The minutes of the meeting of Ansty and Staplefield Parish Council held in the Committee Room above Staplefield Village Hall on Monday 8th October 2012 at 8.00pm, for the purpose of transacting the following business:

Members Present: Pete Bradbury (Chairman), Brad Williams, Jon Gilley, Simon Stokes, Brian Wright, Crispin Salimbeni, Bob Birthwright, Harry Lloyd Owen, Maria Fielding
Also Present: Liz Bennett (Clerk), Maureen Gibson, Marion Petitpierre.


Maureen Gibson stated that they are disappointed not to have received a response to their letter to MSDC re Ansty Village Centre. She also said that they would like to consider a phased approach to the build because the latest building cost estimates are around £1.2 million which leaves a significant funding gap.

1.  Apologies for absence.
All members were present.

2.  Declarations of interest in items on the agenda.

Pete Bradbury declared an interest in Ansty Village Centre because he is the next door neighbour. Jon Gilley declared an interest in Ansty Village centre because he is a member of the Ansty Village Hall Trust.

There are no decisions relevant to these declarations in this meeting and so all members remained in the room.

3.  Minutes of the meeting held on 10th September 2012.
The minutes were AGREED and signed by the Chairman.
Harry Lloyd Owen provided a brief report of a meeting he attended in Burgess Hill regarding the Town Wide Strategy and Northern Arc.

4.  Finance Matters:

The payment schedule was AGREED and the following items noted:
- budget position and forecast at end of September

– receipts in September

– bank reconciliation

5.  Ansty Village Centre.
Crispin talked through a paper outlining the proposed governance structure for the new trust. The Parish Council approved the paper which proposes a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) as the vehicle for the new trust. However, CIO’s are not currently available and so in the interim a charitable company can be created with a constitution that mirrors as closely as possible the model CIO constitution available from the Charity Commission website. The new company can transfer into a CIO, once available. The governance paper will also need to be agreed by AVHT and AS&SC.
The Memorandum of Understanding was discussed. This was originally drafted by MSDC and AVHT and AS&SC have made some amendments. The Parish Council agreed in principle to the amended version. MSDC also require the completed PID (Project Initiation Document) before they will commit resources to the project. The PID will take some months to complete because agreed plans for the building are required along with governance arrangements and proposed funding. Maureen estimated that plans will not be available from Scandia before Christmas. The clerk was asked to provide a list of requirements from the PID for the next Parish Council meeting, so that the Parish Council can consider what further help it can provide.
There was a discussion regarding the composition of the Steering Group. It was agreed that Crispin and Jon Gilley represent the Parish Council’s interests and so no additional members are required.
A phased build was also discussed. It was suggested that the Steering Group should provide detailed plans for a phased build for discussion by the Parish Council, AVHT and AS&SC. This should include drawings and funding arrangements.

6.  Neighbourhood Plan.
The minutes of the last NPEX meeting held on 27th September were ratified by the Parish Council. Brad Williams provided an update on the Neighbourhood Plan. Another meeting will be held next week to brief the volunteers. Once the work streams are allocated and the volunteers have indicated their availability and expertise a timetable can be produced. So far £10382 has been spent or committed on the plan. MSDC has stated that it cannot provide more than £10k of the Frontrunners money. The Parish Council agreed to put in a bid anyway for further funding because some additional support will be required from the Planning Consultant. It was suggested that some money could also be allocated to the Neighbourhood Plan in next year’s budget. NPEX are also looking to MSDC for additional support and they have agreed to conduct the site surveys.

7.  Consultations:

a)  MSDC: Draft Council Tax Discount Scheme. The Parish Council agreed not to comment on this.

8.  To nominate a Councillor to lay the poppy wreath.
Brad Williams agreed to lay the poppy wreath at Staplefield War Memorial on Remembrance Day.

9.  Clerk’s appraisal.
It was AGREED that Pete Bradbury and Harry Lloyd Owen will conduct the clerk’s appraisal this year.

10.  Maintenance work required at Staplefield Play Park and cricket nets.
Bob Birthwright agreed to arrange the storage of the cricket nets over the winter. The clerk will send details of the work required at the play park to Harry Lloyd Owen who knows someone that might be able to help with handyman type work.
Maria Fielding has produced a report on the condition of all the benches around Staplefield Common, many of which are memorial benches put there by relatives. The clerk was asked to write to Staplefield Association to see if they can contribute to the repair or replacement program. Maria will also place a notice on the benches that are deemed unsafe to notify that they will be removed.

11.  Meetings attended, not covered elsewhere on the agenda.
Pete Bradbury reported that WSCC and MSDC will be freezing Council Tax again next year.

12.  Chairman’s Correspondence and Progress Report.
The following correspondence was noted:

SALC AGM to be held on 7th November at 4pm at Norfolk Pavilion, Ardingly.

Invitation – Mid Sussex Rural Links meeting 22nd November.

Invitation to Sussex Community Resilience Conference.

WSCC re delivery of Hippo Bags of salt. The clerk was asked to respond that the bags should be delivered at the point when snow is forecast. There is nowhere to store them at the moment and early delivery will mean that the salt will turn to mush.
WSCC – letter re Local Government Pension Scheme discretions. These will be discussed by Pete and Harry and the clerk’s appraisal and a recommendation made.
The Ansty Fingerpost has now been moved by the sign writing needs to be done in dry weather. Once this is complete the metal sign will be removed.

13.  Minor matters and items for the next agenda.

a)  The Parish Council Christmas dinner will be at The Victory Inn in Staplefield on Wednesday 5th December. The clerk will send out menus.

b)  The footpath sign at the bottom of Tanyards Lane is broken. The clerk will report it.



Ansty and Staplefield Parish Council Finances as at 30th September 2012

Schedule of Payments

Talk Talk (September) 28.50

Southern Water (September) 50.25

EDF / 17.00
South East Water / 6.00
VisionICT / 66.00
Staplefield Village Hall / 15.00
Staplefield Village Hall / 10.00
Broker Network Ltd. / 45.58
WSCC / 3850.27
Tony Fullwood Associates / 1301.88
Seed Services / 9414.00
Elizabeth Bennett / 16.50

Receipts in September

Co-operative Bank / 5.56
Staplefield Cricket club / 439.50
Stiles Harold Williams / 101.50
MSDC / 17642.00

Ansty and Staplefield Parish Council:

Bank Reconciliation 30th September 2012




Current / 42229.84 / Bal Fwd / 27169.69
Instant / 0 / Receipts / 48253.27
Deposit / 1.18 / Payments / -28652.63
Ansty village centre / 4589.31
46820.33 / 46770.33
Uncashed chqs / -50.00

Signed by Chair of Parish Council meeting 8th October 2012.

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