

Name: Ann Neish Elliott

Address: Department of Psychology, Box 6946

RadfordUniversity, Radford, VA24142

Telephone: Work: (540) 831-5790


August, 1990 Ph.D. received in Clinical Psychology.

to May, 1994 Northern IllinoisUniversity. DeKalb, IL.

September, 1992 Psychology Intern.

to August, 1993 The MedicalUniversity of South Carolina. Charleston, SC.

September, 1987 Clinical Psychology Ph.D. Student.

to August, 1990 University of Maine. Orono, Maine.

September, 1983 M.A. received in Counseling Psychology of Children and Adolescents.

to May, 1985 BostonCollege. Chestnut Hill, MA.

September, 1979 B.A. received in Psychology.

to May, 1983 LynchburgCollege. Lynchburg, Virginia.

September, 1981 Junior Year Abroad Student.

to July, 1982University of Graz. Graz, Austria.


Aug, 1999-Aug, 2001Radford University, Radford, VA., Assistant Professor of Psychology.

Aug, 2001-July 2007Associate Professor

May, 2003Granted Tenure

August, 2007Full Professor.

Graduate courses: Clinical Psychopathology, Cognitive and Intellectual

Assessment, Child Personality Assessment, Sexual Abuse of Children &

Adults, Internship supervision, Directed Studies, Theses.

Undergraduate courses: Abnormal Psychology, History and Systems,

Independent Studies.

August, 2005RadfordUniversity, College of Arts and Sciences, 2004-2005 Distinguished Teaching Award.

August, 1993 Emory & HenryCollege, Emory, VA.

to August, 1999 Assistant Professor of Psychology.

Jan.1996-June 1998 Departmental Chair.

Courses taught: Introduction to Psychology as a Social Science, Abnormal

Psychology, Cognitive and Behavior Therapy with lab, Testing and

Measurement, Personality Theories, History of Psychology, Western Tradition,

Supervision of Independent Studies and Internship Placements.

September, 1990 Northern IllinoisUniversity, DeKalb, IL.

to May, 1991 Teaching Assistant. Sole instructor for four sections of Introduction to Psychopathology.


January, 1987 University of Maine, Orono, ME.

to August, 1990 Research assistant under the direction William T. O'Donohue, Ph.D.

Topic area: Child Sexual Abuse.

September, 1988 University of Maine, Orono, ME.

to May, 1989 Teaching assistant for undergraduate Adolescent Psychology Course.

September, 1984 BostonCollege, Chestnut Hill, MA.

to May, 1985 Research assistant.

July, 1984 The Educational Testing Service, Princeton, NJ.

to December, 1985Research assistant to Dr. Jeanne Brooks-Gunn.

Research project concerning adolescent female athletes.


September, 1992 The Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC.

to August, 1993 Full-time internship placement in clinical psychology. Rotations included

1.Assessment and treatment of child and adult crime victims (including sexual abuse) at the National Crime Victims Research and TreatmentCenter,

2.Pediatric Consultation/Liaison, 3.Adult inpatient assessment and treatment,

and 4. Youth outpatient.

June, 1991 Family Service Agency of DeKalbCounty, DeKalb, IL.

to July, 1992 Practicum placement in non-profit community mental health agency.

Intake evaluations and therapy with couples, families, and individuals. Consultation in behavior management for at-risk children ages 3-6.

August, 1990 Northern Illinois University Psychological ServicesCenter, DeKalb, IL.

to June, 1991 Practicum placement in university setting. Duties included individual therapy

with university students, participation in weekly team meetings, and monthly

case conferences.

September, 1989 Sexual abuse assessments, Orono, ME.

to August, 1990 Conducted intellectual and developmental/behavioral assessments of alleged

victims of sexual abuse, their siblings, and primary care giver. Included test administration, scoring, interpretation, and report writing.

September, 1989 Augusta Mental Health Institute, Augusta, ME.

to May, 1990 600 hour practicum placement on adolescent unit of inpatient state hospital.

Psychological and intellectual assessments, mental status exams, diagnostic evaluations, case formulations, Pupil Evaluation Team meetings, and treatment case conferences.

September, 1988 University of Maine Psychological ServicesCenter, Orono, ME.

to April, 1990 400 hour practicum placement in out-patient clinic. Duties included intake

evaluations, psychological assessment, treatment planning, individual therapy

with adults and children, and weekly case conferences. Also involved

assessment, treatment, and consultation with Job Corps students, a local

Headstart program, and jail clients.

