Presentation Title: Recycling: How does it Benefit People and the World?

  1. Which type of presentation media is best suited for the size audience you are addressing?

-PowerPoint: This is suitable for the size audience I am addressing because the screen will be big enough for everyone in the audience to see, no matter how small the audience may be: everyone would get the big picture.

-Printed Material: This is suitable for the size audience I am addressing because it will not require a lot of paper to be handed out, only a small portion. It will be the article that I will be addressing during the presentation for the participant to have as a reference or source of information.

-Writing boards: This is suitable for the size audience I am addressing because since the audience is so small, everyone will be able to see the board. The board will be used to record each group’s brainstorming ideas for the whole audience to see.

  1. Which parts of the presentation topic should be supported with presentation media?

-PowerPoint: The parts of this presentation topic that should be supported with PowerPoint media will be the short video clip that will be shown to prove a point about recycling and the business world. Also, the facts and numbers that I will share about recycling will need to be shown on each slide as I discuss them so the audience can have the chance to take in the information visually.

-Printed Material: The parts of the presentation topic that this presentation media will support will be the point I will make pertaining to the fact that being a well-rounded businessman is something that companies are looking for. I will distribute the article at the end of the presentation as a source of information.

-Writing boards: The parts of this presentation topic that should be supported with writing boards will be the brainstorming/discussing part when participants will be asked to think of different ways in which recycling can help their profession.

  1. Do you have sufficient time to prepare your presentation media?

- I have two weeks to develop my presentation media. This time will allow me to create my presentation, critique it in the ways I find helpful, and allow me to look over it several times for mistakes.

  1. Can you develop the presentation media yourself or will you need the assistance of a media specialist?

- Yes, I can develop the presentation media myself and will not need the assistance of a media specialist.

  1. Is the presentation media compatible with the media equipment available? Will you be operating the equipment, or will you need a technician?

- The presentation media is compatible with the media equipment available since the only things I will need will be a computer, PowerPoint projector, PowerPoint screen, and writing board. The classroom in which I will be giving my presentation provides all four things.

  1. If purchased media is used, is the content current? Is it free of any bias?

- I did not purchase any media.

  1. Is the sophistication of the developed, leased, or purchased media suitable for your audience?

- The sophistication of the developed media will be suitable for my audience. They will each allow me some visual aspect of my demonstration and will allow the audience to be visual learners when learning about recycling.