the entry process

Entry into the 2015 Global Effie competition is fully digital. Begin the entry process by reviewing the information and resources available on the Global Effie webpage. Be sure to review the Entry Rules & Regulations in detail. Once you are ready to begin an entry, register/login in the 2015 Global Effie Online Entry System.

All entries are submitted directly through the Online Entry System. The OnlineEntry Systemcollects: basic entry questions used for judging as well as additional data for research, database, and promotional purposes. This document outlines the entry questions used in judging.

guidelines for entry questions

To enter the 2015 Global competition, your case must have run:

  • In at least four countries and two worldwide regions between 9/1/11 and 10/31/14
  • Between 9/1/13 and 10/31/14 in at least one country.(No results after October 31, 2014 are eligible.)

Your results must relate directly to this time period. Effie Worldwide defines the five regions as: Africa & Middle East; Asia Pacific; Europe; Latin America & the Caribbean (includes Mexico); North America (U.S. & Canada). Include a specific, verifiable source for all data and facts presented in the case. Be specific regarding timing. Any data without a source will not be considered. It's fine to include data prior to the eligibility period if you think it will help judges to better evaluate the case's success within the eligibility period. This data could include the state of the market, etc. No results after 10/31/14 are allowed under any circumstances. Judges appreciate concise, honest, compelling cases.

The final entry PDF (viewable in the Pending Entries tab in the Online Entry Systemonce Parts 1-7 are complete) must be a maximum of 10 pages. In addition, certain questions have a specific word limit. Page limit and word limits must be adhered to; disregarding page limits or word limits is a reason for disqualification.

The final entry PDF (viewable in the Pending Entries tab in the Online Entry Systemonly after Parts 1-7 are complete) is the final case as it will be seen by judges.

basic entry questions

Entry Title:

(20 words limit)

Brand Name:

(20 words limit)

Type/Description of the Product/Service (Do not include brand name):

(100 words limit)

Countries & Dates Case Ran – List the four countries you are entering below (at least one of which must be from a separate worldwide region than the other three). Countries #1 & #2 must both be in the top five countries for your case in terms of overall media spend.Effie Worldwide defines the five regions as: Africa & Middle East; Asia Pacific; Europe; Latin America & the Caribbean (includes Mexico); North America (U.S. & Canada). No results after 10/31/2014 are allowed under any circumstances.

Top Four Countries / Dates Ran
#1 / [Country #1 / From – To
#2 / [Country #2] / From – To
#3: / [Country #3] / From – To
#4: / [Country #4] / From – To
Total number of countries in which the case ran or is currently running(20 words limit):
Regions in which the case ran or is currently running(MENA, APAC, Europe, Latin America & Caribbean (includes Mexico), North America (US & Canada):

Is this case ongoing? – Yes/No

Explain the criteria used to determine the four markets (countries) above.

(500 words limit)

Entrants are encouraged to enter countries which demonstrate a high degree of challenge and diversity. Explain the criteria for why you selected each of the four markets above (i.e. Media spend within each country? Largest market in each region? Greatest challenge in each market?). Be specific on why these countries were chosen to demonstrate the global success of your case.

What was the strategic communications challenge?(500 words limit)

Provide context on the degree of difficulty of this challenge and detail the business need the effort was meant to address.What was the business problem the effort was meant to address? What were the specific challenges and opportunities that the client and/or brand/product faced? Detail both the global marketing challenge and the specific challenges faced in bringing the case to each of the above national markets.

Define the audience you were trying to reach for each market. (500 words limit)

What attitudes, behaviors, demographics, culture etc. define them?

What was the state of the brand’s business and the marketplace or category in which it competes before your effort began?(500 words limit)

Provide information on the category,marketplace,company,competitive environment,and/or the product/service that created your challenge – both globally and for the four markets listed.Provide competitive context (main competitor spend,position in market,etc.) and category benchmarks.

What were your objectives?What were the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) against your objectives? State specific objectives on a global and country-by-country basis for the four countries listed.(500 words limit)

Your entry may have one or all of the following objectives:A.Business,B.Behavioral,C.Perceptual/Attitudinal.State specific objectives for all of these that apply to your case and the tools you planned to use to measure each objective.Explain why these objectives are important for the brand.Provide a prior year benchmark for each KPI or context regarding why they are significant if no prior benchmark is available.Provide a % or # and time frame for all objectives.Ensure that it is clear why the objectives are important to moving the business forward and defend/rationalize the basis for the objectives selected,if you feel it is necessary.

What was the insight that led to the big idea?How did you get to that insight? (500 words limit)

Describe what led to your idea – e.g.a consumer or business insight,a channel insight,marketplace/brand opportunity,etc.? Explain how it originated and how the big idea addressed the challenge.

What was your big idea? State in one sentence.(50 words limit)

What was the core idea that drove your global effort and led to the breakthrough results?What was at the very heart of the success in this case? This is not your execution or tagline.

How did your big idea evolve?(500 words limit)

Explain how your big idea evolved globally and over the countries in question while maintaining continuity/integrity.

How did you bring the idea to life? Explain your communications strategy (including your media strategy) and the rationale behind your channel choices.

(750 words limit)

Describe and provide rationale for your communications strategythat brings the idea to life,as borne from the insights and strategic challenge described above.How did your creative and media strategies work together to reach your specific audience? How did you link the insight to the channel choices, and how does that play out in your strategy to bring the idea to life globally?Explain your media strategy and why the channel choices were right for your audience & idea.Did your communications strategy change over time? If so,how? Detail the ways in which the local challenges impacted the way the idea was carried out within each country, and how it was made culturally relevant to each environment. Describe why certain strategies for different markets were chosen.