September, 1988 University of MaineCounselingCenter, Orono, ME.

to May, 1989 On-call back-up counselor for student helpline. Also provided training to

student volunteer counselors.

September, 1987 KennebecCounty Crisis Intervention, Waterville, ME.

to June, 1988 500 hour practicum placement. Crisis intervention and community outreach.

October, 1985 BournewoodHospital, Brookline, MA.

to July, 1987 (40 hrs/week, 22 months). Full-time adolescent counselor on short-term

inpatient diagnostic unit. Co-led substance abuse therapy and drug education


June, 1985 CampTriumph, Waltham, MA.

to July, 1985 Head Camp Counselor at special needs summer day camp. Supervised two

counselors and ten emotionally disturbed adolescent boys.

March, 1984 Mentor Inc., Lynn, MA.

to August, 1985 Community outreach with adolescent girls. Part-time employment.

September, 1984 Lynn Community Day School/Union Hospital, Lynn, MA.

to June, 1985 200 hour practicum placement for Master's Degree Program. Individual and

group therapy with children age 6-16 in therapeutic day school.


Van Patten, I., T., Elliott, A. N., Aspelmeier, J., & Pierce, T. W. (2011). A pilot study of the incidence

and correlates of serious mental illness in jail-incarcerated women. Radford University Multidisciplinary Faculty Research Program. ($19,639.77). This project includes 4 student collaborators.

Professional Development Leave. (Awarded for Spring 2008).

Elliott, A. N. (Awarded for Spring 2008). Scholarly and Creative Activity Grant to be used in

conjunction with Professional Development Leave. ($1500).

One-time Faculty Development Grant. RadfordUniversity. ($11,905 Awarded for Summer, 2007).

One-time Faculty Development Grant. RadfordUniversity, Spring 2006. Amount funded: $5328.00.

University Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity Grants Program. RadfordUniversity, Spring

2006. Amount funded: $1500.00.

Elliott, A. N. & Richmond, J. (2005-2006).Faculty/Student Collaborative Grant. Amount funded:


One-time Faculty Development Grant. RadfordUniversity, Spring 2005. Amount funded: $5000.

Applied for and received 5 free tests for the Testing Lab from Hawthorne Publishing.

Applied for and received 5 free copies of the BASC (Behavior Assessment Scale for Children) from the

AGS Publishing Company to replace the outdated version owned by the Psychology Department Testing Lab.

One-time Faculty Development Grant. RadfordUniversity, Spring 2004. Submitted with Dr. Jeffery

Aspelmeier. Project title: Child Sexual Abuse and Adult Romantic Attachment. Amount funded:


Faculty Sponsor for Student Research and Creative Activity Grant Program. RadfordUniversity,

Spring 2001. Submitted with Rachel A. Pierce. Project title: The Relationship Between Childhood Victimization, Social Support, Psychological Distress, Job Satisfaction, and Burnout Among Mental Health Professionals. Amount funded: $1400.

Faculty Sponsor for Student Research and Creative Activity Grant Program. RadfordUniversity,

Spring 2001. Submitted with Johanna Trumbull. Project title: The association between adolescent sexual behavior in females and relationships with siblings. Amount funded: $1,000.

Faculty Sponsor for Student Research and Creative Activity Grant Program. RadfordUniversity,

Spring 2001. Submitted with Jennifer Sears. Project title: Mother-Blaming and attitudes toward child physical abuse. Amount funded: $995.

Faculty Professional and Instructional Development Grant. RadfordUniversity, Spring, 2000.

Project title: The relationship between child sexual abuse and adult attachment patterns.

Co-principle investigator with Dr. Jeffery Aspelmeier. Amount funded: $1,200.

Appalachian College Association Travel Grant. Fall, 1998. ($500.00)

Faculty Professional Development Funds. Emory & HenryCollege,

Spring, 1998. ($800.00)

"The Effect of Gender-Role Stereotyping on Student Perceptions of Child Sexual Abuse".

Submitted with Darlene Ousley (E&H Psychology Major). Unfunded Appalachian College Association Faculty/Student Research Grant, Summer, 1997.

Faculty Professional Advancement Grant. Emory & HenryCollege,

Spring/Summer, 1997. ($437.00)

Summer, 1996. ($1000.00)

Summer Research Award. Emory & HenryCollege.

