CPAC Education Committee: Collaboration Workgroup
Minutes for January 28, 2014 Collaboration Workgroup Meeting
Attendees: Kathie Herel, Barb Mazza, Heather Alford, Jackie Kemp, Rachael Neff, and Eliza Hirst.
- Updates
Barb Mazza reported that she checked on the DELSIS system and learned that the DOE Exceptional Children can grant education information access to an approved list of users from DFS. However, there is no input function, only a look up function. Barb will follow up with Jeff Fleming from DOE regarding the ability to customize information forstudents in foster care. Barb will report back at our next scheduled meeting.
The Brandywine Demonstration Project scheduled a training on March 13th. Heather Alford indicated that DFS has 10 slots available and her team with the Office of Evidence Based Practice has been invited. Rachael Neff will follow up on the Project to see what the purpose of the training is and who will be invited.
Eliza reported out that Barb, Kathie, and Eliza did an Education Surrogate Parent Training for CASAs and AGALs in December that was well received. The next training will be March 6, 2014. We will consider whether to do additional trainings for CASAs/AGALs in the late spring/early summer.
The FAQs are nearing completion. The Workgroup agreed to add a general education section to the chart on special education, 504 plan, and education rights. Barb agreed to do the ESL section of the FAQ and Eliza will do the truancy section. A completed FAQ will be distributed by February 14, 2014. We will determine whether training or presentation would be appropriate for different groups/agencies (i.e. judges, school districts, etc.) once the FAQ is completed. If we formulate such a presentation, we may also incorporate training on supporting traumatized students.
2. Student Transfer Sheet
The student transfer sheet was agreed to be renamed the “Student Information Sheet.” After we discussed the contents, we agreed that we will float the form and the concept to various people to consider piloting the form. The revised form will be sent out by February 7, 2014. Once the form is finalized, Eliza will reach out to Dennis Rozumalski, Michele Marinucci, and PJ Facciolo. Heather and Eliza will contact Chris McIntyre and Aileen Fink together. Barb will reach out to Tracy Neugebauer at DOE.
3. The Trauma Survey
The group then discussed the contents and purpose of the trauma/information sharing survey. Eliza will revise and distribute the edits to the group for review by February 7, 2014. Once the survey is approved, Eliza will reach out to Dr. Dougherty to determine how best to send out the survey.
- Our next meetings are scheduled for:
March 4, 2014 10-11:30 ColletteEducationCenter, DoverDE
May 6, 2013 10-11:30 ColletteEducationCenter, DoverDE