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U.S. / Venezuelan citizen. Fluent in Spanish, English and French.


HARVARDUNIVERSITY, JohnF.KennedySchool of Government. Cambridge, MA. 07/04-Present.

Visiting Assistant Professor. Teaching courses on Quantitative Methods and Program Evaluation to students in various Masters in Public Policy programs.

MATHEMATICA POLICY RESEARCH, INC. Washington, DC. 09/00-Present.

  • Project Director, Technical Assistance on Evaluation of Social Programs to Mexico’s Ministry for Social Development (2003 - ): Providing technical assistance to Secretaría de Desarrollo Social (SEDESOL) in evaluating social programs and in setting up system to monitor and evaluate social programs.
  • Deputy Project Director, Jamaica’s Social Safety Net Reform Impact Evaluation (2002 - ): Evaluating PATH, a conditional cash transfer program aimed at alleviating poverty and increasing the human capital of poor households in Jamaica.
  • Deputy Project Director, OPPE Program Evaluation Training Forum Series (2002 - ): Developing a series of evaluation forums for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) staff and other audiences with an interest in applied program evaluation.
  • Researcher, Study of Quasi-Experimental Design for Estimating the Impacts of Social Interventions (2002): Co-authored methodological review of studies comparing random assignment and quasi-experimental methods to estimate program impacts.
  • Researcher, 21st Century Community Learning Centers Evaluation (2000 - ): Participated in the impact and implementation studies of this large federally funded after-school program.
  • Principal Investigator, Study of Peer Effects in Universities (2000 - )
  • Researcher, National Evaluation of the Welfare-to-Work Grants Program (2000 - )

GEORGETOWNUNIVERSITY, GeorgetownUniversity’s Public Policy Institute (GPPI). Washington, DC. 07/01-07/04.

Adjunct Faculty. Taught courses on Quantitative Methods and Program Evaluation to students in the Masters in Public Policy program.

THE WORLD BANK. Washington, DC. 09/96-09/97

Full-time consultant. Policy Research Department. Poverty and Human Resources Division. Participated in research on the areas of Poverty, Education and Health. Contributed to a poverty assessment of Algeria, an evaluation of a randomized educational experiment in Kenya, and an evaluation of a school voucher program in Colombia.

NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY. Evanston, IL. 03/96 – 06/00.

Lecturer: Public Finance for undergraduates (Spring 2000). Teaching Assistant: Intermediate Macroeconomics (09/95-06/96).

PROCTER AND GAMBLE DE VENEZUELA. Caracas, Venezuela. 10/92-08/93.

Finance Supervisor in the Treasury Department. Rated ‘Exceptional’ by the company (top 15% of employees).

Responsible for forecasting and managing the company’s short term cash flow, investing surplus funds, acquiring loans and maintaining daily relationships with financial institutions.


NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY, Evanston, IL. 09/94-06/00.

Ph.D. in Economics, 2000. Masters in Arts, 1996.

Committee Members: Rebecca Blank, Greg J. Duncan, Michael Kremer, and Chris Taber.

Fields of interest: Economic Development, Economics of Education, Labor Economics, and Public Economics.

ECONOMICS INSTITUTE, Boulder, CO. 09/93-07/94. Advanced Diploma in Economics. Summa cum Laude.

UNIVERSIDAD METROPOLITANA. Caracas, Venezuela. 10/87-07/92.

B.S. in Business Administration. Cum Laude. Scholarship awarded by the University for academic achievement of high distinction (1988-1992). Ranked No. 1 out of 169 graduates.


