Journalism Photography Project-Rubric
Area of focus / 4-excellent / 3-Good / 2-Needs Improvement / 1-PoorPresentation, Design, and captions / Your portfolio is neatly bound with a lovely cover. Every photo is displayed cleanly and creatively with a caption or title for added context. Keep this. You will treasure it later. All requirements are in place. / Your portfolio is neatly bound with a nice cover. Every photo is displayed with a caption or title for added context. All requirements are in place. / Your portfolio is not neatly bound-some photos were loose or missing. Not every photo is displayed with a caption or title. Fix this up so you can view appreciate it later. One requirement may be missing. / Loose photographs? This was a project. You clearly are sending me a message that you do not care about the quality of your work. One or more requirement is missing.
Angles and Perspective / Your varied angles and perspectives prove you were creatively and insightfully considering your subject. Well done. The results were amazing. / You vary your angles and perspectives, proving to me you were thinking creatively about your subject. There are some nice shots here. / There are some pictures here that could have been more creatively displayed with some variance in angle. Try to be a bit more creative. / Remember the rule of thirds? These shots are all angled in a traditional way-no creativity here.
Use of light, dark, and color / You vary both grayscale and color in ways that coincide with the subject and the mood of the scene. You have an eye for photography. / There is some creative variance here. However, your choice of grayscale or color should not be random-consider the subject and the mood as well. / There is very little variance between grayscale and color. Some images are too dark or too light so that the viewer notices these as disturbances to the subject rather than as an added creative element. / There was no variance between grayscale and color. Several images are too dark or too light so that the viewer notices these as disturbances to the subject.
Emotional response / Powerful pictures. You capture a moment or a subject perfectly. The pictures speak for themselves. / Some very nice pictures here. The captions are needed on a few to add context. / I needed to read the captions to understand the context. Try to capture more candid, natural moments. / These pictures lacked emotion. They were one dimensional.
Creativity / This project was amazing. It was well organized and thematic. The project as a whole had a unified meaning. / This was a good project. The pictures flow nicely-a couple photos seemed a bit unconnected-but the project was well organized. / This project could have been planned better. The pictures seemed unconnected to each other. / This project felt like a family photo album-it was not creative or organized well. Does Mom know you are passing this off as a school project?