Summer 1997. ($1000.00)

Summer 1996. ($1000.00)

Summer Research Mellon Grant. Emory & HenryCollege, Summer 1995. ($3500.00)

Mellon Professional Travel Grant. Emory & HenryCollege, Fall 1995.

Professional Conference Travel Grant. Department of Psychology.

Northern IllinoisUniversity, Fall 1990.

Professional Conference Travel Grant. Dean of the GraduateSchool. Northern Illinois

University, Fall 1990. Funded.

Association for Graduate Students professional conference and clinical training travel grants,

University of Maine. Funded 4 semesters, 1988-1990.

"Coping and Child Sexual Abuse" submitted with William T. O'Donohue, Ph.D. Unfunded

National Institutes of Health Academic Research Enhancement Award, Spring, 1989.


Radford Youth Adult Partnership. 2011-present.

Editorial Board, Child Maltreatment: Journal of the American Professional Society on the Abuse

of Children, 1999-present.

Article Reviewer/Referee, Child Maltreatment: Journal of the American Professional Society on

the Abuse of Children, 1997-present.

Article Reviewer/Referee, Child Abuse & Neglect, 2008.

Article Reviewer/Referee, Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 2004.

Think Tank Member for the National Children's Advocacy Center under their National Child

Traumatic Stress Initiative Grant (funded by the Center for Mental Health Services Administration, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services). Formulated a week long clinical training curriculum for practitioners treating victims of sexual abuse that will be used each year as part of the National Children's Advocacy Center's national conferences and trainings. (November 2002).

Guest Editor, Child Maltreatment, Journal of the American Professional Society on the Abuse of

Children, November, 2001.

Article Reviewer/Referee, Psi Chi: Journal of Undergraduate Research, 1996-2000.

Article Reviewer/Referee, Activities Handbook for the Teaching of Psychology, Volume 4. (1997).


Member of Radford Youth/Adult Partnership Committee (2011-present).

Member and co-chair of the Radford Children’s Theatre Steering Committee (2010-present).

Advanced Forensic Interviewing Trainer for the New River Valley Children’s Advocacy Center.

Involves training local law enforcement officers and child protective services workersin forensic

interviewing (with Dr. Isaac van Patten as co-leader), (Spring, 2005).

Member of Task Force for the New River Valley Children’s Advocacy Center, 2002-present.

Member of Training and Education Committee, 2003-2007.

Member, Board of Directors, Highlands Home, 1996-1999.

Member, Board of Directors, Children's AdvocacyCenter of Bristol/WashingtonCounty,

Virginia, 1997-1999.

PUBLICATIONS (student co-authors in bold)

Elliott, A. N. (August, 2012). Cyberbullying. Article published in the Radford News Journal as part of an ongoing series of educational articles from the Radford Youth Adult Partnership.

Aspelmeier, Jeffery E., Love, Michael M., McGill, Lauren A., Elliott, Ann N., & Pierce, Thomas W. (accepted). Self-esteem, locus of control, college adjustment, and GPA among first- and continuing-generation students: A moderator model of generational status. Journal of Research in Higher Education.

Elliott, A. N., Alexander, A. A., Pierce, T. W., Aspelmeier, J. E., & Richmond, J. M. (2009). Childhood maltreatment, poly-victimization, psychological distress, and adjustment to college in women. Child Maltreatment, 14, 330-343.

Richmond, J. M., Elliott, A. E., Pierce, T. W., Aspelmeier, J. E., & Alexander, A. A. (2009). Poly-victimization, childhood victimization, and psychological distress in college women. Child Maltreatment, 14, 127-147.

Aspelmeier, J. E., Elliott, A. N., & Smith, C. H. (2007). Childhood sexual abuse, attachment, and post-traumatic stress symptomatology: The moderating role of attachment. Child Abuse & Neglect, 31, 549-566.

Murthi, M., Servaty-Seib, H. L., & Elliott, A. N. (2006). Childhood sexual abuse and multiple dimensions of self-concept. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 21, 982-999.

Hudson, G. G.Elliott, A. N. (2006). The impact of the variability hypothesis on Margaret F. Washburn's and Mary W. Calkins' paradoxical relations with faculty in their graduate programs. Modern Psychological Studies, 11, 1-9.

Simonelli, C. J., Mullis, T., Elliott, A. N., & Pierce, T. W. (2002). Abuse by siblings and subsequent experiences of violence within the dating relationship. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 17, 103-121.

Elliott, A. E., & Carnes, C. N. (2001). Reactions of non-offending parents to the sexual abuse of their child: A review of the literature. Child Maltreatment, 6, 314-331.

