Linguistic Terminology and Policy

Prof. Maria Teresa Zanola


The importance of the transference of knowledge and institutional and commercial exchange has promoted great development of specialised communication, whose most distinctive characteristic is the suitability of its use of terminology. The development of a language is measured based on the development of its vocabulary; such a system goes hand in hand with the appearance of new situations, which require communication to create state-of-the-art tools, suitable for increasingly composite textual typologies.

The course aims to use methodological consideration and practical activities to teach students the knowledge and skills needed to approach the study of speciliased terminology in an in-depth manner.The course presents the main linguistic policies in operation for Euro-American languages. These languages have generated terminological products which form the guidelines within environments such as technical, scientific, humanistic and social communication.

Furthermore, the course allows for the practice of terminological activities mainly oriented towards linguistic services within legal and institutional, medical and economic-financial sectors, within the technical writing sector, the information and documentation sector and within linguistic planning.


The scientific and methodological foundations of terminology: descriptive approaches, notional systems, definition of notions, choice of terminological data, criteria of terminological quality.

Relations between terminological development and international co-operation in the field of linguistic planning. Terminology and neology.

Constitutive processes in the most significant terminological traditions of the Euro- American linguistic region. The main institutions operating in the field of terminology.

Terminology and scientific translation: characters of specialist oral and written texts and their different types. Terminology and applications in specialist communication: specialist texts, unity of knowledge and unity of terminology.

Terminology, localisation and the Internet: terminological databanks, documentary corpora, sectorial computer tools.

Terminological elaboration and production: elaborating glossaries. Case studies.


Compulsory reading

G. Adamo, La terminologia, in R. Guarasci(ed.), Dal documento all'informazione, Iter, Milano, 2008, pp. 227-247.

Id., La terminologia per gli interpreti e traduttori, «Moderne Sprachen», 2000, 44,pp. 141-149.

G. Nencioni, Lessico tecnico e difesa della lingua, «Studi di lessicografia italiana», Accademia della Crusca, 1987, IX, pp. 5-20.

M.T. Zanola (ed.), Terminologie specialistiche e tipologie testuali. Prospettive interlinguistiche, EDUCatt, Milano, 2007, e Terminologie specialistiche e prodotti terminologici, EDUCatt, Milano, 2011.

Ead. (ed.), Costruire un glossario: la terminologia dei sistemi fotovoltaici, Vita e Pensiero, Milano, 2012.

Ead., Terminologie e politiche linguistiche (c.d.s.).

Two readings among the following:

M.T. Cabré, La terminología. Teoría,metodología, aplicaciones, Editorial Antárida/Empúries, Barcelona, 1993 (trad. fr.: La terminologie. Théorie, méthode et applications, Les Presses de l’Université d’Ottawa – A. Colin, Ottawa-Paris 1998).

Ead., La terminologia tra lessicologia e documentazione: aspetti storici e importanza sociale, < 2000.

R. Dubuc, Manuel pratique de terminologie, Linguatech, Québec, 1992 (trad. ingl.: Terminology: A Practical Approach, Linguatech, Brossard-Québec 1997).

G. Nencioni (ed.), Saggi e memorie, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, 2000.

J. Sager, A Practical Course in Terminology Processing, Benjamins, Amsterdam, 1990.

R. Temmerman, Towards New Ways of Terminology Description. The Sociocognitive Approach, Benjamins, Amsterdam/Philadelphia, 2000.

M.L. Villa, L’inglese non basta, Mondadori, Milano, 2013.

E. Wüster, Einführung in die Allgemeine Terminologielehre und terminologische Lexicographie, Romanistischer Verlag, Bonn 1991 [1975].

M.T. Zanola (ed.), Terminologie e ontologie. Definizioni e comunicazione fra norma e uso, EDUcatt, Milano, 2013.

Suggestions for further reading will be provided by the lecturer during the course.


Lectures, supervised practical work, seminars, projects and applicative laboratory work.


Relations, projects and practical work. Final oral examination.


Further information can be found on the lecturer's webpage at or on the Faculty notice board.