
Community Health Partnership

South Sector


South Glasgow Public Partnership Forum Executive Group Meeting

Victory Christian Centre

10th April 2013, 10.00am – 12noon

Present:Margaret Millmaker, Jean McCann, Susan Board, Maria MacGregor, Peter Bole (Chair), Frank MacFarlane, Hazel Hodes, Elizabeth Neilson, Dick Carabine, Kate Willis, Alice McFarlane, Margaret Biggam, James Dickie, Sheena McClymont

In attendance: Lisa Martin, CHP; Isobel Huk, CHP,Hamish Battye, CHP, Gillian Kinstrie, SHC, Caroline Fee, CHP

1. / Welcome and Apologies
Peter welcomed and thanked everyone for their attendance, and introduced Isobel Huk who is providing admin support
Apologies: Hugh Quigley, Jalal Chaudry, Margaret Ralph, Julie Young, Janet Blunn, Jimmy Nelson
Lisa advised that Robert McDonach has indicated that he wishes to resign from the PPF Executive Group. Lisa will contact Robert to clarify his position. / Lisa
2. / Introduction to new staff member Caroline Fee, Primary Care Development Officer
Caroline thanked the members for inviting her to the meeting. She gave an overview of her post, explaining that the purpose is to develop sustainable, reliable and productive partnerships with primary care contractors such as GPs, dentists and opticians however since coming into post the majority of time has been spent working with GPs. There are several existing structures that support communication between the CHP and local GPs in south Glasgow and Caroline has a role to help facilitate these structures.
Locality meetings are open to primary care contractors operating in a specific locality or area, and are held quarterly. These meetings also include protected learning time events where training or learning opportunities are delivered to relevant staff including GPs, dentists, practice managers, nurses and others.
The south sector GP Committee is a forum whereby GPs meet regularly with key CHP staff from the south sector to identify any issues around primary care. There is an argument that there should be patient/public representation at these meetings, but to date no further discussions on this have taken place. Caroline also has a role to support practices to follow good practice guidelines and improve standards. She asked PPF members to feedback their experience of trying to engage with primary care providers and GPs, and the concerns they want to raise.
Peter and Elizabeth mentioned the former primary care strategy events that were attended by a few patients’ representatives, and were supposed to signal the start of better engagement. However when the reorganisation of health and social care happened this strategy stalled. Gillian Kinstrie mentioned a pilot that they are running in West Dunbartonshire with several GP practices and offered to support any opportunities for local engagement with GPs. Caroline will arrange to speak to Gillian out with the meeting.
Kate raised a serious concern regarding waiting times and the inconsistency across the south. There were additional concerns about unscheduled admissions to hospitals and the number of patients that some GP practices support – both within and out with particular geographical areas.
Hamish suggested that Caroline tables a report for the PPF outlining the access arrangements in the south and the targets/performance measures for each practice. This was agreed. Caroline invited members who had examples of specific issues to contact her directly. / Caroline
3. / Minutes of Meeting held on 27th February 2013
The minutes were proposed by Margaret M and seconded by Kate.
4. / Matters Arising
a)Clinical Services Review – all members had received a copy of the newsletter detailing the latest position with the Review. An engagement event for stakeholders involved in the Review is planned for April – Peter and Margaret M had received an invite in their capacity as Chairs of groups. Alice had attended the last stakeholder event and planned to contact Lorna Gray about attending.
b)Community Planning Partnership (CPP) – as yet the PPF has not been formally approached by the CPP for involvement in the new structure. It was agreed to write to Jim Gray at Democratic services asking for clarification on the structure and a list of the Communities of Interest as identified in the paper previously circulated by Community Planning Officers.
c)Welfare Reform –members were asked to note that Glasgow City Council is now responsible for the administration of crisis loans, not the Dept of Work and Pensions (DWP). / Lisa
5. / Reshaping Care for Older People
Hamish provided an update on developments within Reshaping Care. The Joint Commissioning Plan draft has been finalised and will be launched for a period of public consultation, finishing on 28th June 2013. Copies of the full Plan will be available as will summary leaflets outlining the key proposals.
The key partners are; NHS GGC, Glasgow City Council, Scottish Care and Glasgow Council for the Voluntary Sector (GCVS).
The consultation has also been launched online and will appear locally in the press. A series of public sessions will be held between now and the close of the consultation for key stakeholders.
The proposed date for the south Glasgow session is Wednesday 22nd May at QueensParkChurch. The members agreed to reschedule their planned Executive meeting to the afternoon to accommodate the session.
