Register Today for the Sun SentineleEdition for the 2013-2014 school year!

Dear Educator,

Enclosed is the registration information for the Sun Sentinel in your classroom. As always, we are offering it free of charge. NIEfundraise over $300,000 annually to make this possible.

As we did last year, we are offering the complete Sun Sentinel in anelectronic format. That means you can access an electronic version of the complete Sun Sentinel online, through your email address. This is an exact replica of the print version of the Sun Sentinel. There will not be any print copies of the Sun Sentinel available this year.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  1. Can I get the electronic version on days that I choose, or do I have to take it every day? You must order the eEdition each day,Monday through Friday. An e-mail will appear in your inbox by 7 a.m. each morning, notifying you of the paper’s availability.
  1. How many copies can I order? We will purchase “licenses” to access the eEdition for the number you specify, usually one per student. You cannot order more eEditions than the TOTAL number of students you have. For example, if you have 90 students you may order up to 90 eEditions. If you project the paper on an overhead or Smart Board with 30 students viewing the paper at one time, you would request 30 licenses. For media centers, you would order 1 license per computer.
  1. What are the advantages and benefits of an eEdition?

-Great source for INFORMATIONAL TEXT.

-Access to back issues of the Sun Sentinel.

-No need to locate, lift, carry, or recycle daily papers.

-Translate articles to 200 languages in seconds!

-Audio feature which reads articles aloud so your students can follow along.

-Enlarge font, print articles, email articles, and hyperlink to web addresses.

-View on desktop/laptop, tablet, and smart phone.

-Online access is familiar to your students.

To register for the eEdition, go to:and select SIGN UP NOW FOR 2013-2014 eEdition – please make sure to sign up for Sun Sentinel and NOT Orlando Sentinel

Visit foreEdition lesson plans updated daily, video news, activity sheets, curricula and many more resources to make using the Sun Sentinel in your classroom simple.

More information on accessing the eEdition of the Sun Sentinel and online lessons will be forthcoming. If you have questions, email:.

At the end of the school year you will be required to complete an affidavit stating you requested and received the paper.