Course Syllabus


Prof. Kirt Witte

Montgomery Hall, 417B

(912) 525-8534

Office Hours: Mon-Thurs: 10am to 11am

Savannah College

of Art and Design


School of Film and Digital Media, Department of Visual Effects, Savannah

VSFX 448, 01
Visual Effects Studio II

Mission of the College: The Savannah College of Art and Design exists to prepare talented students for professional careers, emphasizing learning through individual attention in a positively oriented university environment.

Course Description: Students collaborate to produce a visual effects product from start to

finish that includes analysis and critique, organization and scheduling. The goal is to create a coherent body of work expressing students' personal artistic visions through their acquired skills. Prerequisite: VSFX 408.

Course Goals: The following course goals articulate the general objectives and purpose of this course:

Production of visual effects imagery for student demo reels that stress team participation and inclusion. Working with elements produced in the Visual Effects Studio I class, this class will explore further visual effects production possibilities. This is a collaborative class. Teamwork and participation is paramount.

Course Outcomes: The following course outcomes indicate competencies and measurable skills that students develop as a result of completing this course:

Emphasis is placed on effective completion of visual effects production and technical problem solving.

Required Text(s): N/A

Recommended Text(s):

The DV Rebel's Guide: An All-Digital Approach to Making Killer Action Movies on the Cheap by Stu Maschwitz

Film Directing Shot by Shot: Visualizing from Concept to Screen by Steven D. Katz

In the Blink of an Eye Revised 2nd Edition by Walter Murch

Rebel Without a Crew: Or How a 23-Year-Old Filmmaker With $7,000 Became a Hollywood Player by Robert Rodriguez

The HDRI Handbook: High Dynamic Range Imaging for Photographers and CG Artists by Christian Bloch (ISBN: 978-1-933952-05-5)

Required Materials:

Blank DVDs and DV tapes to back up data.

External portable hard drive strongly recommended.

Digital still camera strongly recommended.

SCAD Attendance Policy: There are no excused absences. The accumulation of more than four absences will result in the student’s failure for the class. Missing more than fifteen minutes of class is considered an absence. In addition, each absence will lower your final grade by 2.5 points per absence.

Additional information: While many of the class notes and assignment details will be provided on-line, students are responsible for taking notes in class and, obtaining notes for any missed lectures from classmates.

Schedule of Classes: Key events including assignments, projects due dates/exam dates:

Class 1: Monday, 9/15: Class Introduction and Project Review

Class 2: Wednesday, 9/17: Project Review (continued) and Shot Breakdowns

Class 3: Monday, 9/22: Stated Goals for Class & Initial Website Due Online.

(Written & Verbal)

Class 4: Wednesday, 9/24: In Class Work Session

Class 5: Monday, 9/29: Weeklies

Class 6: Wednesday, 10/1: In Class Work Session

Class 7: Monday, 10/6: Weeklies

Class 8: Wednesday, 10/8: In Class Work Session

Class 9: Monday, 10/13: Midterm Presentations

Class 10: Wednesday, 10/15: Midterm Presentations

Class 11: Monday, 10/20: Weeklies

Class 12: Wednesday, 10/22: In Class Work Session

Class 13: Monday, 10/27: Weeklies

Class 14: Wednesday, 10/29: In Class Work Session

Class 15: Monday, 11/3: In Class Work Session

Class 16: Wednesday, 11/5: Weeklies

Class 17: Monday, 11/10: In Class Work Session

Class 18: Wednesday 11/12: In Class Work Session

Class 19: Monday, 11/17: Final Senior Project Progress Presentations

Class 20: Wednesday 11/19: Final Senior Project Progress Presentations and Post Mortem

Grading Opportunities:

Students will give formal mid-term and final progress presentations.

Students will present work-in-progress each class meeting.

Students are expected to keep an up-to-date production website or notebook.

Students will verbally state (to class) goals for the quarter. Students will provide a written

Letter of class goals (to professor).

Students will actively engage in in-class critiques in a professional manner.

Your overall course grade will be computed according to the following breakdown

Assignment / Weight
Website or Production Notebook / 20 percent
Midterm Progress Presentation / 20 percent
Final Progress Presentation / 20 percent
Producing Stated Goals / 20 percent
Class Participation / 20 percent
Grading Standards / Range
Letter grade: A = excellent / 90 –100%
Letter grade: B = good / 80 – 89%
Letter grade: C = * / 70 – 79%
Letter grade: D = * / 60 – 69%
Letter grade: F = failing / 0 – 59%

*Refer to the student handbooks and departmental standards for minimal acceptance for passing grade.

Field Trip (s): The class will take a field trip to a theater/projection facility.

Extra Help Session (s): Extra help is available via email and by appointment.

Conference (s): Each student enrolled in the course will have a midterm conference scheduled outside

of class time with the professor. Students are expected to keep this appointment.

Academic Integrity: Under all circumstances, students are expected to be honest in their dealings with faculty, administrative staff, and fellow students. In speaking with members of the college community, students must give an accurate representation of the facts at hand. In class assignments, students must submit work that fairly and accurately reflects their level of accomplishment. Any work that is not a product of the student’s own effort is considered dishonest. Students may not submit the same work for more than one class. A student may be suspended or expelled for academic dishonesty. Please refer to the Student Handbook for additional information regarding the policy on academic integrity.

Incomplete: A grade of incomplete may be granted to students who have suffered serious personal illness or critical, emergency circumstances during the academic term, preventing the student from completing all assignments by the end of the quarter. The appropriate school dean must approve a grade of incomplete before the end of the quarter. Students with more than four total absences are not eligible for an incomplete. Please refer to the college catalog for additional information.

Learning Support Resources and Academic and Safety Polices: Information about SCAD learning support resources and academic and safety policies, including the Learning Assistance Center, the Jen Library, the Writing Center, SCAD Helpdesk, the Visual Resources Center, and Student Counseling and Disabilities Services can be found in the menu area of the Blackboard web site for this course.


Revised August 2007