The 4G Challenge

Part 4 – Go!

Luke 12:31


What a great start to the year we’ve had so far! We’re just 1/12 of the way through the year so far. You’ve got eleven more months to reach your goals and make this year the best ever.

The 4G Challenge has been just what we needed as a church family. Although this is the last Sunday of our series, the 4G Challenge continues for another 62 Days. That means you and I are going to continue to gather, grow, give and go~.

So to finish our series today we are going to deal with the last "G". Go. When you hear the word “Go” what do you think of first? You probably think of a question. A one word question. Where?

If I’m told to “go” then that’s the first thing I want to know, “where”? Since this 4G Challenge is all about becoming radically devoted followers of Christ, then we need to ask that question of Jesus? “Where do you want me to go Jesus?”

And here’s his answer:

Matt 28:18-20

18 Jesus came and told his disciples, "I have been given complete authority in heaven and on earth. 19 Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. 20 Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age."


So Jesus tells his radical disciples to “go”. And if we’re going to ask him “where”, then we need to understand just what word Jesus used for “go”.

I mean is Jesus telling me to “Go to the other side of the world? Or to a specific country? Or to a specific person? Where?”

The word “go” Jesus used in the Greek is…

Go – “poreuomai” - "to go on one's way, to proceed from one place to another"

(from Vine's Expository Dictionary of Biblical Words, Copyright © 1985, Thomas Nelson Publishers.)

So really, Jesus is telling all radically devoted followers to “go on your way” and make disciples of all the people you meet as you proceed from one place to another.”

In other words, this “going” should be an extremely natural thing.

You see, the fact is, you “go” everyday. (except maybe this past week because of the weather. Did anyone else get cabin fever this week?)

But on most every morning, you get up and you get ready, then you leave your house and you “go”. You go to work, you go to get gas, you go to eat, you go to buy groceries, you go to the mall, you go to school, you go to your friends house, you go to the movies, you go to the gym, you go to the bathroom… wait a minute, that may not apply. But anyway, you get the point right?

So, this “going” Jesus commands us all to do, isn’t really something strange. It doesn’t take years of education and training to do. You’re already “going”. You’ve been going all your life. So Jesus is simply saying, “When you get up in the morning and you begin “going”, you’re primary purpose is now to make disciples.”

It’s really a change in the purpose of your going, not the place you’re going. We tend to equate the Great Commission with only missionaries who “go” to foreign countries to make disciples. Now, they are certainly “going” like Jesus asks, but you don’t have to be a missionary to a foreign country to obey this command to “go”. You don’t have to change the “place” you’re going… just the purpose of your going.

That’s not to say that Jesus doesn’t call some people to uproot everything and actually “go to other nations” to make disciples. He certainly does. And if you feel like God may be calling you to “go” to a different place than where you live now so you can make disciples in another country, then you should obey that calling and “go”.

But, just go back with me to when Jesus gave this original commission. Who was he talking to? He wasn’t talking to a missions board. He wasn’t talking to people who were career missionaries. He was talking to people whose means of transportation was very limited. They basically walked everywhere they went. Now, sometimes they would board a ship and travel to different countries and lands. The Apostle Paul is a perfect example of that. But for the most part, he was talking to people just like you and I, who lived in a particular area and would most likely not travel more than a 50 mile radius.

So the idea is, Jesus said, “As you’re going about your normal activities of your day, make every attempt to influence and invite people to become disciples. Teach them to do as I’ve taught you to do.”

So, don’t think that since you’ve not been called to foreign missions, that the “go” in the Great Commission doesn’t apply to you. It does. It applies to every radically devoted follower of Jesus Christ. And that’s what you want to be, right? Right?!

Now here’s the question. How do I obey Jesus’ command to “go” make disciples?

You see, you don’t need to be trained how to go. You’re going already. Like I said, we all “go” everyday to a lot of different places. So, as I’m going, how do I change the purpose of my going to coincide with the Great Commission? Again it should be a very natural thing for me to do. How Do I make sure that when I go, I’m Influencing, Investing in, and Inviting the people I cross paths with to become disciples?

Let me give you three suggestions:

Make An Attempt To Connect (Influence)

Matthew 5:16

“…let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven. “

That fact is, most of us are so wrapped up in our own lives and our own agendas, that we just blaze right by people without even slowing down to consider how we might connect with them.

