Iredell-Statesville Schools
School Improvement Plan
A continuous improvement strategic plan, that communicates the approach
we will use to ensure all our students are career and college ready.
School: NB Mills / Year: 2016-2017 / Current Growth Status: Not Met Expected GrowthMission: Our mission is to work together with the community to build leaders in an engaging, respectful, and safe environment.
School Improvement Plan Summary
Our focus area is: Science
Overall goal (What we want to accomplish by the end of the second year.)
Proficiency Goal: By June 2018, 80% of NB Mills’ students will be proficient (80% or higher) in science as measured by EOGs
(5th Grade).
Growth Goal: By June 2018, all teachers will meet or exceed expected growth as measured by EVAAS.
Target goal (What we want to accomplish this year.)
Proficiency Goal: By June 2017, 50% of NB Mills’ students will be proficient (80% or higher) in science as measured by EOGs
(5th Grade).
Growth Goal: By June 2017, growth rating for NB Mills will be “Exceeds Expected Growth” as measured by EVAAS.
Approaches/Strategies (What we will do to realize our goal.)
4th Grade is piloting team teaching which is allowing grade level to develop “specialists” for science instruction.
Uniform schedule was created for every grade level to ensure adequate amount of time being spent on subjects.
School-wide focus on vocabulary for all subjects.
Measures; we will use to monitor our progress toward reaching our goal:
Performance/Impact: Benchmark Assessments, Common Assessments
Fidelity of implementation: Lesson planning, data analysis
During the 90 day cycle time for cycle 1 and 2 we will revisit/monitor our plan every 4 weeks
P / PLAN: Identify the gap and the approach
Performance Data; Formative and/or Summative that is aligned to goal. (Insert data or link to access data here.)
NB Mills’ Data History
Grade / Subject / 2011 / 2012 / 2013 - CC / 2014 / 2015 / 2016
5th / Science / 51.4 / 35.8 / 24.7 / 24 / 24.4
Teachers Met Growth / Science / 1 of 4 / 3 of 4 / 1 of 3
K-5 / ODR / 477 / 299 / 582 / 905 / 1000
CC: first year of Common Core testing
SCHOOL / Performance Composite 2013-2014 CCR / Performance Composite 2014-2015 CCR / Performance Composite 2013-2014 GLP / Performance Composite 2014-2015 GLP / AMO Targets 2013-2014 / AMO Targets 2014-2015 / Growth Status 2013-2014 / Growth Status 2014-2015
NB Mills / 23.2 / 20.6 / 34.2 / 28.6 / Not Met / Not Met / NotMet / Met
Data Analysis. Answer the following question using any data and/or information you have about performance in this area
1. In order to meet your Overall Goal, what is the most important area that needs improving and why? science vocabulary, adequate time being spent on science instruction, and ensuring high levels of engagement
2. What approaches/strategies are contributing to your success in this area and what data suggests this? Fourth grade team has spent a year piloting becoming “specialists”. It seems that the process is working and students are closing gaps. (Possibly 5th grade)
3. What are opportunities for improvement, gap or barriers are in this area? Ensuring all grade levels are adequately doing science instruction.
4. What seems to be the root cause of the problem and what data suggests this? Enormous focus has been on reading and math in most primary
grades, so we’re ensuring that adequate attention is given for science (i.e.: time commitment, engaging lesson plans, revisiting science curriculum)
5. What approaches/strategies could you deploy to address the root cause and support meeting your overall goal? Lesson plans are
a PLC focus, lesson plans are reviewed by principal with on-going coaching, uniform grade level schedules were created to ensure
time allotments are met to science instruction.
6. What research did you review to support the use of these strategies/approaches? Previous methods have not worked: each classroom creates
its own schedule, no real “specialists” were created because of the enormous amount of curriculum that all teachers have been accountable to know
and plan for every day, every week.
7. What performance measures will you use to monitor impact of your approach/strategy? Benchmark Assessments and Common Assessments
8. What measure will you use to monitor fidelity of deployment of your strategy/approach? Principal reviews lesson plans/criteria checklists, minutes
from PLCs, and lesson plans.
9. What professional development, if any, will be offered in cycle 1 to support the staff in implementing the approach? Continuous vocabulary
instructional best practices.
