Information for parents: support for speech, language and communication needs (SLCN) – a survey for children and young people

Bercow: Ten Years On is a review of support for children and young people with speech, language and communication needs(SLCN) in England. The review is being carried out by I CAN, children’s communication charity, in partnership with the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists. You can read more about the Bercow: Ten Years On review at

As part of the review we want children and young peopleto share their views on the support they getfor their SLCN by completing a short survey.

About the survey

The survey asks questions about:

  • People your child feels helps them with their communication skills
  • Where they feel they get help
  • What type of help they find most useful

What do I need to know about the survey?

  • Your child will not be asked to give their name and their responses will remain confidential.
  • Your child can complete the survey either online on the Survey Monkey website or by downloading a copy of the survey and sending it in.You or staff at your child’s school can help your child fill in the survey and send their responses.
  • The information we get from your child will be collected together with the responses of all the other children and young people taking part. This information will then be analysed to tell us what children and young people think about support for SLCN.
  • We will use this information, along with all of the other evidence gathered as part of the review, to help us make recommendations about support for children and young people with SLCN. These will be published in a report in March 2018.
  • Your child can answer as many or as few of the questions as they like. They can stop at any time.

What will happen to the responses given by your child?

Online data will be downloaded from Survey Monkey, or collated from surveys sent in, and saved in spreadsheets. Responses will be coded; we will not ask for children’s names. All information will be securely stored. Six months after the consultation is complete the survey will be deleted from Survey Monkey and all data destroyed.

If you’ve got any questions please e mail and we’d be happy to answer them.