Little Hadham Rural Meeting Notes – 25th March 2008

Notes of Feedback Session - Combined

Q. What do you like about the Rural Area?

·  All likes are worth preserving

·  Allotments

·  Playgrounds / sports facilities (bowls)

·  Local GP surgery & dentist

·  Farmers market

·  Local church

·  Pubs

·  Local school

·  Pleasant open areas / recreation space

·  Access to roads / trains links villages to other places

·  Footpaths

·  Bridleways

·  Little Hadham bypass

·  Brickendon – good rail link to London

·  Proximity & access to facilities in town

·  Good transport links – Little Hadham road network – links to airport

·  Fresh air / clean air – lack of pollution

·  Countryside

o  SSSI’s

o  Woods

o  Puddles, rural, good walking

o  Accessibility

o  Footpaths

o  Ponds

o  silence

·  Environment

·  Pantomime

·  Relatively crime free / Low crime rate, personal safety

·  Mixture of ages

·  Community spirit

·  Sense of community – hall brings community together

o  Village fete

o  Village hall - theatre

o  Village school

·  Friendly, neighbours

·  Working farms

·  Architecture / listed buildings

·  Village feel / village

·  Peace & tranquillity

·  Gaps between villages

·  Pretty

·  Green

·  Character

·  Not over-populated

·  Space

·  Visual isolation

·  Parish news

·  Local businesses

·  Parish councillors

·  Absence of travellers

·  Spatial awareness – small village within wider landscape

Q. What do you dislike about the Rural Area?

·  Declining community – reduced sense of community

·  Vandalism

·  Threat of Stevenage – urban sprawl

·  Licensing laws - opening hours

·  ‘Village cliques’

·  Travellers

·  Trees being cut down: ‘Bury Green’

·  Flooding

·  Unsuitable (business) use of farm buildings

·  Traffic lights – better regulation needed

·  Increasing through traffic / disregard for size and weight of traffic (lorries)

·  Rat-running

·  Aircraft noise / air traffic

·  Lack of frequent & reliable public transport – limited destinations / not enough buses

·  Poor road maintenance / repairs – pot holes

·  Poor or non existent ditch / verge maintenance – linked to size of lorries

·  A120

o  Speeds – very dangerous

o  Speeding, bad drivers

o  Too dangerous to cycle

o  Litter

·  Road widening

·  Want quicker response on planning apps

·  Need more say on policies in general

·  EH inconsistency on planning matters

·  Enforcement issues not followed up consistently

·  Planning blight

·  Need to have a say in the type of affordable housing i.e. shared equity etc

·  Small houses – mansions

·  Threat of housing estates

·  Unsuitable tenants for housing – anti-social

·  Housing presence

·  No local policeman / lack of policing (i.e. Aston)

·  Dislike no local shop

·  Threat / loss of community facilities & businesses e.g. village shop / post office

Q. What do you think are the Issues & Opportunities facing the Rural Area?

·  Affordable housing

o  Not ghettos of affordable housing

o  Affordable housing becomes homes for non EH and local residents - seen as a pay-off to ‘exec homes’

·  Change

o  Fear of too much change

o  Change more noticeable in villages/rural areas - makes communities feel like they want to move away

·  Gypsy & travellers

·  Sustainability = contradictory

·  District has become less attractive to relocate to

·  Population growth

·  How do we protect our village / rural character

·  Better use of brownfield sites

·  New town / village

·  Threat of urbanisation

·  Threat of closure of local services

·  Apathy of local people in Little Hadham

·  Want more small building plots rather than large estates

·  Need to cluster new developments in order to prevent sprawl and retain the countryside

·  Homogeneity of villages

·  Re-categorisation of Hadham Ford

·  Need to provide residential areas with its own facilities such as shops

·  Need to make the most of natural asset of canal in Bishop’s Stortford – fronting development onto canal

·  Peak traffic in Bishop’s Stortford

·  Road service dis-repair & footpath maintenance

·  Little Hadham bypass

·  Congestion

·  Not enough consultation with other villages – only 3 villages [Rural Awareness Meetings]

·  Lack of consultation/notification on particular issues such as Conservation Areas

·  Lack of value for money on Council Tax

·  East of England Plan (RSS) dictating - what choices do we have? Non-elected bodies making choices

·  Feels like community will not be listened to

·  Enforcement concerns

·  Contradictory government input

·  Provision of infrastructure (water) for housing increase in East of England Plan

·  What room have we got to create a locally distinctive Core Strategy?

·  Making more use of parish plans

·  Stansted Airport

o  Expansion

o  Flight paths / NATS

o  Foreign corporate interests

o  Jobs

o  Competing in a global market