Lane, T. & Elliott, A. N. (2001). The relationship between adolescents' self-esteem, delinquent behaviors, participation in extracurricular activities, and part-time employment. Modern Psychological Studies, 7, 38-43.

Elliott, A. N. (2001). Understanding nonoffending parents of sexually abused children. Invited article for The National Child Advocate. Published by the National Children’s AdvocacyCenter.

Elliott, A. N. (2000). Reactions of nonoffending caregivers to child sexual abuse: A brief review of the literature. In C. Carnes & C. Leslie (Eds.), National Association of Family Advocates Technical Assistance Manual.Huntsville, AL: National Children’s AdvocacyCenter.

Elliott, A. N. (1999). A classroom demonstration of Galileo's distinction between objective and subjective reality. In L. T. Benjamin, et al. (Eds.), Activities handbook for the teaching of psychology, Volume 4. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

O'Donohue, W. T., Fanetti, M., & Elliott, A. N. (1998). Trauma in children. In V. M. Follette, J. I. Ruzek, & F. R. Abueg (Eds.), Cognitive-behavioral therapies for trauma (pp.355-382). New York: Guilford Press.

Elliott, A. N. (1998). [Invited review of the book Working with child abuse and neglect: A primer]. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 13, 305-307.

Elliott, A. N., & O'Donohue, W. T. (1997). The effects of anxiety and distraction on sexual arousal in a non-clinical sample of heterosexual women. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 26, 607-624.

Elliott, A. N. (1996). [Invited review of the book How to interview sexual abuse victims: Including the use of anatomical dolls]. The APSAC Advisor, 9, 26-27.

Elliott, A. N., O'Donohue, W. T., & Nickerson, M. (1993). The use of sexually anatomically detailed dolls in the assessment of sexual abuse. Clinical Psychology Review, 13, 207-221.

Lipovsky, J. A. & Elliott, A. N. (1993). Individual treatment of the sexually abused child. The APSAC Advisor, 6, 15-18.

O'Donohue, W. T., & Elliott, A. N. (1992). Treatment of the sexually abused child: A review. Journal of Clinical Child Psychology, 21, 218-228.

O'Donohue, W. T., & Elliott, A. N. (1992). The current status of post-traumatic stress disorder as a diagnostic category: Problems and proposals. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 5, 421-439.

O'Donohue, W. T., Elliott, A. N., Nickerson, M., & Valentine, S. (1992). Perceived credibility of children's sexual abuse allegations: Effects of gender and sexual attitudes. Violence and Victims, 7, 147-155.

O'Donohue, W. T., Geer, J. H., & Elliott, A. N. (1992). The primary prevention of child sexual abuse. In W. O'Donohue & J. Geer (Eds.), The sexual abuse of children: Theory, research and therapy (pp. 477-517). New York: Lawrence Erlbaum.

O'Donohue, W. T., & Elliott, A. N. (1991). A model for the clinical assessment of the sexually abused child. Behavioral Assessment, 13, 325-339.


Elliott, A. N. (2011, May). Juvenile victimization, child sexual abuse, and
poly-victimization. Talk given at the 3rd Annual Children’s Advocacy Centers of Virginia Multidisciplinary Child Abuse Conference, Roanoke, VA.

Elliott, Cordial, P., Hoover-Thompson, A., Sherman, R., Aspelmeier, J. & Pierce, T. (2011, March). Relative contributions of childhood and past-year victimizations in predicting trauma symptoms.

Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, Cambridge, MA.

Elliott, A. N. (2010, October). Cognitive behavioral strategies for trauma. Talk given at the Radford University Mental Health Consortium: Protecting the health of children and adolescents: A conference on fostering healthy attachments, Roanoke, VA.

Aspelmeier, Jeffery E., Elliott, Ann N., & Pierce, Thomas W. (2010, July). Attachment as a factor of resiliency for childhood poly-victimization. Paper presented at the biennial meeting of the International Association for Relationships Research, Herzliya, Israel.

Elliott, A. N., Aspelmeier, J., Pierce, T., & Herren, A. (2009, Nov). Juvenile victimization, poly-victimization, and psychological distress in college males. Poster presented at the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies 25th annual meeting. Atlanta, GA.

Elliott, A. N. (2009, Nov). Victimization, psychological distress, and cultural factors in a national sample of latino women. Symposium discussant at the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies 25th annual meeting. Atlanta, GA.

