Unit 8:Continued Move to Modernity
Chapters 23 - 24
1. Define "Second Industrial Revolution". What effects did it have on European economic and social life?
2. What were some important developments in industry during the Second Industrial Revolution? Why was each important?
3. Define "Cartel". What role did cartels play in the formation of new industrial markets?
4. How did industrialization spread and change during this period? What countries dominated which industries?
5. How did a "division of labor" develop among European countries?
6. How did new opportunities develop for women during this period?
7. What roles did socialist parties and trade unions play in improving conditions for the working class?
8. Define "Evolutionary Socialism / Revisionism". How does this compare to "Marxism".
9. How did nationalism prevent a barrier to international socialism?
10. What is a "mass society". What were the major characteristic of each aspect of mass society that developed?
Population Growth -
Urban Environment -
New Social Structure -
Gender Issues -
Mass Education -
Mass Leisure -
11. What roles were women expected to play in society and family life in the latter half of the 19th century? How closely did patters of family life correspond to this ideal?
12. Define "Mass Politics". How is this evident in the countries of
Britain -
France -
Spain -
Italy -
13. How did the trends of mass politics in Western Europe differ from the policies pursued in Germany, Austria -Hungary, and Russia?
14. Identify the contributions, theories, and importance of the following individuals:
Marie and Pierre Curie -
Max Planck -
Albert Einstein -
Friedrich Nietzsche -
Henri Bergson -
Georges Sorel -
15. Examine the theories put forth by Sigmund Freud. What were some of his most important developments and revelations? How did his theories impact mass European society?
16. What is Social Darwinism? What were the implications of the belief when applied to human society? What effect did it have on nationalism? Explain how Darwinism was applied to imperialism.
17. List and describe the reasons that established churches came "under attack" during ht late nineteenth and twentieth century.
18. Explain the responses of the Catholic Church through the examination of: Pope Pius's Syllabus of Errors and Leo XIII's De RerumNovarum.
19. Describe naturalism? How is Emile Zola related to this movement?
20. Describe Impressionism an post-Impressionism (Pissarro, Monet, Morisot, Van Gogh). What was it in response to? What were some of its influences? How did it fundamentally alter the European landscape?
21. What difficulties did women and Jews face in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries? What were their goals and how successful were they in achieving their goals?
22. Describe some of the concerns of the working class (particularly in England, Italy, and Germany). How did governments and Liberal organizations deal with these issues? Who was David Lloyd George?
23. What effect did industrialization have on Russian society? What did the Social Revolutionaries work to do?
24. Examine the cause of the new imperialism that took place after 1880. Describe what you believe to be the most important causes.
25. What effect did the European quest for colonies have on Africa?
26. Describe the Bismarckian System of Alliance. How successful was it in maintaining order?
27. What were some of the primary problems in the Balkans? What were some o the activities of the Congress of Berlin?
28. Who was included in the Triple Alliance of 1882? What were their primary goals?
29. Examine the long range, underlying, and immediate causes of World War I. (Make sure you understand these!!!)