ESCS 2012-2013
Margaret Tilsley Room 232 (East Wing)
e-mail: Phone: 625-6148, Ext. 6298
Web Page:
Course: ESCS (Earth, Space, Chemical Science)
Textbook: Physical Science
Course Description: a survey of the most basic ideas of chemistry and an exploration of the universe and our solar system.
Course Objectives: This course is an introduction to chemistry. This course is designed to prepare the student for further study in chemistry and is a prerequisite for Biology.
Topics Covered
Intro - Lab Safety
Chapter 2 – Matter
Atoms, elements, compounds, physical and chemical properties, mixtures
Chapter 3 – State of Matter
Kinetic theory of matter, changes of state, laws of conservation of mass and energy
Chapter 4 – Atoms
What are atoms? Sub atomic particles, atomic number, mass number isotopes
Chapter 5 – The Periodic Table
Historical development, organization, valence electrons, ionization, periodicity
Chapter 6 – The Structure of Matter
Chemical bonding in compounds, ionic and covalent bonds, formulas and names
Chapter 7 – Chemical Reactions
Nature and types of reactions, balancing, factors affecting chemical reactions.
Chapter 10 – Nuclear Changes
Radioactivity, Radiation, Nuclear Decay, Fission, Fusion
Chapter 19 – The Solar System
Sun, Earth, Moon, Inner and Outer Planets, Formation of Solar System
Chapter 20 – The Universe
Major structures in the universe, stars, galaxies, Origin of the Universe
Chapter 9 – Acids, Bases, and Salts
Characteristics of acids and bases, concentration, pH, Reactions, salts
Grading: Grades for this course are determined by the student’s performance on tests, Home/class work, quizzes, and laboratory work. The student’s final grade consists of grades from each of the nine week grading periods (each period counts 20% toward the final grade) and the Final (comprehensive) Exam, which also counts 20% of your final grade.
Each nine week grade is made up of the following
Chapter Tests 60%
Daily Work (Labs, Quizzes, Homework) 40%
Grading Scale: Needed Supplies
90 – 100 A Science Notebook & Paper (Every Day)
80 – 89 B Writing utensil (Black, Blue or lead) [Every Day]
70 – 79 C
60 – 69 D
00 – 59 F
Make-up work:
You are responsible for all lecture material, whether or not you are present, and all textbook material. You will not do well in ESCS unless you attend class and do home/class work, whether or not it is collected.
· If you missed work due to an excused absence,
o Labs and Chapter Test may be made up during after school tutoring within 1 week of the missed assignment.
o Daily work must be completed and turned in when it is due. No late work will be accepted unless there is an excused absence.
Academic Integrity
The faculty expects from its students a high level of responsibility and academic honesty. Because the value of an academic degree depends upon the absolute integrity of the work done by the student for that degree, it is imperative that a student demonstrate a high standard of individual honor in his or her scholastic work.
· Scholastic Dishonesty
Any student who commits an act of scholastic dishonesty is subject to discipline. Scholastic dishonesty includes but is not limited to cheating, plagiarism, collusion, submission for credit of any work or materials that are attributable in whole or in part to another person, taking an examination for another person, or any act designed to give unfair advantage to a student or the attempt to commit such acts.
· Plagiarism
Plagiarism, especially from the web, from portions of papers for other classes, and from any other source is unacceptable.
Classroom Expectations/Rules
1. Respect others.
a. Listen while others are talking.
b. Follow directions.
c. Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself.
d. Work quietly and orderly. Do not disturb others.
e. Do not destroy or deface property of others. That includes school property.
f. Work in a safe manner.
2. Be on time. I will close the door at the beginning of class, if you enter afterwards, YOU ARE TARDY.
3. Have your book, paper, and a writing instrument (pen or pencil) EVERY day. You can’t take notes, nor do your assignments without these. I will not provide any of these items for you.
4. Items that are on my desk are mine. Do not take anything from my desk unless you have my permission.
5. Have your agenda every day. I cannot allow you to leave the room without your agenda, so DO NOT ASK if you don’t have YOUR agenda. You may not leave the room during the first or last 10 minutes of each class.
6. Come to class prepared to work. If you ask, “Can we have the day off?” extra problems will be added to your assignment. My advice is DO NOT EVER ask such a question.
7. I expect you to work in an orderly manner. I cannot make any student learn if that student is determined not to, but I can take steps if a student tries to disrupt the class and keep other from learning.
8. You are encouraged to take notes during lectures. You will need a notebook to record your notes and keep your daily assignments. This notebook and the daily assignments will be a good resource when it comes time to study for an exam. The notebooks will be taken up for extra points at the end of the year.
9. Daily assignments, usually, can be completed before class is over. I expect assignments to be turned in on time.
At the end of each unit, I will give an exam. Before the exam, there will be a review on which you will work independently. This is your time for YOU to EXAMINE your UNDERSTANDING of the material and to ASK FOR HELP if needed. Remember, these exams account for 60% of your 9 week grade.
You may choose one of the following items to bring into class for extra credit:
2 boxes tissues, Hand sanitizer, 2 rolls paper towels or 2 glue sticks.