I know you’re busy, so am I. I’m not suggesting that you quit your job and disconnect from all other activities to walk around trying to spiritually connect with people. That would probably creep people out a little bit. ~ ( “Hey man, you’ve been following me around all day”! – “I just want to connect with you”)

The idea here is intentional influence. It has to be intentional, it has to be planned because if we don’t plan for it, we will never do it.

There’s a lot of natural ways to intentionally connect with other people.

How about looking people in the eye and smiling?

How about making sure you have a positive attitude around the people you work with?

How about asking someone you know over to your house for a meal or to play a game?

How about sending someone a card or a letter? (It’s kind of a lost art today).

How about simply inviting someone you know or maybe just met to come to church with you on Double Attendance Day?

How about hosting a block party?

How about starting a bible study at work or school. (If it’s not allowed there, hand out some invitations to meet at a coffee shop or your house for bible study. You might be surprised how often people who are not even Christians are interested in studying the Bible.)

The key is, you’ve got to be intentional about it. You have to be intentional in the invitation, and also intentional in making sure there’s a spiritual connection opportunity for them. Even if it’s just praying before a meal or inviting them to your Grow Group or Church.

Ask yourself this question: What could I do to intentionally attempt to naturally connect to people around me?

Move From Apathy To Action (Invest)

I want to talk about a perfect example of compassion in action. It’s from Luke 10. Jesus tells a parable about a man who had been robbed and beaten and left for dead on the side of the road. ~

Luke 10:33-37

33 But a Samaritan , as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him. 34 He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he put the man on his own donkey, took him to an inn and took care of him.

35 The next day he took out two silver coins and gave them to the innkeeper. 'Look after him,' he said, 'and when I return, I will reimburse you for any extra expense you may have.' 36 "Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?"

37 The expert in the law replied, "The one who had mercy on him." Jesus told him, "Go and do likewise."

Check out verse 36 again. He uses the word “neighbor”.

Who’s My Neighbor?

plesion (play-see'-on): “The person close by”

That’s proof that the people we should be influencing, and investing in are the people who through the course of our normal activities, we come in contact with.

That man who was robbed wasn’t the next door neighbor of the Samaritan! He didn’t even live in the same country. But their paths crossed! ~

Look at all the ways this Samaritan sprang into action:

He saw him – Take time to look around you and look people in the eye.

He took pity on him – That means he was moved emotionally because of the condition of the man. We should be moved with compassion when we truly understand the spiritual condition of those who don’t have a relationship with Jesus Christ. ~

He took care of him – He did something practical to show he cared. We might not have to take someone to the hospital, but we can do little things for people so they know we care. Remember their birthday, give them something, invest some time in their interests, mow their lawn, offer to let them borrow something, etc.

He invested in his recovery – People are hurting. Invest something in people that are hurting to help them heal. Buy them a book, make them a meal, offer to pray for them (and do it right then~).

All those things require action. We’ve got to move from apathy to action. You’ve heard of a gut check? Well, this requires a “heart check”. Do you really care? If the answer is no, then you’re apathetic and you will take no action.

Muster The Nerve To Share Jesus (Invite)

This is what separates us from any other social organization. ~

We must remember that the number one priority as we go and show love to others is to introduce them to the Love of God, not just our love for them. ~

A lot of people like the idea of being willing to connect, and stepping up to the plate by actually getting involved in helping people close by. But, it’s a whole different step to go ahead and cross into this territory of actually sharing Jesus with that person.

I have been at the threshold of sharing Jesus with people many times and I just couldn’t muster the nerve to go ahead and start that conversation.

But there have been many other times I have crossed that threshold and it’s always amazing how God takes over at the point of my greatest fear.

Jude 22-23

“Show mercy to those whose faith is wavering. Rescue others by snatching them from the flames of judgment. There are still others to whom you need to show mercy, but be careful that you aren't contaminated by their sins.”

1 Peter 3:15

Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,


If you look back at each of these three ways to show God’s love, you see that this is exactly what Jesus did for us.

Influence – He made the attempt to connect with us.

Invest – He paid the price for our sin.

Invite – He gave us the invitation:

Matt 11:28-30

28 Then Jesus said, "Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle, and you will find rest for your souls.