self-reflection and culminates in the development of a Personal Development Plan which is addressed throughout the rest of the programme.
Module HR1019 facilitates the development of skills and competencies associated with leading change within the context of safety awareness and the ability to lead a team. This module culminates in a group presentation of key issues arising.
Module HR1020 focuses on scheduling and planning work effectively and motivating for enhanced performance of individuals, teams and the plant. This module culminates in an evaluation of personal performance against agreed personal objectives in the initial Personal Development Plan.
In addition, throughout the duration of the course, individuals are encouraged to apply the skills they are developing in work tasks and projects in the work place under the mentorship of a senior colleague.
16. Admissions criteria
Programme Specifications include minimum entry requirements, including academic qualifications, together with appropriate experience and skills required for entry to study. These criteria may be expressed as a range rather than a specific grade. Amendments to entry requirements may have been made after these documents were published and you should consult the University’s website for the most up to date information.
Students will be informed of their personal minimum entry criteria in their offer letter.
Applicants must be at least 18 years old and employed by the client organisations (Sellafieldsite / Magnox / Springfields) in the role of Team Leader in the Nuclear Industry.
There must be evidence of ability to benefit from a higher education course which may be based on work experience, life experience and continued professional development.
Applicants must also have ability to write and communicate in English at an appropriate level.
17. Key sources of information about the programme
·  Tony Proctor, Senior Lecturer HRM, Lancashire Business School, UCLAN, Preston, Lancashire PR1 2HE. Tel: 01772 894633; email: OR
·  Jan Hewitt, Associate Director Lancashire Business School, UCLAN, Preston, Lancashire, PR1 2HE; Tel: 01772 894711 ; email:
18. Curriculum Skills Map
Please tick in the relevant boxes where individual Programme Learning Outcomes are being assessed
Level / Module Code / Module Title / Core (C), Compulsory (COMP) or Option (O) / Programme Learning Outcomes
Knowledge and understanding / Subject-specific Skills / Thinking Skills / Other skills relevant to employability and personal development
A1 / A2 / B1 / B2 / B3 / B4 / C1 / D1 / D2
4 / HR1018 / Leadership and Self Awareness in the Nuclear Industry / Comp / ∕ / ∕ / ∕ / ∕ / ∕ / ∕
HR1019 / Influencing for Change and Safety Leadership in the Nuclear Industry / Comp / ∕ / ∕ / ∕ / ∕
HR1020 / Performance Management in the Nuclear Industry / Comp / ∕ / ∕ / ∕ / ∕ / ∕