Court Cases/JFK/LBJ/Vietnam War Review Sheet

All the court cases can be found at

Engel v Vitale

Cooper v Aaron

Loving v Virginia

Robinson v California

Griswold v Connecticut

Gideon v Wainright

Tinker v Des Moines

Mapp v Ohio

Miranda v Arizona

  1. In Engel v Vitale, did the Court rule that schools COULD or COULD NOT use prayer, even if voluntary?______
  1. Explain what the Establishment Clause of the 1st Amendment means:
  1. Another case, Tinker v Des Moines, also dealt with the 1st Amendment. In this case, the court ruled that students WERE or WERE NOT protected by symbolic speech under the first amendment?______
  1. In Mapp v Ohio the Court established the EXCLUSIONARY RULE. Explain what that rule states?
  1. What court case was precedent in Cooper v Aaron?
  1. Many of the cases we studied dealt with the 14th Amendment. What part of the 14th amendment did we use?______
  1. Which court case made birth control legal?______
  1. Police have to read suspects their rights because of this court case______
  1. We have public defenders today because of this court case?______
  1. In Robinson v California the court ruled that convicted someone because they are addicted to narcotics would violate the cruel and unusual punishment clause of the 8th Amendment. Why?
  1. This couple fought for the right for interracial couples to marry in which court case?______
  1. Based on all of the cases we studied, what broad statement could you make about society at this time?

JFK/LBJ – Chapter 15 and the LBJ Chart

  1. Who does JFK run against in the 1960 election?
  1. Why did he not need make up but his opponent did?
  1. If you were watching the 1st debate, who would you say won?
  1. If you were listening to the 1st debate, who would you say won?
  1. What two issues was JFK the most passionate about?



  1. Who assassinated JFK?
  1. Who became president next?
  1. What is the difference between foreign and domestic policy?
  1. What is the difference between Medicare and Medicaid?

Vietnam War – Chapter 16 and Cold War/Vietnam review sheet

  1. Define Containment:
  2. Define Iron Curtain:
  1. Define Domino Theory:
  1. Which country controlled Indo China prior to WWII?
  1. What three countries made up Indo China?
  1. Who was the leader of N. Vietnam?
  1. What major battle the Vietminh win that forced the European country to leave Vietnam? A. Dien Bien Phu B. My Lai C. Khe Sahn D. Tet
  1. Who was the leader of S. Vietnam?
  1. Some people in the U.S felt it was a ______war between N and S Vietnam.
  1. Why did the United States get involved?
  1. Why did many S. Vietnamese not like their leader?
  1. There were supposed to be elections to reunify N and S Vietnam, but there wasn’t. Why not?
  1. What ends up happening to the leader of S. Vietnam?
  1. An alleged attack on the USS Maddox and Turner Joy got the US heavily involved in the war. Because of this, Congress gave Johnson broad military powers. What was this called? ______Resolution
  1. A sustained bombing campaign got get the N to surrender was called Operation______
  1. The General in charge of the war was: A. McNamara B. Westmoreland C. McCarthy D. McCain
  1. Explain what Americanizing the war meant:
  1. What were the two main pieces to Americanizing the war?
  1. What is the difference between Napalm and Agent Orange?
  1. Explain the type of fighting that took place during the war.
  1. Explain the animal analogy that Ho Chi Minh used – to compare his troops and US troops.
  1. Who was the senator and presidential candidate who was a POW?
  1. What was President Johnson’s domestic plan to eliminate poverty, to improved education and healthcare called?
  1. People who supported the war were called______
  1. People who protested the war were called______
  1. People who were drafted into military service were called______
  1. The Act allowing the people to be drafted was called ______Service Act of 1948.
  1. Approximately how many men were drafted into military service during the Vietnam War? A. 3 million B. 500,000 C. 1.5 million D. 2 million
  1. What is it called to postpone your service time? These were granted to college students.
  1. Where did most of the anti war activism take place?
  1. The difference between what President Johnson was saying and what the journalists were reporting was called the “______gap”
  1. This battle happened on the Vietnamese New Year. N Vietnamese did an all out assault on major cities in S. Vietnam including the US Embassy in Saigon. This was considered a major turning point in the war because it showed that the Vietcong were not losing strength; they were not done fighting like we thought. What battle was this?______
  1. Who decided not to run for reelection in 1968?
  1. What 2 major US leaders died in 1968?
  1. Who won the election in 1968?
  1. What did Peace with Honor mean?
  1. Explain Vietnamization:
  1. Was it successful?
  1. What happened at KentState?
  1. What happened at My Lai?
  1. The US leaves in 1973, and the war officially ends in 1975. When the war ended, what happened to S Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia?
  1. Approximately how many people died in the war?
  1. Who were the 5 US presidents involved in the Vietnam Conflict?