New Materials in the Library

May 1, 2002


Goldstein, Sam and Brooks, Robert. (2002). Raising resilient children: A curriculum to foster strength, hope, and optimism in children. Baltimore, MD: Brookes Publishing Co.

Call Number: FF-CURR-08591

Keywords: Curriculum for Children/Family Education or Training/Child Development or Developmental Areas/Resilience


WESTAT. (2000). State and outlying area special education profiles. Washington, DC: Author.

Call Number: FF-DATA-08577

Keywords: Data Collection/Special Education/State level

WESTAT and U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs. (2000). OSEP IDEA, Part B data collection history. Rockville, MD: Author

Call Number: FF-DATA-08582

Keywords: Data Collection/IDEA/Disability or Risk Descriptors

North Central Regional Educational Laboratory. (2000). Learning point: How schools use data to help students learn. Oak Brook, IL: Author.

Call Number: FF-DATA-08584

Keywords: Data Collection/Education


Denbo, Sheryl, Grant, Carl, Jackson, Shirley, and Williams, Byron. (1994). Educate America: A call for equity in school reform: The national coalition of educational equity advocates. American Youth Policy Forum//Mid-Atlantic Equity Consortium, Inc.//National Educational Association.

Call Number: FF-EDUC-08583

Keywords: Education/Educational Reform/Diversity

Markowitz, Joy. (1999). Policy forum: Educating children with disabilities who are homeless: Proceedings document. Alexandria, VA: National Association of State Directors of Special Education.

Call Number: FF-EDUC-08585

Keywords: Education/Homeless Families/Disability or Risk Descriptors/IDEA


Family Voices. (2000). Action plan: A workbook for families to participate with states in the development of Title V block grants. Boston, MA: Author.

Call Number: FF-FAMI-08570

Keywords: Family Education or Training/MCH Block Grant/Federal Programs and Legislation/Health Services

PACER Center. (1999-). FAPE Training on IDEA '97 [Contents File].

Call Number: FF-FAMI-08581

Keywords: Parent Audience/IDEA

National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty. (2001). The education of students with disabilities in homeless situations: A guide to rights and resources. Washington, DC: Author.

Call Number: FF-FAMI-08557

Keywords: Families/IDEA/Homeless Families/Education/Federal Programs and Legislation/Resource Centers or Services

Connecticut Birth to Three System. (1999). How I grow: Birth through five: A guidebook for parents. Hartford, CT: Author.

Call Number: FF-FAMI-08587

Keywords: Family Education or Training/Parent Audience/Child Development or Developmental Areas

Federal Programs

Richardson, Joe and House, Sharon. Federal programs for children and families: A tool for connecting programs to people: Special Report #15. [Washington, DC]: Institute for Educational Leadership Policy Exchange.

Call Number: FF-FEDP-08571

Keywords: Federal Programs and Legislation

Committee for Education Funding. (2000). Family Opportunity Act of 2000. Author.

Call Number: FF-FEDP-08592

Keywords: Federal Programs and Legislation/Legislation, Legislative Resolution/Families/Health Focus/Finance/Medicaid

The White House. (2002). Good start, grow smart: President Bush's plan to strengthen early learning. Washington, DC:

Call Number: FF-FEDP-08595

Keywords: Federal Programs and Legislation/Education/Early Childhood Education/Early Intervention (General)

Walsh, Sharon. Comparison of Head Start regulations for children with disabilities and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act: Amendments of 1997 - Regulations.

Call Number: FF-FEDP-08559

Keywords: Federal Programs and Legislation/IDEA/Head Start/Regulation


Institute of Cultural Affairs. (1997). Group Facilitation Methods / Focused Conversation [Contents File].

Call Number: FF-GROU-08561

Keywords: Group Process and Meetings/Communication

Health Focus

Partnerships for Networked Consumer Health Information and Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania. (2000). Partnerships for health in the new millennium: Launching Healthy People 2010, January 24-28, 2010. Washington, DC: Authors.

Call Number: FF-HEFO-08586

Keywords: Health Focus/Health Services


(2000-). IDEA Partnerships Project [Contents File].

Call Number: FF-IDEA-08580

Keywords: IDEA /Conference Proceedings/Technical Assistance/Administration or Management/Administrators/Families/Policy Development or Analysis/Service Categories


Connecticut Birth to Three System. (1999). Individualized Family Service Plan: IFSP handbook. Author.

Call Number: FF- IFSP-08588

Keywords: IFSP or IEP/CT


(1999). Child Care Bureau. “Inclusive child care: Quality child care for all children.” Child Care Bulletin, Issue 21.

Call Number: FF-LREN-08572

Keywords: LRE or Inclusion/Child Care Services


Hinds, Michael DeCourcy. (2001). Early childhood education distance learning for teachers adds a new dimension.