Kate asked how many representatives from each organisation would be invited, given the capacity limitations of the venue. It was agreed that numbers might have to be limited to one representative per organisation, but that any PPF members who wanted to attend would be able to. There will be similar events in north west and north east and a citywide event for the larger voluntary organisations, services and partners.
Lisa will circulate details of the session and copies of the Plan when available, and will make arrangements to reschedule the PPF Executive meeting to the afternoon. / Lisa
6. / Development Plan
Hamish advised the the CHP Development Plan is now finalised and will be sent out to the members in due course. The Plan is very detailed with over 100 actions however the format has been simplified making it easier to read than previous plans. The purpose of the Plan is to review and measure progress against a series of performance targets and measures.
Lisa circulated a table identifying where the current PPF action plans fit within the CHP development plan targets. Members were asked to look at other service areas to identify opportunities for the PPF to support progress in achieving targets. / Hamish/
7. / Update on Gorbals and East Pollokshields Projects
East Pollokshields
The outline design and costs are now agreed. Hub West has submitted the finalised proposal to the health Board for approval and once this has been agreed the planning application will be submitted. A detailed design phase will then get underway, with opportunities for more community engagement on areas such as the walled garden and internal/atrium space. There is an ongoing discussion with the Keir GP Practice in relation to them joining the development at a future point.
Agreement has now been reached with new Gorbals Housing Association (NGHA) to develop the new health centre on the Sandifield site. This was the preferred site from the Option Appraisal process in January. The site will be shared with NGHA offices.
There is general support for the site within the community. The location was the most popular amongst the community representatives who are participating in the Project Board and engagement process.
A schedule of accommodation is being developed; this will list all of the services that will be accommodated in the new centre. It will include all existing services at Gorbals health centre and additional services such as the Specialist Children’s Services Team and some other social work services.
The design phase can now begin and a similar model of community engagement as that used at East Pollokshields is underway.
Peter asked about other priority areas such as Arden, where the GP practice falls way below an acceptable standard. Hamish advised that discussions are underway with Glenoaks Housing Association about relocating the practice. Other areas that are in line for redevelopment include Govan Health Centre and Shawmill Resource Centre.
8. / Any Other Business
a) James D advised that that there is a new care home at Prospecthill Circus in Toryglen. This is a Glasgow City Council initiative.
b) Margaret reported back on a previous question regarding the
attendance of councillors at the CHP Committee meetings. She reported that councillors are not required to attend a specific amount of meetings, as was previously suggested by Robert McD.
c) Margaret advised that leaflets on how to report hate crime are available from the Glasgow Disability Alliance. Clean Glasgow campaign cards are available from 276 7494.
d) Kate reported that she received a fundraising leaflet from the Salvation Army suggesting that they can support someone to detox from heroin and other drugs at a fraction of the cost of other services. Hamish asked Kate to forward the leaflet in order to get further information about the type of services being offered.
e) Lisa reminded all members of the training opportunities that had been circulated and asked anyone who was interested to confirm as soon as possible. A number of members put their names forward and Lisa will pass these on to Kate Munro who will confirm their place and make any necessary arrangements.
f) Lisa advised that Robert McDonach has indicated his intention to resign from the Executive Group. Lisa will follow up with Robert to confirm. New member Susan Board was welcomed to the Executive Group.
g) Dick Carrabine advised that Mary Sanderson, a long standing community activist and former member of the south west Glasgow PPF had died. The group agreed to send a card to her family.
h) Sheena informed the PPF that the Community Mental Health Project in Govan was in danger of closing. The full time staff previously based at the Project had retired and the Council will not be replacing them. Furthermore the community development worker who worked from the Project two days per week had also been relocated. The Project provides a range of activities; drop ins and advice for mental health service users and their families. Margaret M suggested that activities could be delivered from other venues, and that the service users should direct their concerns to Sheena Morrison, Social Work Services Manager for south Glasgow and to the South Voices for Change Group.
If anyone not at today’s meeting would like a copy of any papers
please contact Isobel or Lisa. / Lisa
10. / Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting will take place on Wednesday 22nd May at 1pm in QueensParkChurch, 170 Queens Drive, to accommodate the public session on Reshaping Care that same morning.