Creating a WCS Web Site

Creating a WCS Web Site

Creating a WCS Web Site

by Library Media Specialist Debbie King

Access to creating and maintaining teacher sites is from any WCS district page.

Scroll all the way to the bottom of the page and click on the very tiny link that reads CMS Login.

If you are a first time user, you must first request a password from WCS before you begin work on your site.

Click on the New Online Classroom User link.

Enter your email address. You will receive a return email with a temporary password which you will change once you are in the program.

Click on the CMS Login link again.

The first page that appears is your home page. On this page you can put biographical information about yourself, add classrooms and other pages, and put events on your calendar.

Click on the Add Staff Photo to upload a picture of yourself (want to make an avatar? See my WCS website for some link ideas or do a Google search on “create avatar”).

In the Teacher Bio area you can enter text, upload images and videos, create links, etc. You can save your page at any time by clicking on the Save Page button. To view a live version of your page as you work, click on the View Live Site link at the top of the page.


To add a classroom to your site, click on the Add New Classroom link on the left side of the page.

Give your Classroom a name. It will appear on the list to the left. Click on the name to access that class.

To upload a picture of your class, click on the Update Class Photo link. Navigate to the photo you want to upload, then click on the Upload Image button.

You can add assignments, announcements, files/links, and pictures by clicking on the links and following the upload directions. If you so choose, you can allow students to submit assignments to you online.


Each classroom can have subpages attached to it. When you create a subpage, you will see a large text area similar to the one you used to create your bio information.


Each classroom can have a blog. Please remember that this is not private to your class (you’d want to use a program like Schoology if you want your students to participate in a blog). You can control whether you want to accept comments to your blog posts. If you do accept comments, you still must approve of them before they are added to the thread.

Posts may be unposted or deleted at any time.


You can create events directed at specific classes or for all your classes.

To add an event, click on the Add Event link.

Choose the class which should have the event on its calendar. If all classes are participating in the event, do not choose a particular class. All events will appear on your homepage.

Note: once an event has been added, it does not appear to be possible to delete it.

Uploading Images
Before images and videos appear on your page, you must upload them to the SchoolPointe server. Once images have been uploaded, they can be used over and over throughout your site.
Click on the little icon in the document menu bar that has a mountain on it.
An Image Properties dialogue box will appear. If you are linking to an online image, click on the link tab and enter the URL. If you are uploading an image, click on the upload tab. Navigate to your image, and click on the Send it to the Server button.
The Image Properties box will then show you a preview of the image you have just uploaded. If it looks good, click on OK. It will appear on your webpage.
Reusing a Previously Uploaded Image
Click on the Image icon in the document menu bar.
On the Image Properties dialogue box, click on the Browse Server button.
You will see a list of all the images you have uploaded.
Click on the one you want to use.
You will be shown a preview of it.
Click on OK to insert it into your page.

Uploading Videos

Before you can include videos on your site, you must upload them to the server.

Click on the Video Library link in the menu bar at the top of the screen.

Click on the Browser button to navigate to your video. Follow the directions to upload.

Adding Videos to a Page

Click in your editing box where you wish to insert the video.

Click on the movie icon.

A list of your movies will be displayed.

Click on the movie.

Adjust the size with the slider.

Click on Insert Video.

Save your page.

Created by Deborah King1
