Geometry CC
Ms. Hourahan
Course Description: Grade 10, 1 year, 1 credit, Factor 8, Course #3102S
This course focuses on the NYS mathematics curriculum in preparation for the Geometry Regents exam in June. An attached lab period allows students additional time to explore/discover concepts. Students will analyze geometric shapes; identify and justify geometric relationships formally and informally; utilize the properties of transformations and symmetry in problem solving situations and solve problems involving coordinate geometry. They will be expected to present valid arguments justified by axioms, definitions and theorems. The course culminates in June with Regents examinations. Prerequisite: Successful completion of CC Algebra
Required MaterialsIn Class EVERY DAY
- Graphing calculators will be available for in-class use only. The recommended calculator is theTexas Instruments TI-84+ graphing calculator.
- a three-ring binder with paper
- pens, pencils
- your completed homework from the night before
You are expected to bring these items with you to class when you come.
- Attendance: Regular attendance in class is one of the keys to success. If you are absent for any reason, including field trips, you are responsible for making up any missed work. Missed work includes homework, notes, quizzes, tests, or warm-ups. If you are absent on the day of a test, you must schedule an appointment to make up the test.
- Be on time and prepared: You are to be in your seat with your homework out when the bell rings. You are expected to work for the entire period. There is no food or drinks allowed in the classroom except water. If you are going to be late you must bring a pass from the teacher or staff member that detained you. If you are late without a pass, you will be assigned detention after school.
- Warm-ups: Warm-ups are to be done at the beginning of class each day while the homework is being checked. Some warm-ups may be collected and graded.
- Homework: Homework will be checked every day for effort and completeness. Homework will be given a score of 0, I, or a check. A zero does not count for credit, an I counts for half credit, and a check counts as full credit (1 point). It is important that you try every problem, show all work for each problem, and show all attempts at problems that you couldn’t solve. Do not leave a question blank. Late homework is not accepted unless you have been absent from school. If you are missing class for a school sponsored field trip it is expected that the homework due that day still be turned in before you leave for the trip; and the next assignment will be due the following day. If no homework is turned in on the day of the field trip and the next day you are unprepared you will receive two scores of zero for homework. Two homework assignments per quarter may be missed without penalty.
- Class Participation: Class participation includes attentiveness, participation in class activities, good behavior, assistance in daily classroom tasks, attending after school help sessions, assisting your peers, etc.
- Tests and Quizzes: Tests will be announced. Quizzes may be both announced and unannounced.
- Be respectful of yourself, your classmates, and your teacher!
- Come for extra help – and not just the day before the test!
Extra help will be available after school in room 110 from 2:05 – 2:45.
- 30% Homework and Lab Class Work
- 5%Class Participation
- 65% Tests, Quizzes, Projects, and Warm-ups