2011 - 2012
Friday, May 4, 2012
1:00 - 3:00 p.m. -- via ITV: E-132 (NM) / C-115 (FB)
PRESENT: Linda Anderson, Linda Beer, Dan Flatgard, Brian Fors, Dave Gilmore, Jane Greathouse, Dave Hammitt, Donna Marzolf, Laurie Oelslager, Cristen Olinger, Cathy Sandmann, Lisa Schickling, Robin Schwieger, Sue Steck, Dan Zielske
ABSENT: Tony Boehler, Bruce White
GUESTS: Jon Morgan, David Ewel, Pete Neigebauer, Lisa Lamor, Anne Willaert, Shayne Narjes, Jay Stencel,
Michelle Johnson, Lu Mulder
1. Call to Order/ Sue Steck
Ø Sue called the meeting to order at 1:02 p.m.
2. Approval of Agenda
Motion To Approve: Robin Schwieger
Motion Seconded: Linda Anderson / Passed Unanimously
3. Approval of Minutes From Previous Meeting (April 13, 2012)
Ø Correction: 5.c.: Dave Hammit reported for Doug Yentsch
Ø Correction: 5.s.: Change Donna Sampson to Donna Marzolf
Motion To Approve: Linda Anderson w/ corrections
Motion Seconded: Robin Schwieger / Passed Unanimously
4. Old Business
A. Mechatronics – Doug Laven; Dave Ewel
i. MECA 1140 Intro to Geometric Dimensioning & Tolerancing (2nd READ)
ii. MECA 2115 Solidworks II (2nd READ)
iii. MECA 2250 Mechatronics systems Operations III (2nd READ)
Motion To Approve: Jane Greathouse
Motion Seconded: Dan Zielske / Passed Unanimously
iv. Mechatronics Program Plan
Ø Information Item
Ø Changes per Advisory Committee recommendations
Ø Add 3 programs above / remove others
Ø Same number of credits as in the past
Ø Will look at reducing AAS to a 60-credit program to enable students to complete in 2 years
Ø How to graduate current students with new courses? (Changes will not affect 1st year students / Student Affairs can advance current catalog in order to graduate current students), Dean and faculty will need to make exceptions – needs good advising
Ø Only 4 students allowed in an Independent Study course
Motion To Approve: Dan Zielske
Motion Seconded: / Passed Unanimously
Curriculum Committee MINUTES
May 4, 2012
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v. Energy Program Plan
Ø Program Redesign
Ø Many of the same core courses as Mechatronics programs
Ø If courses listed are offered at different colleges, Student Affairs needs to know where these classes are offered
Ø ‘Elective Credits’ should read ‘LAS credits’
Ø 60 credit program / plus 10 courses: Need to include 10 courses listed that students have to choose from
Motion To Approve: Jane Greathouse w/ changes to Sue and Mary
Motion Seconded: Laurie Oelslager / Passed Unanimously
vi. CIM Program Plan Jon Morgan
Ø Program Redesign
Ø Course name changes
Ø Due to Right Skills Now certificate program, the current program was greatly affected
Ø Check form from Doug Laven (needs ‘or’ noted)?
Ø Should certificate (20 credits) show 4 credits for Internship / optional
Ø Needs more clarification / clearer directions on Program Plan – list courses needed for Certificate, Diploma, AAS
Ø Why is CNC Internship for ‘0’ credits?
Ø Why CIM 1215 for ‘0’ credits on AAS degree but 2 credits for the diploma?
Ø LAS courses are very specified – is this necessary and are the courses always available?
Ø Prerequisites for Quality Inspection IV, need to have taken Quality Inspection II and Quality Inspection III (form shows that this course is optional)
E-mail Vote Next Week with CIM Program Plan design reworked (SEE PAGE 6)
B. Nursing – Cathy Sandmann
i. Nursing Program Guide / AAS 2012-2013 (ATTACHMENT)
ii. Nursing Program Guide / Diploma 2012-2013 (ATTACHMENT)
Ø Shows credit changes that have been approved previously
Motion To Approve: Dan Zielske
Motion Seconded: Cathy Sandman / Passed Unanimously
C. Community Health Worker - Anne Willaert / Lisa Lamor
i. Community Health Worker Program Plan (Scope & Sequence) (ATTACHMENT)
Ø Students can take courses out of sequence, but do not qualify for financial aid
Ø Needs program description for catalog / check course form
Motion To Approve: Jane Greathouse
Motion Seconded: Cristen Olinger / Passed Unanimously
ii. CHW 1065 Community Health Worker Health Promotion (2nd READ)
Ø In Description: ‘striges’ should be strategies
Ø No program outcomes? Not required on other CCO’s for technical courses
iii. HC 1500 Healthcare Foundation: Intro to Health Careers 9 (2nd READ)
Ø Clarification of variables per Linda Beer, W.C. Sanders and Anne
Ø Added wording about taking 1st or 2nd module
Ø Needs ‘Developer’ in WIDS
Curriculum Committee MINUTES
May 4, 2012
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Ø Description: created not creates
Ø Needs prerequisites on CCO
Ø Needs more competencies (or format correctly) – work with Sue Steck
Ø Competencies and Learning Objectives should be in assessable terms
Motion To Approve: Jane Greathouse w/ Changes to Sue and Mary
Motion Seconded: Cristen Olinger / Passed Unanimously
D. Health Unit Coordinator – Lisa Lamor
i. HUCF 1201 HUC Procedures (2nd READ)
Ø Need developer
Ø No prequisites (Add: None)
Motion To Approve: Cathy Sandman
Motion Seconded: Jane Greathouse / Passed Unanimously
ii. HC 1500 Healthcare Foundation: Introduction to Health Careers (2nd READ)
Ø See Comments and Motion in 5.c.iii.
