English 11

Course Syllabus 2015-2016

Mrs. McKenzie


Room 567


English 11 is the required course for students who have been successful in English 9 and 10. Students read a variety of literary works, including but not limited to: articles, essays, novels, plays, poems, and short stories. Students will also write formal essays and informal quick writes. We will also focus on vocabulary development, grammar, public speaking, and scholastic discussions. This course meets A-G requirements if a “C” or above is earned.


Students Will

  1. Enrich their vocabulary with grade-level words.
  2. Read and analyze in-depth grade level material from a list of district-approved works which are historically and culturally significant.
  3. Read and understand the structural features of informational (non-fiction) materials.
  4. Use the TCHS writing program structure to compose essays, both formal and informal.
  5. Use speaking and listening techniques to present, understand, discuss and enrich our course material.


McDougal Littell-The Language of Literature


  1. Wide-ruled notebook reserved exclusively for English
  2. School issued textbook
  3. Blue or black pens


All assignments will be given to students in class and expected to be turned in on time. Students should expect homework, either unfinished classwork, studying for a test/quiz, or assignments needed to further learning. Formal papers will be written in MLA format and a computer will be necessary to complete.


Students are expected to be in class daily and ready to work when the bell rings. Students will be accountable to the TCHS attendance and tardy policy. Unexcused tardies will be dealt with the following consequences: 1st-3rd offense-warning, 4th and beyond-Saturday School assigned by admin. Truancies are UNEXCUSED absences and students will not be able to make up work or tests if caught truant.


This will be allowed for EXCUSED absences only. Students have 3 school days to make up work from an absence. Please label all make-up work “ABSENT” on the top. Quizzes and tests can be made up by making arrangements with me personally. Planned absences of extended length must be done through the independent study program.


A standard grading scale is used. 100-90 % =A, 89-80%=B, 79-70%=C, 69-60%=D, 59-0%=F. Each student is responsible for keeping track of his/her grade. Grades are kept online using Infinite Campus.


Any assignment that is 1-5 school days late may be turned in to up to half credit. This is to allow for unforeseen emergencies or family incidences. After one week, assignments will not be accepted.


Extra credit may be available periodically for those who have turned in all required assignments.


This will not be tolerated. Students caught plagiarizing or cheating will receive a zero for that assignment and be assigned a Saturday School. Excessive incidences may require further consequences.


Students are expected to follow all school rules and treat each other with respect. Students will use proper language at all times. The following consequences will be given to any students not acting appropriately: warning, student-teacher conference, phone call home, office referral, Saturday school assigned, on campus suspension, and off-campus suspension. Excessive behavior issues are dealt with by the administration team and could affect school activities.

ENGLISH 11-Statement of Understanding

I have read and discussed the course syllabus with my student. I will do my best to uphold all responsibilities and expectations required of this course.


(student name)


(student signature)(date)


(parent signature)(date)

Do you have a computer at home or at easy access?


Do you have internet access at home or at easy access?


Is there anything I should know about your student to help them have a successful year?