10. If funding is required, what funding source will be used?
11. How will you convey intent of this focus area of SIP to stakeholders?
12. How will you communicate progress towards goals or course corrections to stakeholders?
D / DO: Develop and Implement Deployment Plan
Include the results from Reflection and Messaging section into deployment plan. Approach/Strategies, Impact performance measure, Fidelity measure, Professional development and Messaging.
These are continuously implemented strategies that have been put into place by chronological order and are put in front of all plans so all members are aware and continue to implement.
● Letter land for Gr. K-2
● School focus of writing instruction in all grades
● Response to Instruction for academics and discipline
● 3D Reading for K thru 3rd grades
● Positive Parent Phone Calls
● Open House/Curriculum Night for parents
● Daily Connect-eds in Spanish
● Lesson Plan Guidelines & expectations per Mitchell
● Grade levels identified planning responsibilities – coaching by Mitchell
● Calendared due dates for identifying objectives & sharing plans
● Intervention Block (3 Reading days, 2 Math days)
● PLC Agenda Template
● “Movers and Shakers” to advise principal on operational ideas & decisions
● TA Professional Development
● Discipline & referral detailed plans
● Utilizing PDSA to help with students with frequent discipline issues
● Recognize Great Instruction/Strategies by sending out pictures
● Leaving feedback during CWTs
● Digital calendar accessible to all staff to see upcoming info for school
● All leadership completes CWT with fidelity
● Curriculum Night
● Chris Cain training on our campus for teachers & TAs
● Student Attendance & Discipline data reports
● Create our “Intervention Resource Room”
● Create a well-equipped “Book Room” (one for K-2, one for 3-5)
● Create “Teaching Strategies’ Resource Room” with high-quality resources for teachers to read, learn, and utilize
● Student-maintained data folders for grades 1st thru 5th
● Student accountability piece on SSPs – using authentic strategies
● Five-day enhancement/PE rotations x 55 minutes
● AIMsWeb for 4th-5th
● Moby Max for K-5
● PLC Focuses: resources/tools that support HYIS, academic games, academic vocabulary, guided reading, text-based questioning, using data, common core, RtA, and RtI
● Principal helping IF map PLCs and ERPD needs
● Purchase & use sister Letterland “Words their Way” word study program for 3rd-5th Grades
● Summer Reading Camp – coordinated thru Monticello United Methodist Church (ends 2015)
● Trading Technology Teacher position for two TAs (#1 TA: Computer Lab; #2 TA: 2nd Gr.)
● RtI paperwork support in PLCs
● IF, AP, and Principal all do regular, planned staff and student recognition
● Using discipline data reports
● Weekly leadership meetings
● Administrators split throughout building
● Purchase & utilize “Singapore Math” and EngageNY for math instruction
● Train TAs on how to use Letterland
● Create an RtI Data binder
● Class/teacher data folders
● RtI Screen 4th & 5th Grade students by mid-September
● Teachers conferencing with students using data folders
● If teacher has multiple discipline write-ups per week – coach (check classroom discipline, observations, etc.)
● Transportation Tickets – daily for students (teacher gives at the end of each day so we know mode)
● Analyze EC Resource data for growth – inclusive practice vs. pull out
● Vertical alignment within building
● Data Days
● Parent Feedback Notebook in main office
● Issue Bin for staff
● Using 1st Grade TAs for 2nd – 3rd Grade Remediation Block
● Using Media Specialist and Resource for 4th-5th Grade Remediation Block
● Certified staff absences in email (due to the number of health alerts we have on campus)
● Classified staff have to print a Time Keeper “All” report for me to monitor overtime
● Leadership coaching/modeling of PDSAs for more authenticity
● Reducing classroom interruptions by requiring parents to set up a pre-arranged appointment
● Singapore Math training for all staff
● Mitchell in PLCs each week (as much as possible)
● Systematic process for addressing amount of truancy and tardies
● Daily connect-eds for chronic tardy students’ parents
● Copying passages for parents to use at home to help students prepare for EOGs
● Purchase index cards for kids to make a set of flashcards for home to practice math facts
● Purchase math facts flashcards to use daily in classroom – children graph progress
● Copy passages of fluency reads for 1st-5th Grades to practice daily in classroom – children graph progress
● Differentiate level of PDSA depending on teacher’s level of understanding (individual student, small groups, or whole class)
● Reflect Camera for academic instruction and classroom management
● Continue systematic feedback from staff for identifying barriers and what is working well – and then remove barriers so that they can focus on relationships and instruction
● Created new contracts (Immediate removal, student tracks, and rewarded for lessening # of removals) for frequent flyers of discipline who Level 1 PBiS School-wide Process (4-tallies, then a write up) and Level 2 Individual Contracts where they track and are rewarded after so many days of success.