Elliott, A. N., & Herren, A. (Oct, 2009). Childhood maltreatment, poly-victimization and psychological distress. VCOMs 6th Annual Research Recognition Day, Virginia College of Osteopathic Medicine Conference, VCom Conference, Blacksburg, VA.

Elliott, A.N. (2009, Oct). Juvenile Victimization, Child Sexual Abuse, and Poly-victimization. Presentation given at the Advancing Care Through Mental Health Colloquium, Radford, Virginia.

Clark, S. F., & Elliott, A. N. (2009, April). Childhood maltreatment, poly-victimization and psychological distress in college females. Paper presented at the Virginia Psychological Association Convention and Educational Conference, Williamsburg, VA.

Elliott, A. N. (2008, November). Childhood maltreatment and poly-victimization in college women. Paper presented at the Annual Children’s Advocacy Center of Virginia Membership Meeting, Roanoke, VA.

Elliott, A. N. (2008, November). Reactions of non-offending parents to the sexual abuse of their child. Paper presented at the Annual Children’s Advocacy Center of Virginia Membership Meeting, Roanoke, VA.

Aspelmeier, J. E., & Elliott, A. N. (2007). Childhood sexual abuse, attachment theory and psychopathology: A tale of two collaborators. Paper presented at the Provost lunch time lecture series, Radford, VA.

Aspelmeier, J. E., Elliott, A. N., & Wiese, S. L. (2007). Mediation or moderation? The role of attachment and social support in linking childhood sexual abuse with psychological outcome among female college student. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology. Jan 25-27, 2007; Memphis, TN.

Aspelmeier, J. E., Elliott, A. N., & Wiese, S. L. (2006). Child sexual abuse, attachment, social support, and negative psychological outcome among young adult females: A structural models approach. Paper presented at the 2006 International Association for Relationship Research Conference, July 6-10, Rethymno, Crete.

Elliott, A. N., & Richmond, J. M. (2006). The relationship of poly-victimization during childhood and physical and psychological health in college-age women. Paperpresented at the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (ISTSS) in Hollywood, California, November 2006.

Elliott, A. N. (2005). Presided, Paper Session titled “Gender and health”. Spring Conference, The Center for Gender Studies at RadfordUniversity, Radford, VA.

Elliott, A. N. (2005, February). Working with non-offending parents of sexually abused children.

Paper presented at the Women’s Resource Center, Radford, Virginia.

Lawson, L., & Elliott, A. N. (2004). Beginners Guide to Research Or Why Can’t they Just Speak English? The American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children 12th Annual Colloquium, Hollywood,California.

Aspelmeier, J. & Elliott, A. N. (2004). Attachment, childhood sexual abuse, and negative outcomes among young adult females: Mediators or moderators? International Association for Relationship Research Conference. Madison, WI.

Sterling, J., & Elliott, A. N. (2004). Understanding attachment problems in abused and foster youth. Children’s Justice Conference, Belleview,WA.

Elliott, A. N. (2004). Reactions of non-offending parents to the sexual abuse of their child.12th Annual Children’s Justice Conference. Bellevue, Washington.

van Eys, P. & Elliott, A. N. (2004). Attachment and Child maltreatment. 20th National Symposium on Child Abuse, Huntsville, Al.

van Eys, P. & Elliott, A. N. (2004). A non-offensive treatment of non-offending parents. 20th National Symposium on Child Abuse, Huntsville, Al.

Elliott, A. N., Burroughs, J., & Mowbray, M. (2004). Radford University Child Abuse Awareness Training required by Senate Bill 92 of the 2002 General Assembly.

Elliott, A. N. (2003). Cognitive behavioral treatment of child sexual abuse. Virginia Psychological Association/Virginia Association of School Psychologists, Charlottesville, VA. (Invited speaker).

Elliott, A. N. (2003). Cognitive behavioral treatment of sexually abused children. Creative Impulse Seminar series, Roanoke Higher Education Center.

Elliott, A. N. (2003). Reactions of nonoffending parents to the sexual abuse of their child. Invited speaker for the Nineteenth National Symposium on Child Abuse, Huntsville, AL.

Elliott, A. N. (2003). Attachment theory and its application to sexual abuse. Invited speaker for the Nineteenth National Symposium on Child Abuse, Huntsville, AL.

Elliott, A. N. (2002). Reactions of nonoffending parents to the sexual abuse of their child. Invited speaker for the 8th Annual South Carolina Professional Colloquium on Child Abuse, Charleston, SC.