Middle School Art
Syllabus 2016-2017
Course Description:Instructor: Katie Knutson
This course will be an exciting hands-on journey through Art History! We will work through the major art movements of the Western World, as well as important artwork in Africa, Asia and beyond. We will study specific artists and their techniques. Homework and projects will give each student a chance to explore more thoroughly what we have touched on in class. Homework will be given weekly and there will be four projects throughout the year. We will dialogue about each other’s artwork and make presentations. We will use all sorts of media, from drawing and painting to printmaking and sculpture! This fun survey course will guide your student through art history, while giving your child the perspective that Our Creator is evident in what man creates through time and around the world.
Text: Great Studio Projects in Art History, by William Reid, 2002 paperback
ISBN# 082513852
Cave Paintings to Picasso, The Inside Scoop on 50 Art Masterpieces, by Henry Sayre, ISBN # 081183767x
Mrs. Knutson’s contact information:
Katie Knutson 423-902-8088. Call or text.
Website for class:
Password: CASSAT
Places to shop for Art Supplies:
●Dick Blick Art Materials online
●Hobby Lobby
●Art Creations: 201 Frazier Ave (423-266-3626)
E Brainerd, 7351 Commons Blvd. (423-531-7606)
●Michael’s: 2200 Hamilton Place Blvd, Chattanooga, TN 37421; 600 Northgate Mall Dr, Chattanooga; 2025 Battlefield Pkwy, Fort Oglethorpe
Attendance: 30%
Homework: 10%
Art Experiences: 15%
Projects: 25%
Class Participation: 20%
Attendance is very important. I realize that family issues come up, but if you are absent please contact me about catching up on work at home.
Homework is also very important. The more we practice the better we will be!
Art Experiences: Each Middle School student is required to do TWO Art Experiences a semester. There are several options for Art Experiences.
- Interview- write down 5 to 10 questions and answers you have from interviewing an artist. It can be anyone in your life that regularly creates art. There are plenty of opportunities to meet and talk to artists, if you’re interested in interviewing and need some options, talk to me.
- Report- Research an artist. Tell me a little bit about the artist’s life, what their major style is, and how they influence your artistic inspiration and/or the world of the arts. It does not need to be a Master Artist. You can do a report on your favorite illustrator, game designer, local artist, as long as you can obtain information that is valid for a report.
- Visit- Go to a gallery, museum or art festival, bring a flier from the place you visit. If you can’t bring a flier, write up a paragraph or two about what you saw, who you met and what you liked best.
- Copy- Copy a piece of artwork that you like of a Master Artist*. It must be completed as similarly to the original. For instance, if the original is in color, please finish it in color, not just a pencil sketch. If it is an oil painting you do not have to create an oil painting, but maybe use colorful pastels instead.
Projects: All students will have two projects for the fall and two in the spring. Students will present their projects before the class and answer questions from the teacher and fellow students.
★Project #1: Tell A Story: Pictograms. This project will be a reflection of our learning about ancient artwork that very often tells a story. Stories about what cultures do, what they believe, or a culture’s history. This project will encourage students to tell a story through pictures and symbols. (mid October)
★Project #2: Portrait. This project will reflect our learning about the human figure and how and why portraits were created throughout history. (end of first semester)
★Project #3: Painting Project. This project will be a reflection of what we have learned about many Master Artist’s painting techniques. This project will also include a short, typed paper on a Master Artist* will also be required. (early to mid March)
★Project #4: Invention or Expression. This project will reflect our learning about artwork in the 20th century. Students will have the opportunity to chose whether to create a unique three dimensional piece that shows invention or an expressive piece of artwork. (end of second semester)
* A Master Artist is a celebrated artist that is published either in reputable, educational literature, like a library book or textbook.
Class Participation:
I expect each student to abide by HHL’s rules and guidelines. I expect each student to work diligently in class and be prepared to respond to questions about their work, especially projects. I understand being nervous, but I hope we will practice enough in class that students will get used to the kinds of questions I will ask, and their fellow students will ask.
Special Info:
Art Shows-Contests-Further Opportunities-Extras
●DONATIONS! If you or someone you know has anything to donate to the HHL Art Department, like raw materials, collections of paper, fabric, or interesting objects, please contact me! I’ve taken everything from rubber stamps to bicycle parts!
●We usually have a People’s Choice Award contest after one of our projects. Stay tuned for which one! I hang the artwork in the hall and let the entire HHL community vote on their favorite piece of artwork. The winner gets an art supply prize suited just for them! Families are SO welcome to COME and VOTE!
●HHL art students are always welcomed to participate in the Federal Junior Duck Stamp Program. It’s a contest where you get to draw or paint waterfowl. We’ve had HHL students win several awards! Check out for more details.
●During exam week, we will have a final show of the final projects. Families are welcome to attend and admire the students’ hard work!
Places to Visit:
❏Hunter Museum: First Sunday of each month is FREE! Activities for younger kids too!
❏High Museum in Atlanta: Beautiful building, great special events, and a romp-room for younger kiddies!
❏4 Bridges Art Festival: mid-April. A very strong art festival with lots of wonderful local art, food, music and a kids tent. @ $10 for 18 and up, kids are free.
“Creativity takes Courage”
-Henri Matisse