● “Nurturing Program” with AIG Specialist to start working with 1st and 2nd graders who are high-flying.
● School-wide Book Drive to get books into homes over summer
● Weekly connect-eds over summer to remind kids to read over summer break
● 2nd Grade focused Intervention Time on TRC Written Response – they required kids to read one book per day and then answer two questions with written responses for that book. They used a rubric. Students charted the number correct out of two per day. Teachers also used this time to do another guided reading time.
● Weekly PLC between RtI Chair and EC Chair.
● Vertical alignment discussions two to three times per year.
● Library Day – parents and students were invited to Iredell County Library to have assistance signing up for library cards and familiarizing themselves with library (school worked with library to arrange)
● Student-lead conferences in 2nd Grade (using their data notebooks)
● Leadership spread equally into goal teams (one per goal team). Coaching teacher-leader chairs how to lead goal teams.
● All teachers requiring homework four nights a week with focus being on drill/practice so children can complete independently. Holding students accountable for completing.
● Build a “Parent Resource Room” – teach parents how to help kids, create a tutor room with resources for them to come and use. Man with a teacher paid from parent involvement monies.
● Systematic coaching tool from Admin. observation notes to direct IF’s work (coaching in classroom)
● Principal on district teams: RtA Focus Group, AIG Advisory Team, and EC Focus Group
● Strong training on Guided Reading with constant follow-up in PLCs and coaching in classrooms/teachers
● Data Notebooks (like the students’) for each teacher, IF, and each administrator
● Weekly discussions in PLCs to identify students moving in/out of school or change of teacher for mClass/AIMsWeb/EVASS updates.
● Develop time into PD schedule for a Guided Reading Support Group – one for K-2 and one form 3rd – 5th since their needs and issues are different. They will have time to identify their barriers and consult and brainstorm with teachers who are having success.
● All grades utilizing student-lead conferences using their student data notebooks.
● Letterland instruction taken into 3rd Grade (maybe just first semester).
● Specific ownership of every initiative for leadership team instead of everyone doing some of everything
● Character Ed. instruction program for students
● Book study for PLCs
● Rebirth CCI for new teachers, non-compliant teachers, and those that want to learn more. Put in staff handbook identifying who will attend and dates.
● Build a “Teacher Academy” – to address authentic use and understanding of district initiatives, learn best practices, and learn classroom management.
● School counselor goes into PLCs for discipline information & strategies
● Create a folder for each teacher containing containing historical info: lesson planning components, lesson plans and schedule being followed, RtI paperwork match struggling students, progress monitoring completed, guided reading components, CWTs, professional development attended, leadership opportunities, and observations.
● Division of labor and fidelity checks among leadership team.
● Focus/ensure instructional spiraling of skills.
● Systematic PDP goals among grade levels (individuals will roll out in their grade levels) and then owned by leadership member.
● Identify specific days (only) to schedule IEPs so that I can attend PLCs and grade level planning.
● Create a weekly “Next step” list for IF pertaining to coaching needs of staff.
● IF and principal involved in weekly lesson planning.
● Ensure PLC PDSAs
● Ensure data analysis
● Training of chairs
● Started a PLC for EC teachers (mainly K-2 Resource, 3-5 Resource, and SED teachers)
● Rewrote vision to address school having relationships and engaging learning – school rewrote its mission statement based on that.
● Purposefully focusing on the components of lesson plans & instruction - quality and engaging activities; timeframes.
● Teachers reviewing assessments with students to analyze why they are missing questions.
● Utilize parrot reading – children mimic inflections, use punctuation, etc.
● Both teacher and TA do guided reading groups
● Focus on reducing ODR #s.
● Market Kindergarten.