E. Medical Assistant – Cristen Olinger
i. MA 2010 Laboratory Skills for Medical Assistants (2nd READ)
Ø Prerequisites / None and in Descriptions
ii. MA 2030 Radiography Skills for Medical Assistants (2nd READ)
Motion To Approve: Dan Zielske w/ Changes to Sue and Mary
Motion Seconded: Robin Schwieger / Passed Unanimously
F. LAPC / Health & Human Performance – Brian Fors for Carly Hopper
i. HHP 102 Introduction to Fitness and Wellness (2nd READ)
Ø Non transferable
Ø Will be part of a concentration and potential certification in the future
ii. HHP 104 Concepts of Fitness (2nd READ)
Ø Needs pre-requisites in description
Ø Types: should not read ‘online’ / should be lecture
iii. HHP 128 (HHP 122) Topics in Mind/Body Fitness Yoga (2nd READ)
Ø Needs pre-requisites in description
Ø Remove ‘learner supplies’
Ø HHP 122 ‘Topics’ is a current course
Ø Need Course Form
Ø Change from HHP 122 to 128
iv. (HHP 127) Topics in Mind/Body Fitness Pilates (2nd READ)
Ø Needs pre-requisites in description
Ø Remove ‘learner supplies’
Ø Need Course Form
Motion To Approve: Dave Hammit w/ changes to Sue and Mary
Motion Seconded: Lisa Schickling / Passed Unanimously
Curriculum Committee MINUTES
May 4, 2012
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G. LAPC / Health & Human Performance – Brian Fors for Kristin Gustafson
i. HHP 103 Nutrition in Exercise & Performance (2nd READ)
Ø Very specific for people going into this specific area
Ø Need prerequisite / none in description
Ø Change instruction type to lab
iv. HHP 126 Topics In Aerobic Conditioning – Cycling (2nd READ)
Ø Need prerequisite / none in description
Ø Change instruction type to lab
Ø Take out textbooks
Motion To Approve: Cathy Sandman
Motion Seconded: Linda Anderson / Passed Unanimously
H. LAPC / Art – Michelle Johnson
i. ART 135 Introduction to Watercolor (2nd READ)
Ø Will be offered in spring semester 2012-13
Ø Should be 2 credits lecture / 1 credit lab
Ø Potential hours – change to 64
Ø Needs prerequisites in description
Ø Needs institutional Core Competencies added
Motion To Approve: Cristen Olinger w/ Changes to Sue and Mary
Motion Seconded: Cathy Sandman / Passed Unanimously
I. LAPC / Art – Lu Mulder
i. ART 125 Sculpture (2nd READ)
Ø 2 Lab credits / remove studio
Ø Contact hours should be 64 for Lab
Ø Potential hours should be 80
Motion To Approve: Jane Greathouse
Motion Seconded: Dan Zielske / Passed Unanimously
J. Agribusiness – Pete Neigebauer for Don Hermanson
i. Agricultural Education Technology Partnership - 60 Credit A.S. Degree
Ø Dropping program to 60 credits per MnSCU mandate
Ø For MnTC accumulative GPA – must meet both GPA’s to graduate
Ø Program Redesign is required
Motion To Approve: Robin Schwieger
Motion Seconded: Linda Anderson / Passed Unanimously
K. Civil Engineering – Jay Stencel
i. ENGR 1210 Introduction to Problem Solving & Design (2nd READ)
Ø Remove textbooks
Ø New course / is in program plan
Ø Spelling: demonstrate needs ‘r’ 1.a.
