Chabot College

Course Outline for Computer Science 92, Page 2

Fall 2003

Chabot CollegeFall 2003

Course Outline Computer Science 92


Catalog Description:

92 – Introduction To Dynamic Hypertext Markup Language (DHTML)2 units

An expansion of HTML, web authoring capabilities to cover Dynamic HTML as available in Java, JavaScript and VBScript. Use of third party software plug ins, Microsoft’s Active X, changing the “static” appearance of your HTML web page, user input forms and scripts to enhance web page capabilities. Basic programming in VBScript and JavaScript. Designed for web authors with a limited programming background who would like to use some of the basic capabilities of DHTML in their web pages. Prerequisite: Computer Science 91 or Computer Applications Systems 91 or Electronics and Computer Technology 91 and Computer Science 10 or Computer Science 14 (all completed with a grade of “C” or higher). May be offered in Distance Education delivery format. 2 hours lecture, 1 hour laboratory.

Prerequisite Skills:

Before entering the course the student should be able to:

  1. create basic web pages using hypertext links to other URLs, insert graphic images, change and modify fonts and colors for the web page text, insert basic sound capability on the page;
  2. use an HTML editor, graphics image editor, and special effects applications to speed development of the web page tag code and enhance web page presentation capabilities;
  3. use basic Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) to enhance web page appearance;
  4. describe the various differences between Microsoft's Explorer and Netscape Communicator for tag usage (movie clips, spacing, CSS, marquees, top and left margins, etc.);
  5. use File Transfer Protocol (FTP) capability to send web page source code to a distant server to maintain a web page;
  6. be familiar with other dynamic web page capabilities such as Java, JavaScript, VBScript;
  7. create a "transparent" GIF;
  8. follow the procedures used in the appropriate college computer laboratory to sign in and out, and to write, edit, compile, run and debug programs;
  9. demonstrate an elementary understanding of modern computational systems and their use;
  10. demonstrate an elementary understanding of what steps are involved in program development;
  11. use simple C++ data types in programs and understand how they are represented in the machine;
  12. form C++ expressions using selected operators, and understand the rules of precedence used in their evaluation;
  13. use the structured programming constructs: sequence, selection and iteration;
  14. perform elementary interactive input and output operations;
  15. code void and value-returning functions with value and reference parameters and use them in a program;
  16. define and use the structured C++ data types: array, string, struct in applications drawn from mathematics, the sciences, and other areas;
  17. use text files to record and retrieve information in elementary applications;
  18. produce well-documented, user-friendly programs of short to medium length.

Expected Outcome for Students:

Upon completion of this course the student should be able to:

  1. create various controls in JavaScript such as push buttons, pull down menu lists, tests boxes, radio buttons, checkbox buttons;
  2. create embedded JavaScripts using loops, arithmetic statements, IF, functions and parameters;
  3. use HTML form tags;
  4. program in VBScript using loops, arithmetic statements, IF, functions and parameters;
  5. identify the appropriate use of JavaScript, VBScript, Java applets or standard HTML tag depending on what you are trying to perform on your web page;
  6. embed an applet in the HTML code using the <APPLET> tag and its various parameters;
  7. identify the differences between the latest Netscape Communicator and Microsoft Explorer browsers on the use of VBScript and JavaScript;
  8. alter graphics effects and font presentations using DHTML.

Course Content:

  1. Grammar and syntax of JavaScript
  2. Grammar and syntax of VBScript
  3. Overview of creating simple applets using the latest Java editors and compilers
  4. Programming and debugging concepts using JavaScript, Java and VBScript
  5. Embedding form tags in an HTML web page
  6. Overview of Common Gateway Interface

Methods of Presentation:

  1. Lecture
  2. Classroom discussion
  3. Lab presentation
  4. Classroom demonstrations
  5. Videos

Assignments and Methods of Evaluating Student Progress:

  1. Typical assignments
  2. Build the frame-work for your Website on:
  3. Create at least 2 Menus with at least 3 hyperlink text jump prompts each under each of the main menu text. The Javascript code should do the following:

1)When the cursor moves over the main menu text, the submenu items appear.

2)When you move the mouse off the submenu items, those menu items disappear

3)You will want to use the block and none in a style display for the objects. Name the objects under the DIV or SPAN.

  1. Methods of Evaluating Student Progress
  2. Written quizzes and a final exam
  3. Lab assignments creating student web pages emphasizing certain features and capabilities as presented in the course content

Textbook(s) Typical:

Dynamic HTML Illustrated, Vodnik, Thompson Course Technology Publishing, 2002

Special Student Materials:


August 29, 2001 Carol Conway and Maurice Ngo

Revised: CSS 10-3-01

CS 92 Outline Fall 2002