CSU-CC GPC Project Narrative
The CSU-CC Geospatial Pathways Consortium will align California community colleges and two state universities to create a sustainable template for multiple career and educational pathways for TAA displaced workers in geospatial technology within the Los Angeles region. Our service area for this grant is the Greater Los Angeles Metropolitan Area (GLAMA). This region has been significantly impacted by foreign trade. Within the GLAMA, the Secretary of Commerce has identified Orange County eligible to apply for assistance under the Trade Adjustment Assistance for Communities (Exhibit 2). Our program may serve the northern regions of Orange County. However, our primary service community will be Los Angeles County. Since 2007, a total of 118 companies have been certified within Los Angeles County (Exhibit 3).
The CSU-CC Geospatial Pathways Consortium will align community colleges and state universities and industry to create a sustainable program model for multiple career and educational pathways for TAA displaced workers in geospatial technology within the Los Angeles region. Our primary goal is to better prepare TAA displaced workers for high-wage, high-skilled employment and increase their attainment of degrees and certificates in geospatial technology. The program will also result in a sharable model or template for similar statewide community college, state college, and business partnerships throughout the United States.
The overall goal of the CSU-CC Geospatial Pathways Consortium is to increase the attainment of industry-recognized credentials and educational pathways in geospatial technology for TAA displaced workers in Los Angeles County. To achieve this goal, a consortium of educational institutions with pre-established geospatial courses, certificate, AA or AS degree programs in geospatial technology (including several local community colleges and California State University, Northridge) will be created. Figure 2.1 outlines the fundamental steps in the proposed consortium plan. The proposed consortium will include the following educational institutions:
Institution / Type of CollegeSanta Monica College / Community
Rio Hondo Community College / Community
College of the Canyons / Community
Pierce College / Community
The educational institutions involved in this consortium currently have a variety of programs offered in geospatial technology. However, these programs are not aligned to create a transparent educational and career pathway for students at all levels of education. For example, an introductory course at a community college may have many different student learning outcomes and objectives than those at the local 4 year institution. In this case, students taking this course will not be able to transfer the course to the 4 year institution, which is critical for advancement in many high tech, high wage earning jobs. This grant would allow for us to create a transparent and comprehensive transfer plan with a clear educational pathway. In addition, this program would allow for us to create a sustainable long term career pathway through collaboration with community colleges, CSUN, and several local and regional businesses and municipalities.