  • Fellowship awarded by the MacArthur Foundation (Network on Social Interactions and Economic Inequality), 09/99-06/00.
  • Fellowship awarded by the JointCenter for Poverty Research (Northwestern and University of Chicago), 09/98-06/99.
  • Nominated by the Department of Economics to receive the Dissertation Year Fellowship (NorthwesternUniversity), 05/99.
  • JointCenter for Poverty Research (University of Chicago/Northwestern University) Fellow, 09/98-06/2000.
  • Institute for Policy Research (Northwestern University) Fellow, 09/97-Present.
  • “Distinguished Teaching Assistant”, awarded by NorthwesternUniversity for performance during 09/95-06/96.
  • “Antonio José de Sucre” Award for Excellence (1993). Full Scholarship to complete graduate studies sponsored by Fundayacucho (Venezuelan Government Foundation for Education).
  • Honor List for academic achievement and leadership in extracurricular activities (1989-90, 1990-91, 1991-92) awarded by Universidad Metropolitana’s Authorities.


“Evaluation of Jamaica’s PATH Programme: Targeting Assessment” Princeton, NJ: Mathematica Policy Research, Inc., July 2004 (with Jim Ohls)

“Nonexperimental Versus Experimental Estimates of Earnings Impacts.” Annals of the AmericanAcademy of Political and Social Science, vol. 589, September 2003 (with Steven Glazerman and David Myers).

“Peer Effects and Alcohol Use Among College Students.” NBER working paper 9876, July 2003 (with Michael Kremer).

“Empathy or Antipathy? The Consequences of Racially and Socially Diverse Peers on Attitudes and Behaviors.” Working paper no. 326. Evanston, IL: JointCenter for Policy Research, February 2003 (with Greg Duncan, Johanne Boisjoly, Michael Kremer, and Jacquelynne S. Eccles).

“The Welfare-to-Work Grants Program: Participant Outcomes One Year After Enrollment.” Princeton, NJ: Mathematica Policy Research, November 2003 (with Thomas Fraker, Robert Olsen, and Rita Stapulonis).

“Evaluation of Jamaica’s PATH Program: Methodology Report” Princeton, NJ: Mathematica Policy Research, Inc., September 2003 (with Jim Ohls)

“When Schools Stay Open Late: The National Evaluation of the 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program, First Year Findings.” Princeton, NJ: Mathematica Policy Research, February 2003 (with Mark Dynarski, Mary Moore, John Mullens, Philip Gleason, Susanne James-Burdumy, Linda Rosenberg, Carol Pistorino, Tim Silva, John Deke, Wendy Mansfield, and Sheila Heavyside).

“Nonexperimental Replications of Social Experiments: A Systematic Review.” Interim report. Washington, DC: Mathematica Policy Research, July 2002 (with Steve Glazerman and David Myers).

“Covariance Structure Models for Fixed and Random Effects.” Sociological Methods and Research, November 2001 (with Greg J. Duncan, Jay Teachman, and Jean Yeung).

“Using Sibling Samples to Assess the Effect of Childhood Family Income on Completed Schooling.” Working paper no. 168. Evanston, IL: JointCenter for Policy Research, April 2000 (with Greg J. Duncan).

“The Effect of Family Childhood Income on Schooling: Evidence from Malaysia.” Evanston, IL: Northwestern University, November 1999.

“A Preliminary Evaluation of the Selection of Beneficiary Households in the Education, Health, and Nutrition Program (PROGRESA) of Mexico.” Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute, November 1998 (with Jere Behrman, Benjamin Davis, and Emmanuel Skoufias).


  • Seminars presented at: American Economic Association Annual Meetings, NBER Summer Institute, GeorgeMasonUniversity, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Congressional Budget Office, The Brookings Institution, U.S. Department of Treasury, Mathematica Policy Research, and Kennedy School of Government.


  • Member of the Graduate Studies Committee at NorthwesternUniversity, integrated by 3 students and 3 professors (1996).
  • Founder and First Director of “Reflejo”, a magazine published for Universidad Metropolitana (Unimet). 03/90-06/91.
  • Member of the Student Council representing 1,650 Business Administration Students at Unimet. 10/91-06/92.
  • Member of the University Council representing all undergraduate students (4,300) at Unimet. 10/91-06/92.