Ø Various remove i
Ø Microsoft spelling
Curriculum Committee MINUTES
May 4, 2012
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ii. ENGR 1211 Engineering Drafting (2nd READ)
Ø Remove textbooks
iii. ENGR 1212 Engineering Drafting & Principles 2 (2nd READ)
Ø Remove ‘Civil’
Motion To Approve: Dan Zielske w/ Spelling Changes to Sue and Mary
Motion Seconded: Lisa Schickling / Passed Unanimously
L. LAPC – Brian Fors
i. Phil 100 Ethics in Society / Change MNTC Goal Area From 2 & 9 to 6 9
Ø Change to Goal Area
Ø Needs course form
Motion To Approve: Previously Approved
5. New Business
A. Marketing – Shayne Narjes
i. 2010 – 2011 Tracking Sheet
ii. 2012 Tracking Sheet / PROPOSED
Ø 3 internship courses that are essentially the same
Ø This change will mean less paperwork for instructors and Student Affairs
Motion To Approve: Cristen Olinger
Motion Seconded: Jane Greathouse / Passed Unanimously
B. Agricultural Concentration in AA – Brian Fors
i. Info Only
C. Agribusiness – Bruce White (NOT IN ATTENDANCE)
i. AGME 2946 Tractor / Equipment Repair II
Ø Prerequisites: change to description
Ø Needs #of credits under ‘type of instruction’
Ø Type should be ‘land’ only
Ø Capitalize 1st letter of objectives (per Jane Greathouse)
Ø Change / remove wording of ‘disability’ (requires heavy lifting or can lift ??? pounds)
Motion To Approve: Dan Zielske w/ Changes to Sue and Mary
Motion Seconded: Robin Schwieger / Passed Unanimously
D. Membership / Chair (2012 – 2013)
Ø Need Chair for 2012-2013
Ø Need to replace member in the following departments: Business Technology / Linda Anderson, College Readiness & FYE / Dave Gilmore, Chair / Sue Steck, Transportation & Agriculture / Bruce White; Social & Behavioral Sciences / Jane Greathouse
Ø Need to create the same membership composition as AASC (2/3 faculty; 1/3 administration)
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May 4, 2012
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E. Civil Engineering – Dan Flatgard
Ø CTLS 1110 and CTLS 2110 changed prefix from CDCR in courses approved previously (12/2/11). Program change to reflect prefix change in course listings.
Motion to Approve: Cathy Sandman w/ Paperwork to Sue and Mary
Motion Seconded: Jane Greathouse / Passed Unanimously
Adjourn at 2:47 p.m.
MEMBERS: Linda Anderson, Linda Beer, Tony Boehler, Dan Flatgard, Brian Fors, Dave Gilmore, Jane Greathouse, Dave Hammitt, Donna Marzolf, Laurie Oelslager, Cristen Olinger, Cathy Sandmann, Lisa Schickling, Robin Schwieger, Sue Steck, Bruce White, Dan Zielske
From: Mary Hutchens
Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2012 11:58 AM
Subject: FW: Curriculum Committee CIM Email Vote Documents
Please read the following email below for the CIM program. Doug has sent a new, more understandable, program plan for the CIM program. He has also, apparently,sent two courses with changes that need to be voted on. I will accept a motion to approve the CIM program changes and CIM 2115 and CIM 2215 course changes. Please ‘Reply To All’ with the Motion and a 2nd so everyone will know that we have them and then vote to Approve or Not.
I am sorry I was not able to attend the May 4, 2012 Curriculum Committee meeting. Please see the new Program Plan, CCOs and Curriculum Committee Forms for the Computer Integrated Machining (CIM) program email vote. Students can earn a 20 credit Certificate, a 66 credit Diploma or a 72 credit A.A.S. If the student takes the Diploma or A.A.S. path, they can choose to take either CIM 2245 Applications IV or CIM 1155 CNC Internship in the forth semester. Both courses are four credits in length. The attached CCOs and Curriculum Committee Forms reflect the changes in the Course Descriptions and prerequisites that will allow students to take the appropriate courses for their chosen degree. Thank you again for the time and efforts of the Curriculum Committee to resolve this matter with an email vote. Please contact me with any questions you may have.
CIM Program Plan and: CIM 2115 (Quality Inspection III) / 2215 (Quality Inspection IV)FIRST NAME / LAST NAME / VOTE:
1. / Linda
Becky / Anderson
Miller / X
2. / Linda / Beer / X
3. / Tony / Boehler
4. / Dan
Ryan / Flatgard
Langemeier / X
5. / Brian / Fors / X
6. / Dave
Pam / Gilmore
Becker / X
7. / Jane
Tony / Greathouse
8. / Dave
Shayne / Hammitt
Narjes / X
9. / Donna / Marzolf / X
10. / Laurie / Oelslager / X
11. / Cristen / Olinger / Motion
12. / Cathy
Michele / Sandmann
Brielmaier / 2nd of Motion
13. / Lisa
Gale / Schickling
Bigbee / X
14. / Robin
Todd / Schwieger
Stencel / X
15. / Sue / Steck / X
16. / Bruce
Dick / White
Stelten / X
17. / Daniel
Johnna / Zielske
Horton / X
Yes = 15 out of 17