Course Name: Physical Education 2101 R – retain, D – delete, C – change, A -add
Outcomes / R / D / C / A / Changed OutcomesTheme: Individual/Partner Games/Activities
Students will:
1. participate in a variety ofactivities, movements andexercises that emphasize themuscular strength and endurancecomponents of health relatedfitness (GCO 1; KSCOs 3, 4, 5).
2. apply appropriate knowledge,body mechanics and safety whenparticipating in various strengthand muscular endurance activities(GCO 1; KSCOs 2, 4, 5, 6).
3. continue to participate in a varietyof individual/partner activities(GCO 1; KSCOs 1, 3, 4, 5).
4. further develop and apply bodymovement principles toindividual/partner activities toenhance personal success(GCO 1; KSCOs 2, 7, 8).
5. develop and participate in apersonal fitness plan that includesa variety of health-related fitnesscomponents includingcardiorespiratory, flexibility,strength and muscular endurance(GCO 1; KSCOs 3, 5, 7.)
6. demonstrate personal wellnesswhile engaged in individual/partner activities with theintention of carrying out thesehealthy practices in their ownpersonal time(GCO 1; KSCOs 3, 4, 7).
7. demonstrate an understanding ofthe factors that affect healthyliving including exercise, rest,nutrition and work(GCO 2; KSCOs 4, 6).
8. demonstrate an understanding ofhow the muscular strength andendurance components ofphysical fitness are related tooverall health(GCO 3; KSCO 2).
9. demonstrate the ability to makeinformed decisions concerningpersonal health and fitness issues(GCO 3; KSCOs 2, 5).
10. demonstrate an understanding ofthe factors that affect the choiceof physical activity throughoutlife, including age, gender, timeand culture(GCO 4, 5; KSCOs 1, 3)
11. apply principles of safety whileengaged in various individual/partner activities(GCO 5; KSCOs 2, 3).
12. demonstrate the ability to set andincorporate meaningful goalsinto their personal fitness plan(GCO 6; KSCOs 1, 3, 7).
Theme: Alternative Activities
Students will:
1. continue to apply principles ofbody movement/mechanics toactivities in alternative settings(GCO 1; KSCO 2).
2. participate in alternative activitiesthat are facilitated by a classmate(GCO 1; KSCO 4).
3. participate in various activities inalternative settings that require theappropriate application of gamestrategies and cooperative skills(GCO 1; KSCO 6).
4. analyze and solve movementtasks and challenges cooperativelywhile participating in alternativeactivities (GCO 2; KSCO 2).
5. demonstrate the ability to workcollaboratively and managepotential conflict with classmateswhile participating in alternativeactivities (GCO 2; KSCO 5).
6. demonstrate the ability tomake informed decisionsconcerning personal health andits relationship toenvironmental stewardship.(GCO 3; KSCOs 3, 4).
7. identify and follow appropriategroup rules, etiquette, andprotocols essential for the safeand enjoyable experiences inalternative activities and settings(GCO 4; KSCOs 1, 2, 3).
8. demonstrate behaviours suchas support, encouragement andpraise towards classmates whileengaged in a variety of alternativeactivities (GCO 6; KSCO 5).
9. plan, organize and implementcooperatively developedactivities that focus on theelements of teamwork andleadership (GCO 6; KSCO 6).
Theme: Games and Group Activities
Students will:
1. participate in a variety ofcooperative activities(GCO 1; KSCOs 1, 2).
2. build upon previously learnedskills to participate in a varietyof new games and activities andincrease the likelihood ofpersonal success(GCO 1; KSCOs 2, 3, 4, 8).
3. apply team building principlesand experience to participation ingames and cooperative activities(GCO 1; KSCO 6).
4. apply principles of team buildingto traditional games andactivities (GCO 1; KSCO 6).
5. analyze and solve movement tasksand challenges while participatingin cooperative games and activities(GCO 2; KSCOs 1, 2).
6. demonstrate an understandingof appropriate game strategies inboth cooperative and traditionalgames and activities(GCO 2; KSCOs 1, 2, 3).
7. demonstrate the ability to workcollaboratively and managepotential conflict with classmatesin both cooperative andtraditional games and activities(GCO 2; KSCO 5).
8. assess personal responses andbehaviour to various experiencesin cooperative and multiculturalgames/activities(GCO 3; KSCOs 1, 6).
9. apply principles of safety invarious cooperative games/activities (GCO 5; KSCOs 1, 2).
10. identify and follow appropriateground rules and protocols toensure enjoyable participation invarious cooperative andtraditional games/activities(GCO 5; KSCO 3).
11. demonstrate behaviours such assupport, encouragement,appropriate etiquette and praisetowards classmates in a variety ofcooperative and traditionalactivities(GCO 6; KSCOs 2, 3, 4, 5).
12. demonstrate the ability to setmeaningful personal goals whileparticipating in variouscooperative games/activities(GCO 6; KSCO 7).
Physical Education 2101February 2015Page 1 of 5