What channels did you use? (Communication Touch Points). Check all that apply.

Indicate belowall communications touch points used in this case. You must provide detail in your written case and show on the 4-minute video at least one example of each communication touch point you mark below which was integralto the effort’s success. For example, if you mark 30 boxes below and 10 were what drove the results and were integral to the effort, those 10 must be featured on the 4-minute video. One touch point listed below from each of the four markets must be featured on the 4-minute video.

Consumer Touch Points / Country 1 / Country 2 / Country 3 / Country 4
TV (Spots, branded content, sponsorship on TV, product placement, Interactive TV/Video on Demand)
Radio (Spots, merchandising, program/content)
Print (Trade/professional, newspaper - print, newspaper - digital, magazine - print, magazine- digital, custom publication)
Direct (Mail, Email)
Guerrilla (Street teams, tagging, wraps, buzz marketing, ambient media, sampling/trial)
Interactive/Online (Display ads, brand website/microsite, developed brand content for another website, mobile/tablet optimized website, digital video, video skins/bugs, podcasts, gaming, contests, search engine mktg (SEM/SEO), Geo-based ads, etc.)
Loyalty Program
Cause Marketing
Brand Community
Social Networking Sites/Applications
Mobile/Tablet (App, in-app or in-game app, messaging/editorial/content, display ad, location-based communications)
Consumer Involvement (WOM, consumer-generated, viral)
Out-of-Home (Airport, transit, billboard, place-based)
Product Design
Trade Shows
Internal Marketing
Retail Experience (POP, in-store video, in-store merchandising, retailtainment, store within a store, pharmacy)
Sales Promotion
Professional Engagement (In-office, Congresses, detail/e-tail/interactive visual aids (IVAs), closed loop marketing (CLM), continuing engagement, informational/documentary video)
Point of Care (POC) (Wallboards, video [HAN, Accent Health], brochures, coverwraps, electronic check-in)
Other - write in here

Main Touch Points

Indicate the three main communications touch points used beyond your hero touch point. These three should be different than your hero touch point.

Consumer involvement
Internal marketing
Mobile/Tablet / OOH
Point of care (POC)
Production design
Professional engagement
Radio / Retail experience
Sales promotion
Social networking applications
Trade shows
Not applicable

List and explain all other marketing components that were active during this time.

Select the components that were active for each country listed.

Marketing Components / Country 1 / Country 2 / Country 3 / Country 4
Pricing Changes
Leveraging Distribution
CRM/Loyalty Programs
Other marketing for the brand running at the same time as the entered effort/campaign
Other - write in here

Explainthe effect of the selected components below.(750 words limit)

Paid Media Expenditures

List paid media expenditures (purchased and donated),not including agency fees or production costs,for this entry.Given the‘spirit’of this question, use your judgment on what constitutes fees,production and the broad span that covers media – from donated space to activation costs. Indicate the country and size of your media budget in the row below using the following USD ranges. Elaborate below to provide helpful context.

Under $500 thousand$2 – 5 million$20 – 40 million

$500 - 999 thousand$5 – 10 million$40 – 60 million

$1 – 2 million$10 – 20 million$60 – 80 million

$80 million and over

Paid Media Expenditures / Country 1 / Country 2 / Country 3 / Country 4
What were the total media expenditures for this case from 9/1/11 - 10/31/14 (E.g - If your case ran in the market starting 9/30/11 and ended 10/1/14, you must list the aggregated budget total for that three year period.)
What is the average annual budget for this case? (over last three years)
For each country, indicate the approximate % of the case's TOTAL media budget over the past three years. E.g. If your case ran in 20 markets with a total media budget of $50M, what % was spent in each of the four countries you selected?(10 words limit)

Elaborate here.(300 words limit)

Owned Media (300 words limit)

Elaborate on owned media (company owned real-estate, either physical or digital, that acted as communication channels for case content – e.g. corporate website/social media platforms, packaging, branded store, fleet of buses, etc.), or write “not applicable”.

Sponsorships(300 words limit)

Detail any sponsorships you had, or write “not applicable.”

How do you know it worked? (Include KPIs.) Explain why,with context,these results are significant for the brand. You must provide proof of results on a country-by-country basis and on a year-by-year basis for each of the top four markets. Results cannot be aggregated over years or countries.(1500 words limit)

1) Detail why you consider your effort a success. Refer to your specific audience and directly to your objectives and KPIs described in Part 1. Demonstrate how you met or exceeded those objectives using quantitative and behavioral metrics or other measurement tools you described. Use charts and graphs to display your results where possible and provide a clear time period for all data shown.

2) Explain, with context, why your results are significant in your competitive category and situation. Did your effort drive business? How? For confidential information, proof of performance may be indexed if desired. Numerical results lacking context regarding why they are significant will be disregarded. Provide pre and post measures and an understanding of the industry and category norm. You must show how the individual KPIs achieved tie together and collectively impact the overall success of the case.

Note: Do not include results after 10/31/14; this will result in disqualification.

Explain all other factors (whether or not you were involved) that might have helped drive results.(500 words limit)

Describe all other factors in the marketplace – on a country by country basis - that could have contributed to results shown in this entry. Judges are industry executives – entries that omit pertinent information will be disqualified. You may use this space to eliminate other factors that judges may believe contributed to your results. You must answer this question or write “no other factors.” Do not leave blank.

List countries where case ran. (500 words limit)

List all countries where your case ran in the past three years.