1.  Welcome:

I, Terry Johnson of Arkansas Trailer would like to call the 90th meeting of the Arkansas Trucking Association Maintenance and Technology Council to order. Please remember this is your council. We encourage your involvement and hope everyone takes away some benefit for your time invested.

2.  Housekeeping:

I would like to point out some housekeeping measures;

·  Emergency Exits.

·  This is an informal meeting format; feel free to use the facilities as needed.

·  Out of courtesy to others, please turn off your cell phones or put them on silent; if you need to make a call, please step out of the room.

·  Robert’s Rules of Order, as revised will govern our proceedings.

·  There is a sign in sheet on each table, please make sure that you all sign the sheet.

3.  Announcements:

NATMI Course: OSHA Audit Readiness

Date: November 20-21

Location: Arkansas Trucking Association, Little Rock, AR

Save the date for 2014 Events:

May 21-23

ATA Annual Business Conference and Vendor Showcase

Hilton Branson Convention Center

Branson, Missouri

July 10-12

ATA Trucking Championship

John Q. Hammons Convention Center

Rogers, Arkansas

Information on these events can be found on the Arkansas Trucking Association website at arkansastrucking.com under Calendar of Events.

4.  Future MTC meetings :

Our next MTC Meeting will be held in January; date, location, and topic of discussion to be determined.

5.  Safety message

In the tradition of our first Chairman Mr. Carl Tapp, we like to begin each meeting with a short safety message. Being that we are approaching the holidays and may be doing some old fashioned shopping for friends and loved ones I found the follow topic very relevant.


Getting mugged these days is a real and personal threat, not something that happens just to other people. Fortunately, most muggings are simple robberies in which neither the criminal nor the victim is hurt. However, the possibility of violence is always there. If you are mugged:

·  Cooperate. Assume the mugger is armed. No matter how strong or fit you are, you are no match for a gun or knife. Remember that your personal safety is far more important than your valuables or your pride.

·  Follow the mugger's instructions to the letter. Try not to move too quickly or too slowly-either could upset the mugger.

·  Stay as calm as possible, and encourage companions to do the same.

·  Remember that you can easily replace your belongings or cancel your cards if they are stolen, so don't put yourself at risk of being seriously injured just to keep hold of your stuff.

·  If something is of special value to you still give it to him. Don't argue. Only after he has the item say, "This watch was given to me by my grandfather. It means a lot to me. I'd be very grateful if you'd let me keep it."

·  When he has all he wants of your valuables, ask him what he wants you to do while he gets away-stay where you are, lie face down, whatever. If he dismisses you, leave the scene immediately, and don't look back. Don't call the police until you are in a safe place.

Some Important Don'ts.

·  Don't reach for your wallet in a back pocket without explaining first what you plan to do. The mugger might think you are reaching for a weapon.

·  Don't give him dirty looks or make judgmental remarks.

·  Don't threaten him with hostile comments.

·  Don't be a wise guy or a joker. Even smiling is a dangerous idea. He may think you are laughing at him.

·  Don't try any tricks like carrying a second empty wallet to give a mugger. This could make him angry. Some experts even recommend that you carry at least $25 with you at all times to keep from upsetting a mugger.

Sources: Self-Defense Training Center, New York; DirectGov.uk

6.  Introductions

I would like to now start our introductions by going around the room and having each person stand and give your name and affiliation please.

7.  Reading of the minutes of the last meeting dated

The minutes from our last meeting have been published on our web site. Do I have a motion to waive the reading of those minutes and approve them as written?

8.  New Business/Old Business

Is there any old business today?

Is there any new business?

9.  Acknowledge Presenter(s):

·  After lunch, we will be provided training on Air Brakes & Air Conditioning by Mr. Steve Arnold, Dealership Training Instructor for Truck Centers of Arkansas.

·  I would like to take a minute to thank Corporal Brian Harwood of the Arkansas Highway Police for presenting at our September meeting in Springdale.

Adjourn business meeting:

If there is no further business, I would like to adjourn the business meeting. Do I have a motion to adjourn?

Lead Presentation w/Bio:

I would like to introduce Mr. Steve Arnold, Dealership Training Instructor, Truck Centers of Arkansas.


Thank you. I hope to see everyone in January. Have a Happy Thanksgiving, a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year! Travel safely. Meeting adjourned.