Call Number: FF-PERS-08562

Keywords: Personnel Issues or Disciplines/Distance Learning/Literacy or Reading

National Association for the Education of Young Children. (1995). Guidelines for preparation of early childhood professionals: Associate, Baccalaureate, and advanced levels: Positions statement of the National Association for the Education of Young Children. Washington, DC: Author.

Call Number: FF-PERS-08573

Keywords: Personnel Issues or Disciplines/Early Childhood Education/Guidelines

Procedural Safeguards

Ahearn, Eileen. “Due Process Hearings: 2001 Update”. Quick Turn Around: Project Forum, April 2002.

Call Number: SS-JOUR-08594

Keywords: Procedural Safeguards

Statewide Assessment

Keywords: Statewide Assessment/Assessment (or) Evaluation and Assessment

Baker, Eva L., Linn, Robert L., Herman, Joan L., and Koretz Daniel. (2002). Standards for educational accountability systems. The Cresst Line, Winter 2002.

Call Number: FF-STAS-08593

Keywords: Statewide Assessment/Assessment (or) Evaluation and Assessment

Cromey, Allison. (2000). Policy issues: Using student assessment data: What can we learn from schools? Oak Brook, IL: North Central Regional Educational Laboratory (NCREL).

Call Number: FF-STAS-08575

Keywords: Statewide Assessment/Assessment (or) Evaluation and Assessment/MI/Research Report/Policy Development or Analysis

Consortium on Inclusive Schooling Practices. (1998). Including students with disabilities in accountability systems. CISP Issue Brief, April 1998.

Call Number: FF-STAS-08563

Keywords: Statewide Assessment/State level/Child Identification/Assessment (or) Evaluation and Assessment/IDEA/Disability or Risk Descriptors

Thurlow, Martha L. (1998). Assessment: A key component of education reform. PEER Infromation Brief.

Call Number: FF-STAS-08564

Keywords: Statewide Assessment/State level/Child Identification/Assessment (or) Evaluation and Assessment/IDEA /Disability or Risk Descriptors

Landau, Julia K. (1998). Statewide assessment: Policy issues, questions, and strategies. PEER Infromation Brief.

Call Number: FF-STAS-08565

Keywords: Statewide Assessment/State level/Child Identification/Assessment (or) Evaluation and Assessment/IDEA /Disability or Risk Descriptors

Landau, Julia K., Vohs, Janet R., and Romano, Carolyn A. (1998). All kids count: Including students with disabilities in statewide assessment programs. Boston, MA: Federation for Children with Special Needs.

Call Number: FF-STAS-08566

Keywords: Statewide Assessment/State level/Child Identification/Assessment (or) Evaluation and Assessment/IDEA /Disability or Risk Descriptors

Kennedy, Jessica N. Ed. (1997). Assessment and English language learners. R & D Watch.

Call Number: FF-STAS-08574

Keywords: Statewide Assessment/Non-English Language/Diversity/Assessment (or) Evaluation and Assessment

Thurlow, Martha L. and Hollenbeck, Keith. (n.d.). Increasing accountability through universally designed assessments. Minneapolis, MN: National Center on Educational Outcomes (NCEO).

Call Number: FF-STAS-08576

Keywords: Statewide Assessment/Disability or Risk Descriptors/Assessment (or) Evaluation and Assessment

Technical Assistance

Olsen, Ken. [Compiler]. (2002-). Systems change.

Call Number: FF-TAST-08578

Keywords: Technical Assistance/Systems Change


North Central Educational Laboratory (NCREL). (2000). A better return on investment: Reallocating resources to improve student achievement. [Cassettes]. Oak Brook, IL: Author.

Call Number: SS-AVIS-08568

Keywords: Education/Educational Reform/Finance

NBC. (2001). Today show (NBC): Special needs kids - August 29, 30, 31 (2001). Author.

Call Number: SS-AVIS-08558

Keywords: Child Identification/Developmentally Delayed/Family Experience/Family-Professional Partnerships/Service Categories/Child Development or Developmental Areas/Special Education/Disability or Risk Descriptors

North Central Educational Laboratory (NCREL). (2000). Leading to reform: Educational leadership for the 21st century. [Cassettes].

Oak Brook, IL: author.

Call Number: SS-AVIS-08567

Keywords: Leadership/Education/Educational Reform/Administration or Management

North Central Educational Laboratory (NCREL). (2001). View points: From the statehouse to the classroom: Governing America's schools. Naperville, IL: Author.

Call Number: SS-AVIS-08569

Keywords: Education/Policy Development or Analysis/Leadership/Administration or Management

Traumatic Brain Injury

Markowitz, Joy and Linehan, Patrice. “Traumatic brain injury”. Quick Turn Around: Project Forum, January 2001.

Call Number: SS-JOUR-08546

Keywords: Traumatically Brain Injured