10 ways to give your health a boost!

  1. Stretch when you wake up. When you wake in the morning, take a few moments to stretch before your get out of bed. Stretch your legs and arms to get ready for the day. Take some deep breathes when you do so and begin your day with calm.
  2. Start the day with the lemon juice and water. Drink the juice of ½ a lemon in warm water to improve your liver and gall bladder function.
  3. Breakfast or Break Fast. Eat when you are hungry, not when you think you should. That might mean just lemon juice and water for the first hour. Eat when you are hungry, then you don’t eat extra calories that store as fat.
  4. Plan your day. Before you go to bed take a few minutes to plan your day. Take a few moments to think about your day. Visualize yourself being the person you want to be, and see yourself moving through your day, not reacting to the usual stresses. See yourself as a bigger person with personal power. The mind works in pictures and believes what it sees. Create your own reality.
  5. Hug or be hugged. Hug your partner, your spouse your children, and nourish your emotional self. If you live on your own pat your dog or cat, or talk to the birds. It’s all about feeling connected. Say kind words to begin your day. If you don’t have an animal, rub a friend’s back and feel human contact. Physical contact is so basic. Just like a baby we need emotional contact. We always feel better when we are touched and a hug is a great way to feel cared for.
  6. Eliminate at least one item from your life that is toxic. This might be a chemical, a situation or a person. We all know when there is something not quite right in our life. Whatever the issue, our knowingness, our innate self, our intuition, knows when we are not living our values. This creates conflict and causes stress and tension. Whatever it is, pay attention to your life and make the changes.
  7. Drink more water. Your body is 90 percent water and needs water for almost every function. Many of the aches and pains, headaches, and other symptoms we experience would lessen if we just drank more water.
  8. Take time out for yourself.It is important to do things that please you, not just your work or what you are obligated to. Make time for yourself once a week to do something for yourself, from dancing to having a bath or learning a language. Take time to smell the flowers and nourish your spirit.
  9. Express your gratitude. By Thinking about, and acknowledging the things in your life that you are grateful for, causes a change your brain chemistry. It helps you to relax and stop worrying. Acknowledging the things you have received changes your brain chemistry and anchors another state of mind. Practice being grateful on a daily basis, and feel better about your life.
  10. Do something nice for someone. Remember the movie “Pay it Forward”? If you don’t, then perhaps put it on your list of movies to watch. Doing acts of kindness, creates within us a sense of wellbeing, creates a sense of satisfaction. It gives us a sense of purpose that is fundamental to identify and so improves our health.